ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。


投稿記事by プーさん » 2011年1月26日(水) 01:16

勝ちました~ :拍手: :拍手:
スタンくん・・・試合前は びっくり :shock: することもありましたけど、試合後はロジャとニッコリ笑顔で、ホッとしました。



内股・・・ :lol:

GoGoRoger!!!  :スイスフラッグ:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 104
登録日時: 2010年1月25日(月) 16:17
お住まい: 神奈川県


投稿記事by fuyu » 2011年1月28日(金) 15:41

:しくしく: :大泣き: Rogiが全豪からいなくなっちゃいました。
ごめん、Rogi、試合毎にカキコしなかった、色々記事見つけてたのにサボって紹介しなかった私の所為です :頭突き: ←オタ特有の勘違い病 :oops:
途中からTVから遠~~~~く離れて正座して観戦していました :退散:

1st set の最初のゲームでブレークできてたら、TBでfirstが入ってたら、2nd set のSFSを決めていたら・・・・止めましょう。。
メンタルが問題だ、勝利にどん欲でない、2setdown でも余裕だった、と言う人もいますが、それは当たっていないと思います。


画像 ←やっと良い写真みつけた :)
コード: 全て選択
Q. Big disappointment. Thoughts on the game? What went wrong?

ROGER FEDERER: I thought he played a great match. I didn't think I played bad myself, so it was a match played at a very high intensity for a long period of time.

Clearly it's disappointing to lose, but what to do if he plays well on the big points, and potentially maybe I didn't. It was a tough match.

Q. Physically how much did the match take out of you? Did you feel at any point you were getting weary, that he was wearing you down?

ROGER FEDERER: No, not really. I'm feeling really good considering how intense it was. It was a three hour match over three sets and, you know, I don't take much time in between points. It's maybe even a longer match if you like.

No, I felt good. It was intense. We had long, tough rallies and played at a very high speed and everything. So sure, you feel it a little bit, but obviously I was ready for another two sets easily. Pity that I couldn't push him there.

Q. You couldn't defend the title. What do you think about this?

ROGER FEDERER: I couldn't? Yes, I could not.

Q. How do you feel?

ROGER FEDERER: I feel okay, because I'm healthy. I wish I had a chance on Sunday, but, look, Novak was the better player tonight. You got to accept that and move on from here.

It's not the end in any way. It's a start for many other tournaments after this. Sure, it's disappointing and it hurts in the moment itself. I wish I could have won here again for the fifth time.

But wasn't possible tonight.

Q. Do you feel like there's anything tactically you could have done different or anything that you would have changed if you had to do it over again?

ROGER FEDERER: Um, well, the night session against Gilles Simon. Playing at night here makes it pretty tricky to actually move a whole lot to be quite honest, because as the match goes on and it gets a bit cooler the ball bounces less. So, the spinny balls don't really have that affect so the flatter you hit it the more effect it has overall.

But then you get used to that. When it's that kind of condition, every point is basically played the same way. It's pretty tough, you know. But I wish it was a bit different, maybe use the kick a bit more and slices would stay lower through the air. But look, I've been successful here under all circumstances, night and day, windy and hot, whatever. When you end up losing you wish you had different conditions.

I think he managed the conditions well. He played great. He played well when he had to. Yeah, he deserved to win at the end.

Q. Will you watch the remainder of the tournament or will you give it a break?

ROGER FEDERER: It's always a classic question. I don't know why you care. I don't know what my plans are quite yet. I doubt it because I don't switch on the TV a whole lot when I'm elsewhere with the family, so...

Q. (Question regarding who will win the final)

ROGER FEDERER: Well, I don't know who is in the final yet on the other side. I fancy Murray's chances to go through. Then again, it's night. I don't know how that's going to match up against each other.

I'm sure it's going to be an exciting final. I mean, obviously if Novak plays at this level, he's got his chances; if Murray continues playing at his level he'll have his chances too. Ferrer played a fantastic match yesterday.

Yeah, regardless it's going to be a great end to the tournament.

Q. Tonight you had chances to win the second set. You were up. Then you played a dropshot on his breakpoint and you lost your serve. You were close to the net. Do you think you lack some lucidity?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, I think the start to the game wasn't the best one already. 5 3, I think, I was right away down Love 15, I think. I was always playing catch up until I had something of a chance. The dropshot was just adding one. Him getting the extra ball back in a tough way. He moved so well side to side that you have to try to get him forward too at times.

On that one he predicted it might happen and played it well. I should definitely not have given that game away. It was crucial for the remainder of the match clearly. But I've won matches in straight sets against him at the US Open where I should have never won in straights. I ended up doing it because things just fell my way and tonight was one of those nights it went his way. Every time I had slight opportunity, either I didn't play my best and he played his best.

It was a tough night from this standpoint. Those are sometimes the way matches go.

Q. Todd Woodbridge after the match was sort of suggesting that with Rafa injured and you out now that it was something of a passing of the torch.

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, they say that very quickly, so...

Let's talk in six months again.

Q. Having played this first Grand Slam, how are you feeling about the rest of the year?

ROGER FEDERER: I feel very good. I'm very optimistic about the next 15 tournaments, however many I'm playing. I've barely lost matches lately really, so I'm happy with where my game is at, with where my condition is at.

I'm really excited for what's to come. This is obviously a bit of a blow. At the same time, I played a good tournament. I have no regrets. I left everything out there. We'll see what comes next.

Q. Do you think Novak has improved in any particular way?

ROGER FEDERER: Honestly, I thought he played a great end to the season as well. Played well at the US Open; played well before that, a little bit after that. His game doesn't go away overnight either. I was able to sort of get the better of him on a few occasions in a couple of close ones.

I think I beat him four out of five times at the end of the season, and that obviously hurt his end to the season so it makes it look like he didn't play great. Honestly, I think he was always there giving himself chances. Would he have maybe played at this level or would I have played a little level underneath that, he would've had an unbelievable end of the season.

But that's sometimes how it goes. Doesn't mean the guy that doesn't win the tournament can't play tennis. That's sometimes how things are portrayed. I had a great season last year, and I think I'll have another one this year.

Q. When you lost three years ago in three straight sets, 2008 here, do you see any similarity with that match and the one of tonight, apart from the scores?

ROGER FEDERER: Um, why compare?

Q. Just to find out if you played better tonight, the other time, or if he was playing different, if something changed or is exactly the same. Just an idea.

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I don't think it's not a greatest question, to be honest. What do you want me to say? I don't know what to tell you. I think it's irrelevant tonight.

Q. Two days ago, Novak said you are maybe the most aggressive player on the circuit. Do you think somehow he was more aggressive than you tonight?

ROGER FEDERER: I think we always try to play very aggressive against each other. Usually that's what players do against me; the more aggressive you play, the more aggressive they will almost have to play.

Like I said before, conditions allowed it really to hit full blast through the ball, especially the one end that was with the wind made it a bit easier than the other.

Look, Novak has great assets in his game and can go up the line on both sides, forehand, backhand, moves extremely well. He's a tough player to play against. You know, I felt that many times. He's felt my aggressiveness all the time.

It's a battle for almost who can play more aggressive. Tonight he was better and won the big points.

There's many good players out there. Not just the two of us. I think we face off quite well against each other.

Q. Was he putting a lot of pressure on your backhand side? Do you think that was a winning tactic for him?

ROGER FEDERER: I'm not sure if the match was won there, to be quite honest. I think was a few points here and there. If I had served it out in the second set, who knows what happens.

I was always going to be there physically and mentally. That's what I was going to try to test with Novak tonight , but I just couldn't do it. He snuck out on me on a few occasions. My bad a few times; his great play a sometimes. It was just bad combination for me tonight.

Q. You had a couple exchanges with the chair umpire. Was there anything about Novak's tactics or crowd noise that was bothering you that prompted those exchanges?

ROGER FEDERER: He's a nice guy, the umpire, so I kind of like to talk to him at times.

Q. Nothing bothered you?


Q. After Doha's final, Davydenko said if you play like that you would be unbeatable. How do you compare your form here and in Doha?

ROGER FEDERER: Obviously completely different circumstances with playing best of five. I still think I played a great tournament. I had some really good moments here these last couple of weeks.

Like I said, I don't think tonight was a bad match. I can move on from this with a good mindset, to be honest. That's what's important right now, that I don't feel like I have physical issues or I'm not playing the right way and whatever.

So I'm really positive what's ahead of me. I hope I'll stay healthy this time around in February, which has been a bit of an issue in the last couple years. So I hope this time around I'll be good, which then is going to help me through Dubai, Indian Wells, and Miami, and then going into the clay court season.

I'm playing well. Tonight, like I said,

I just ran into a player who was a bit better than me tonight. 

ファンはいつも試合で楽しませてもらい、その上に会見で元気づけられているような気がします。 :アリガトウ:

ドバイ迄は私達にとっては長いですが、Rogiにとっては短いでしょうね。休養とリフレッシュ、そして良いトレーニングができますように :pray:
画像  :ハグ2:

最後に(しつこい?苦笑)気休めかもしれませんがアナコーンさんのRogi評。「Annacone guides Federer back to form」 ... ess-012511
今後もこの体制がうまく機能して良い結果が出ますように :pray:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


投稿記事by fuyu » 2011年1月31日(月) 12:05

せっかく rf.commerさんが英訳して下さったので貼っておきます。
コード: 全て選択
Who is your tip for the final?

Murray is the more complete player but Djokovic played better so far. I think he will manage it to annoy Murray. In a final you can't allow to have any negative emotions otherwise you will lose. So my pick is Djokovic.

Many talk about the changing of the guard. You too?

I said something like that last year when Nadal lost. But now? Nadal got injured and hasn't been really healthy since the beginning of the year. But he always manages it to come back big. He always finds an area which he can improve. Nadal will be back, don't worry. But it's difficult to say whether he will ever be able to win 3 Majors in a year again. It's obvious that Djokovic got better continuily. Here in Melbourne he is playing better as during the US Open. Murray has also improved but I'm not sure whether he has become a bigger fighter.

What about Federer?

He changed his style, plays more aggressive. But it was already obvious at the US Open that it isn't a good idea to play that way against Djokovic because it is exactly what he loves. And he shouldn't use it also against Murray. He would have a better chance against Nadal playing like this but unfortunately he didn't have to play against Nadal here. The trick for Federer is to use both of his styles - the old one and the new one - in the right way.

That didn't worked against Djokovic. But wasn't it also that his backhand abandoned him?

That's exactly the point. It's difficult to control the onehanded backhand when you are playing from the near baseline as Federer and play against someone who plays back the back very fast. Then you have to read the bounce of the ball perfectly. You can stand that forward at such fast rallyes when you have a short swing like Agassi or like Djokovic on the backhand. Federer got better into the match in the 2nd set because he varied more, stand a bit back, played a few stopps and a bit Serve and Volley. But then - although it actually worked - he went back to his new style. Why did he do this? Did he want to prove something? It's a mystery to me.

Where exactly do you see the difference between Federer's old and new style?

He got more aggressive. He stands nearer to the baseline and takes the ball earlier, he tries to finish the points faster and to scare his opponents. He also comes more often to the net. In former times it was like he would say: Come on and show me what you have, I'm better than you anyway.

That was he indeed.

Yes, that's true. But unfortunately then someone appeared against whom his old style didn't worked anymore.

Rafael Nadal.

Exactly. But back to your question: No, I don't think that you can already talk about a changing of the guard. It's too early for this. Federer is on the right way but he hasn't found the right mix yet. He hasn't won a Major since his changes but at least the Masters.

Is Paul Annacone the right coach for him?

He is the right man for the change which he wants to make. But Federer shouldn't forget what he learned in former times. It is like in school. You learn something in the first class, in the second, in the third and you have to combine all this together.

Does Federer after all his victory still have the same hunger as before?

I don't remember that many matches which he won because he was hungry. He won because he just played very good. He got feeded for a long time so that he couldn't really become hungry. But then Rafael Nadal appeared and he always lost against him in the same way. You can lose but it is painful not to have an answer. That makes you hungry. Maybe he is even more hungry now than ever. But hunger alone doesn't make it. You need to find the right food, the fitting solutions. This is where Annacone now helps him.

Could the age become a problem for Federer?

Age is only a number. It's more about the way of life. He now has a wife and two children and a foundation in South Africa which he cares for. He has more things in mind. Maybe this helps him not to cramp. When the body doesn't feel the age it's not a problem, especially not for a Roger Federer, who has such a feather-light body. I don't think it's a problem for him to be 29 years old. You feel the age when you are 33 or 34 years. The difference are all the things which he now has beside tennis. Will they be negative for his career? I don't know. They are surely positive for him as a person though.

Where does he have the best chances for more Major titles?

In Wimbledon. Then at the US Open. The way he is playing now he won't have a chance at the French Open. He has to play more defensive there, maybe apart from playing against Nadal. But Wimbledon is still his tournament where he feels the most comfortable and the others the most uncomfortable. He can always win in Wimbledon.

Has he meanwhile lost his psychological advantage?

The psychological advantage has never been that big as many believed. Nobody was afraid of Federer. It was okay when you lost 1:6 1:6 1:6 against him. Then you have been a part of a Federer exhibition. For some players it was the best thing which could happen in their career. And Federer is too nice to beat you 6:0 6:0 6:0. But before matches against Nadal everyone thinks: Holy crap, I don't want to play this match. It won't be fun. When I was on the peak of my career, didn't make mistakes, I felt in the lockerroom that there were players who hated it to play against me. Nobody hates it to play against Federer. It's fun to play against him. But since the others have seen that Nadal beats him they think: Ok, I have nothing to lose against him and when I play the match of my life I maybe have a chance to win.

How does it feel when you realize as a big champion that the decline has started?

You connote now that I think his downfall has started. But that's not the case. Let me compare Federer with a musician. Musicians also develop and change their style. That doesn't mean that they are going to sell more CDs now but it helps them. It's exactly what Federer does now. But you can't improve in certain areas without neglecting others. When he would play the same way as 4 years ago and would win less than it would be a downfall. But he decided to develop. He is on a new way. It is courageous to do this and it could be his rescue. He has now played 6 months under Paul Annacone. You have to give him one year time. I wouldn't panic now. If Federer would lose in Wimbledon and the US Open in the same way we would have to have another look.

How many Major titles do you think he is still capable of?

Three. But that's only a wild guess. I'm nearly sure that he is going to take at least one more as long as he is healthy. When everything works well for him he takes 2 or 3. The Olympic Games in London are a big aim for him and he will probably concentrate more on them then on the Majors next year. His new style is ideal to win against Nadal on grass. Maybe he only does everything for the Olympics. But he has to be careful not to lose too many big matches until then.

There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


投稿記事by nocko » 2011年2月01日(火) 09:23

fuyuさん、ありがとうございます。今回のコメントは的を得ているし、なるほど、と思わせられますね。この中でも、ロジャが自分のテニスをさらによくしようと努力していると評価している点がきにいりました。 :wink: 人によっては3,4年前のプレーの方が強かったという人もいますが、ビランデルはさすがにトップ選手だっただけあって、3,4年前のプレーのままなら衰退しただろうといってますね。その通りだと思います。あれほど無敵だった選手が、将来を見据えて努力し続けたって、本当にすごいことです。今年はケガも病気も無く、しっかり成果をだせたらいいなあ。 :lovesign:
(^_-)-☆Good Luck Roger☆画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36


投稿記事by marinmama3510 » 2011年2月01日(火) 16:38


落ち込んだり・・(こんな魅力的なrogiと付き合うのも大変ですね :D

でも皆さんのコメントで前向きになれます :yeah:

そしてrogiのテニスに対する姿勢、生き方にとても勇気をもらってるのです :拍手: :拍手: :拍手:

さあ春からのシーズンも応援頑張ります :スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ:
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 50
登録日時: 2008年8月29日(金) 20:08


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