Internazionali BNL d'Italia 2011

ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。

Internazionali BNL d'Italia 2011

未読記事by mint » 2011年5月09日(月) 08:06


もう始まってます :banana:

Official Site



なんと :shock: またタフな試合が続きそうです
記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫

Re: Internazionali BNL d'Italia 2011

未読記事by 俄フェレリスタ » 2011年5月10日(火) 00:05

元帥閣下は、1回戦は試合なし。2回戦がバグやんこと、バグダティスかツォンガとの試合ですね。2回戦からこれかよっ!!! Giro d’Italiaの主催者並みに、Masters@永遠の都の主催者が元帥閣下に嫌がらせをしてるようですな。
で、Giro d’Italiaもその影響を受けて、コースに、長靴国の歴史の変化に大きくまつわる地域を選ぶなど、何かと特別仕様です。例年は、何処かのホールで行われるチームプレゼンテーションが、長靴国の統一150周年記念式典の一部として、選手がトリノの広場まで行進。沿道に多くの観客が来て身動きがとれず、式典が1時間半以上もかかったそうです。選手がぐったりした事は想像できます。
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 158
登録日時: 2007年5月15日(火) 20:51
お住まい: 三重県

Re: Internazionali BNL d'Italia 2011

未読記事by mint » 2011年5月11日(水) 07:36

水曜日のOOPです :D


日本時間2時半 :(
またきつい時間だな~ :shock:

トォンガ・・・これもまたきついな~ :shock:

元気なロジャーの姿を早く観たいよ~~ :pray:
記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫

Re: Internazionali BNL d'Italia 2011

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年5月11日(水) 10:22

mintさん、OOP有難うございます。初っ端からツォンガって厳しすぎません?その上2時半、こちらもキツイ。。でも頑張る :yeah:

pre-tournament 会見

およその内容はローマの公式サイトに(ATPよりこっちのほうが詳しい)。・・・はい、変わらずMr.Positive-Thinking ですね。 ... press.aspx
イタリアのガゼッタTVの会見ビデオもあります。なんかリラックスしてる :lol: ... ce87d2800a

There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Internazionali BNL d'Italia 2011

未読記事by Riko » 2011年5月12日(木) 02:28

ローマ。 もうすぐはじまりますね :D
Federer fan
Federer fan
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Re: Internazionali BNL d'Italia 2011

未読記事by mint » 2011年5月12日(木) 05:58


気になるのは、ファーストセットのSFSで何度もBPを何度かにぎられ、SPをとってもジュースに戻され・・・この繰り返し :(
ビシッと決めてよね :pray:

なんとなく、BPを握られても、大丈夫っていう気持ちがありましたね :yeah:


記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫

Re: Internazionali BNL d'Italia 2011

未読記事by mint » 2011年5月12日(木) 09:35


私のTou Tubeのアカウントはできないのですが、15分以内とされてるアップが、制限なしにできました。


記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫

Re: Internazionali BNL d'Italia 2011

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年5月12日(木) 12:55

mintさん、ありがと :感謝感激:  早起き、頑張ると言いながら、ハッと気が付いたら4時過ぎ。試合終わってました :ashamed:
クリーンな良い試合でしたが、確かにSFSとMPすっきり決めて欲しかったかな。 ・・・ユチュの謎はわかりませぬ :huh?:
この笑顔を見れば言う事なし :yeah:

on courtのSkySportインタビュー動画,26691,12602_6927654,00.html
SS: Roger, I'm delighted to say, can join us. Good to speak to you. Roger, we actually heard from ET (oops, I mean 'Rafa') a little earlier on today who was talking about the difficulties in adjusting from Madrid to Rome. You didn't seem to have too many problems out there this evening. How comfortable did you feel on court tonight?

RF: Well, I felt good, you know. I think that maybe it was also the opponent that was the right one to catch maybe, in this first round, I'm not sure, you know. Maybe if I would have played a grinder, you know, a guy who plays only on clay all year long, you know, kind of thing, maybe it would have been tougher too, like the kind of opponent Rafa played. You know, I wasn't happy with the draw, sawing [sic: he means 'seeing'] Tsonga coming my way in the first round, or Baghdatis, so I'm really pleased the way I came out today. I didn't make too many mistakes, and I think I served well. It was just all around the sort of performance which is needed in a first round like this. (It's the second round, Roger. icon_wink.gif)

SS: I read an interesting article yesterday where you were saying that you were getting close to winning these kindss of tournaments again. What do you feel has been the missing ingredient, and how close are you to rediscovering it?

RF: Well, I think I played extremely well at the end of last year. I think I'm the last guy to beat Djokovic, and I beat him three straight times at the end of last year, at least, three out of four times at the end of the year. So I mean, I played really well, and I've actually started well also this year. I played great in Qatar. I think that we played a fantastic match against each other in Australia, Novak and myself, and it was just a bit unfortunate to get a set, at least a set out of it, and then I could have won the match. But that's the way it went, and then Novak was on a roll, in Dubai in the finals, in Indian Wells in the semis, and then I just had, you know, a bad performance in Miami in the semis there against Rafa, then next thing you're on clay. So I don't think I've had a bad season. People can always describe it as a bad one, because they expect more from me, but I think I was really close in many of the matches, and it's up to me now to define what has been missing. I don't think there's much been missing - mentally I'm really well and strong, and physically, I feel better than in a long time again, and that makes me feel good about my chances coming up in the next few months.

SS: And on that note, I mean you've obviously been there and done it. But ahead of the French Open, do you feel that you need a victory over Djokovic or Nadal, ahead of Roland Garros?

RF: It would be nice, you know. I don't feel like I necessarily need it; I'm not, you know, 22 in the world that I need that proof that I can do it. I've beaten those guys on plenty of occasions. It would definitely boost the confidence and the belief even just a touch. But I know I can do it when I'm playing well, and I'm doing all the right things at the moment, so if they come my way at the French, you know, I hope I can do it. But it's important to stay focussed and cool on what I need to do, and not focus too much on all those guys, even though there's a lot of talk about them at the moment. It's important to win these kind of matches to actually get there, and that's what people sometimes tend to forget.

SS: Roger, thanks so much for talking to us. Good luck against Gasquet. We look forward to watching that one later in the week. Thanks a lot.

RF: Thank you. (smiles) All right. Thanks, guys. Bye-bye.


スクリプト見つからない。およその内容はこちらで。 ... songa.aspx
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by つるるん5 » 2011年5月13日(金) 03:23

Federer fan
Federer fan
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登録日時: 2009年8月03日(月) 19:37
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Re: Internazionali BNL d'Italia 2011

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年5月14日(土) 09:50

コード: 全て選択
Q: Roger was that match you should have won?
FEDERER: Yes -- I think so. I had multiple chances ……. In the second set 4,4 and so I really thought so.  That is how it goes. Sometimes it is unfortunate cos I was playing well and then it didn’t happen at all any more so it was a disappointing end to the match.

Q: Roger is this something you can put your finger on why you could not play?
FEDERER: Well no.  It was tough to play and the court was slippery and Richard started to play better as the match went on and in particular his serve and I was able to hang in with the match and perhaps that was worse.  It was tough and I never thought I was going to win the break and it was not fun to play that way.  I tried and he did well again.

Q: Gasquet is not really known for his grit and determination.  Were you surprised by how it hung in there -- particularly in the second set?
At No -- clay is his surface and its never going to get too physical.  I think in the best of three sets matches there is a huge think that plays a role and he broke me back. He is a good enough player and if you do not play very well then you give it to him and he plays well and then beats you.  He is very talented and he cuts his errors to the minimum and he is a very good player.

Q: How does this result affect your preparation for the Roland Garros?
FEDERER: Not a whole lot.  I think I am definitely happy to have a couple of days off, 2, 3 or 4 days off to feel physically and mentally fresh for the French Open.  I am feeling great now and I’ll practice when I get to Paris and that is the plan so it is in the same the last few years and that at this time I will get a couple more days of which is not bad.

Q:  Obviously you are very disappointed to love a match like this that you get a grip on but the level of tennis that you play seemed to be encouraging.  Can you talk about that?
FEDERER: Yes if I was sitting here an hour ago I would have been very happy because I would have won the match in straight sets 64, 63 and everyone would have been more relaxed …… is nothing to panic.  It was just that it is not a whole lot of fun to play that way but it will not affect my preparation and work for the French Open …….I will be fine.  I definitely think I should not have lost this match and that is kind of annoying.

Q: Roger did Richard surprise you in a way because it was a long time that he did not play so well.  It is surprising?
FEDERER: Not really because I think he played well in Doha – it is just that he has not beaten anyone recently.  That does not mean to say he has been playing poorly – that is how tennis players are looked at.  I think he played a good match and he knew how close he was and sure, he’ll tell you about it. I think as the match wore on he started to feel better because the game was going towards his favour and I could not make the difference because I just could not.  That is how it went.

Q: Gasquet is now very well known for having a very good backhand but not so good a forehand.  When you surprised about that and do you remember when we played in Monte Carlo and you lost a match with him -- do you see any similarities in the matches or not?
FEDERER:  Listen, there is something that you have to understand.  Richard is a very good player.  So please do not be surprised if he plays good tennis.  That is what you are supposed to do.  I played him in the semis in Wimbledon, the finals in Hamburg and the finals of Toronto and I think he does not need to prove his point that he can play tennis.  It makes it seem as if he has no forehand and this is the first time he has.  I do not think that is how it was and I do not know if you have been living under a rock or not but I think he has been playing really well for many years and definitely – and at his level -- if you are not in the top 10 all the time and go up and down and obviously there are high expectations from France, well because he was so talented.  I mean if you refer to the match in Monaco -- I do not care -- it has been five or six years and it was a completely different match and he was such a young player and it was amazing victory.  I think he also celebrated that more than he will celebrate this one today because he expected more a victory today than back then. ... derer.aspx

「Roger Federer Tweener Rome 2011 Hot Shot Between The Legs 」・・・・・・・・・やった瞬間「マズイ(>_<)!!!」と思いました ... ideo_title

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Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

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