VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年8月30日(月) 11:50

Lindtチョコレートの新しいTVコマーシャル :yeah:  愛らしいRogiにご一緒にとろけちゃいましょう :ハート:
strip serch されちゃいそうです :lol:

※追記:Behind the Scenes もあった。 :笑:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by onm » 2010年8月31日(火) 02:32

ホント、Rogi ってばチョコレートのCMにピッタリ!
:heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain:
Site Admin
Site Admin
記事: 1445
登録日時: 1970年1月01日(木) 09:00
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Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by asanokaoru » 2010年9月25日(土) 08:22

ロジャー切れの日々ですが^^、皆様、お元気ですか~ :)
上海まで(今年は来てくれます、よね?? :roll: )あと2週間、

Wilsonのメイキングビデオ第二弾です :D
失敗すると、目を伏せたり、顔をしかめちゃうのが、とってもかわゆい :ハート:
最後に編集したユーザー asanokaoru [ 2010年9月27日(月) 15:09 ], 累計 1 回
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 159
登録日時: 2009年8月27日(木) 15:33

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年9月27日(月) 09:52

ジレットUKがまたビデオをupしてくれていました。ウィリアム・テル・ショットを撮影した時のものです :D

コメディよりも断然アクション映画の方が好き。シュワちゃんもスタローンも好きでバットマンが好き。お子ちゃまだ~ :mrgreen:
Rogiが映画を見て遊んでる間に、ミルカはきっといろいろ用事を片付けているに違いない :lol:
シェービングクリームをつけてお髭を剃ってから洗い流すのが好きなんだ・・・ウ~ン、セクスィ 8)
お肉はミディアム・レアよりもウェル・ダンの方が好き。やっぱり元草食男子。血がにじむのは、きっと引いちゃうんでしょうね :ウィンク:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by asanokaoru » 2010年9月27日(月) 15:07

rogi切れなファンを案じてくれているのか、いろいろ出てきます(嬉しい :D

最終戦、今年はセルフポートレイトを作成、しかも、paintballing(ボールでのペインティング) :roll:


すぐ飽きちゃいそうなロジャー(勝手なイメージ)、完全に塗りつぶさないままで、よし!できた!、なとこが好き (しかも、なかなかうまくやれた、と豪語o(^▽^)o)

Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 159
登録日時: 2009年8月27日(木) 15:33

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by asanokaoru » 2010年10月08日(金) 09:02

こ、ここでいいのかしら?? :roll:



ホテルには来ないでほしい、というのがロジャーの希望 (休みたいですよね、それに万一許容してしまうと、ホテルにも迷惑が掛かりそう)
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 159
登録日時: 2009年8月27日(木) 15:33

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年11月16日(火) 11:11

画像 8) リッラクスして楽しそ :D ... eccdae9f32 ... 5f2ce915e4 ... f9f131a68b ... 4812b4f288

スイスジャーマンで話すRogiは微笑ましいというか、なんとなく可愛い :wink:  内容のおおよその英訳、公式にありました。
Part 1
コード: 全て選択
Roger, we trembled yesterday. What has it been for a match against Gael Monfils.
It could have gone either way. You had 5 MPs and lost in the end. How long did you have to think about this defeat?

Well, I still do. I don't know if I have ever played a match like 6:7 7:6 6:7. If I did it it was long ago. It was nice to play a match on such a fast surface where you get few chances.
(They are then discussing about the point which you can see in the clip.)
His forehand has been surprisingly fast, the surface has been really fast and then the ball has been in the net.

How does your body feel after the intense tournaments lately?

I have a bit aching muscles because I played the same kind of things over and over during 2 1/2 years. You can feel it in your back, your thigh and your calf but I have to say I feel good and therefore I said I would come today as I didn't had to do much rehab and didn't had to go to bed early.

I hope you can regenerate. You can lie down on the sofa if you would like to. We will use the opportunity to look back on the whole year. You are a real globetrotter and as we calculated you have been travelling around the world 3 times this year and spend more than a week on the plane. You are having your family now with you. 2 little children. How do you manage it?

You have to plan much more as you have more bags with you and you have to think about what is reasonable to do. It sounds like a lot of travelling but often we stay in the same time zone. This also helps the little ones. I'm used to travelling, also Mirka. I'm doing it since 15 years. I was the first time in Miami when I was 14 years. I'm doing it for such a long time and I really like it and it belongs to the sport. I'm happy to be able to make this sacrifice with Mirka. Without her it would be much more difficult.

You need support with the kids when you are in the stadion. How do we have to imagine your entourage?
Yes, we do need help. Mirka likes to watch my matches. But now in Paris we decided that she wouldn't watch a match as it were intensive weeks in Stockholm and Basel. We also need a nanny and then we ask her parents or mine. With twins you need everyting twice but we meanwhile got really used to it and found a good way.

Part 2
コード: 全て選択
Roger got a historical victory at the Australian Open this year. He beat Andy Murray in the final.
It was your 16th Grand Slam title. What are you thinking when you look back?

It was the perfect start of the season. I already played in Doha before where I lost in the SF against Davydenko. This was the second time in a row as I already lost to him in the SF of London in the year before with 5:7 in the 3rd set. Then I had to play Davydenko again in the QF of the AO. I was already afraid to play him when I saw his name in my draw. I was down 1 set and a breakball in the 2nd [well, Roger doesn't seem to remember it correctly apparently *lol*] I hoped that the shadow would go away and when this happened I won 12 games in a row. For me this has been pathbreaking for the tournament. Afterwards I was able to dominate against Tsonga in the SF and played a perfect match against Murray in the final. It was one of the most incredible tournaments for me and I thought: "If it could only ever be like this."

Let's have a look at the matchpoint against Murray. There have been people who said that
Roger Federer wouldn't be able to win a GS anymore but you were able to prove it to everyone. How was this for you?

Well, I have a longer perspective and don't look from week to week or month to month. That belongs to the planning. It's important that your body is in good shape and you feel mentally ready and know what you want to achieve. The problems are the pressconferences when the people ask you what's the problem but actually there's nothing wrong yet you start thinking about it a little bit. But with my experience I think I'm able to handle it.

It's good that you won this title and it's also nice when your opponent says something like Andy Murray during the trophy ceremony.
Everywhere you go people respect you. Here you laugh so likeable as we know you. But if someone is as successful on the tenniscourt as you, being #1 for 5 1/2 years then you need to have a "killerinstinct".

"Killerinstinct" sounds brutal.

Only on the court of course.

I know. A long time people always said you can't have success in sport when you are to nice. I'm happy to prove it wrong. Also Kim Clijsters plays good on the women side and she is known to be a very nice person. I'm happy that it goes so well with much respect and fair-play. Also with hard work and of course talent. But I'm happy to bring it all together in a package. It took a little longer for me to win my first Grand Slam title - even though I was quite young - but other players as Hewitt, Safin, Roddick or Ferrero managed to do it earlier. I had to wait a little longer but I'm happy that everything went so well.

But how do you manage it that your opponents respect you and vote for you as their favourite player? If you have a chance to win a set 6:0 against a player how you do it?

Well, it doesn't happen that often on the mens tour. We seldom have 6:1 or 6:0 sets. I think it's just sport. You give everything but in the end you can have fun in the locker room just it was the case with Jürgen Melzer now. We laughed and talked about his season and about the lucky ball I had in the TB. On the court you can be aggressive, pushed, want to win balls, looking over to the opponent. Everything is allowed but well, there are the umpires who say "Ok, it's enough now. You have to stop it." I have to say we have really fair-play in tennis and that's what I like about the sport.

Now we go to Indian Wells. We see here the railway station of Indian Wells. You have never been there, right?

No, I haven't.

Indian Wells is near to Los Angeles and Hollywood. We see you very often in commercials in front of the camera and get the impression that you really like to do this kind of stuff. How about a "Roger Federer Show" in Hollywood after your career?

No, no. I'm not good in remembering things to be honest. I struggle to learn 4 sentences in a row. Everything which is natural I can do but I can't imagine to act. I prefer to play tennis. It's fun to make commercials with others and a nice distraction from tennis. I also like to do photoshootings for "Vogue" or "GQ".

When you have time you like to do something special. For example your youtube clip which went around the world. Your Wilhelm Tell shot.
One can't see that this video is a fake.

You think it's a fake?

No, I don't know.

I can't risk something, that's the only thing I say.

I always thought Roger Federer couldn't betray.

Therefore I don't say something about this.

Part 3
コード: 全て選択
We are making a huge step in the season now and go to New York where we have the biggest tennis station in the world.
You had huge success at the US Open in the past but not this year. The season started good in Melbourne but you didn't managed to reach the final of Paris, Wimbledon and New York. Critics say that you are having a crisis as they compare what you have already achieved. What do you think about this?

You have to accept it when your opponents play good. Of course one has been spoilt with all the success. Sometimes people forget that it isn't impossible to lose against a player like Söderling only because I have won 12 times before against him. And when I lose against him he gets hyped. He has played extremely well in Paris. Conditions have been really difficult there in the rain. I wasn't really happy with my game, I played against a very good player who had all the shots and the conditions have been difficult. Same happened in Wimbledon where I could be happy to have reached the 2nd round at all although I should have lost in the 1st round. But I progressed in the tournament but then Berdych played extremely well. I was very disappointed afterwards as it is always my main goal to defend Wimbledon, especially after the incredible final from last year against Roddick. It was a point in the season where I have to realign and think about what I want to achieve in the season. That's what I did and thought I would need to practice hard. I had pneunomia, back problems and mono. That may all be excuses but it's a fact that I couldn't do a proper practice buildup. You can really feel this in your game. Backhand longline doesn't work and when it gets important you ask yourself why it doesn't work. I played much better this summer. Since Wimbledon I have only played in SF's, finalss or won titles. So I'm having a good run and am selfconfident. It's bad luck what happened at the USO. I think it was the 4th match this year which I lost after having MP. Now the match from yesterday. Those matches do - I won't say negative rating - but it's a pity how they went. If I would have been able to have won 2 or 3 of them the season could have looked different even though it was a good season overall.

Now we see your loss to Djokovic and we can see from the result that you have been on the court for a long time.

It was a good match and Djokovic played well just like me. It got really close in the end but he deserved to win. I can't remember that that rallye has been that long. Ui, no, he is shocked himself.

After the US Open the Davis Cup came. Your team waited for you in Kazakhstan. It was an important encounter. You cancelled then and your colleagues weren't able to keep Switzerland in the World Group. You got heavily criticized afterwards. What do you think now about your decision?

It wasn't an easy decision. Davis Cup has it problems unfortunately. Each year you have to play 2, 3, 4 matches. My situation is totally different as the one of Andy Roddick who would play a match on Friday and then on Sunday again. I'm the teamleader and play on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, singles, doubles, singles. I'm the boss in team even though the captain and the association do everything great. For me it's not just a match which I play. So much more belongs to it. Therefore I made this decision. When they would win a match in the 1st round I would like to be there in the 2nd round but it never happened in the last 6 years. Kazakhstan was a tough place. Far away from the US Open, after a tough US Open and a hard summer. I felt totally drained and needed a rest and to practice afterwards. I see my Davis Cup career still in the long run whilst others see it different. Therefore I can somehow understand the reaction. But I see the wide horizon and say that I'm going to play Davis Cup for a long time. When I'm going to play it I will play it perfectly and will play every encounter. Then I'm going to support everyone. What I have taken from this so-called debacle is that I didn't thought I would have that effect on the team. Somehow I thought they would have expected my decision. I really have to communicate earlier in the future and I'm sorry for this. But of course I'm going to play again.

Part 4
コード: 全て選択
We can always see what it means for you to meet your fans. You are such an affable person as one can see when you take time for your fans to write autographs. One gets the impression that everyone who wants something from Roger Federer gets 5 minutes.

I think it's really important. I have a fanclub since a few years and they are supporting me not only in Basel. They are supporting me everywhere in the world. I had a break from tennis after the US Open for 3 or 4 weeks so I can't really walk by the people and say that I won't do pictures or signing stuff. I need the time to recharge my energy in order to have time for the fans. They are everywhere in the stadions and support me. I like to chat with them, spend time with them and do pictures. I'm not that much a fan of writing autographs but it's what most of the people ask for. I personally find a picture much more worth but that's not deciding. They always wait very long, even in the rain and therefore I take the 10 to 20 minutes time each day for this kind of thing activity.

The tournament means a lot for you. We have choosen the scene when you lead 5:1 in the final against Novak Djokovic. What went through your head in that moment?

It gave me a chill. It's an exciting moment for me. I haven't won yet and have to pull myself together. It's nice to feel such an emotion so close to a victory which might not be that special for others as Basel is a 500 points tournament whilst Paris is a 1000 tournament and you can get 2000 points at a Grand Slam. But for me with the history as a ballboy...

What are these kinds of emotions when the whole hall goes wild?

You get teary-eyed and nearly can't control yourself. You say "Ok, give me the ball so that I can serve. I know how this works." It's a really exciting moment when you feel this emotion. It was a wonderful moment and I'm happy that I won that match.

You won the tournament for the 4th time. It was surely a special moment when your twins Myla and Charlene were there and had a public appearance.

It was a huge surprise for me as I didn't knew it. Mirka said a lot of people in the world would like to see the little ones. I thought it was a great idea and so we didn't have to send pictures or videos. It was a really special moment that they were there.

What do you play with your daughters?

At the moment tag and hide and seek. One runs left the other one right and I try to find out where they are running to the next. I try to be a rigurous dad and say "No, no, you aren't allowed to do this". I have to say they are great girls and I couldn't be any prouder.

How can you move in the public? Are you able to find privacy?

Oh well, I don't live in Hollywood or London. I live in Dubai and in Switzerland where everything is much more moderate and relaxed. I'm used to this and that's one of the reasons why I choose these two places: One to practice and the other one to live. I don't live in a gilded cage. I get recognized for sure in Switzerland which is nice as I always feel support and happiness from the people. But when they take pictures around you - ok, it's a part of my life.

You said that a picture would be much nicer than an autograph.

But you can ask for it. No, everything works really well, also with the little ones. We live a good life and don't have any problems.

There will be another performance from you in Switzerland at the "Match for Africa" which is going to take place on December 21st in the Hallenstadion in Zürich. It will be a supermatch for the Federer Foundation against Rafael Nadal. You both tried to announce this event. We will have a look at this.
[b]One can see which relationship you have - the two big rivals, Federer and Nadal who get along.

Yes, we get along very well. Of course we have a huge rivalry on the court but off court it is the same as with other players. I don't know whether we have a friendship. We seldom have dinner together but our relationship is really good. The funny thing at this promotion we did was that they said "Ok, it only takes 5 minutes. They are here now and have time so we are doing it quickly. It won't be any problem" and I knew that it wouldn't work as we aren't that easy. I collapsed with laughter when I heard his accent, it was so hot in there and the people said you have to say this and that and we both couldn't remember anymore what we had to say even though it had been that simple.
I'm really looking forward that this match happens with the support of Credit Suisse and all other sponsors. It's really a huge organisation of one evening and therefore I waited a few years to do it. I'm really happy that the event is sold out and would like to thank the Swiss TV for their support and promotion. I'm glad that Rafa has time and appears without getting any fee. That's really great of him.

The hall is sold out but we will show the match on SF 2. What can the people expect from you? Will you play with microphones and make jokes or will there be a tough fight?

No, we won't play with microphones. You wouldn't like to hear the groaning in the whole arena for 2 hours. I think the people want to see something serious between us. Of course there will be showelements and other athletes are going to appear but in the end we are going to play each other as good as it gets at the end of the season. We will deliver a good match and it has to be seen who will win. Even though we already made a deal regarding the first set. It will surely be a great evening.

It will be an event for your foundation. What does this project mean to you?

It's great to collect that much money on this evening and whoever wants to give something else is more than welcome. I made a trip earlier this year to Ethopia. We support lots of projects in Africa, not just in South Africa anymore. My parents are now in South Africa and have a look at projects there. We support children from 8 to 15 years so that they have the chance to go to school and make a training afterwards. We hope we can achieve something and with such an evening we can do a lot.

Everyone can help and support this project. The match takes place on December 21st but before you play the Masters in London. We wish you best of luck for this tournament. It's great that you came to visit today Roger Federer.

昨日見つけていたのですが、忙しくてきょうになりました。時間があったら内容についても少し追記するかもです。貼り逃げでゴメン・・・ :ashamed:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年11月19日(金) 22:13

Wilsonにロジャのビデオふたつ。Roger and VenusとROGER。信号で隣にロジャの車が止まっていたらどうします?もちろん、即チェイス開始 :笑:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年12月01日(水) 23:15


ドupで見たい方はこちらへ↓↓↓ :D ... 700_en.pdf
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by remi » 2010年12月08日(水) 22:02

とってもとってもご無沙汰していますm(_ _)m

右上のThe Match For Africaをクリックしてもらうと左下に画像が。
Making ofの方、めっちゃかわいいです :D

「テニスドリームマッチ フェデラーvsナダル」(1月2日(日)よる6:00)
放送されるようです :lol:
記事: 9
登録日時: 2008年11月18日(火) 17:48

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by Lisa » 2010年12月10日(金) 20:51

ものすごーーーーーくご無沙汰してます。 :ゴメン:

記事: 497
登録日時: 2007年8月10日(金) 10:30

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by nocko » 2010年12月11日(土) 02:32

ぶわっはっは! :lol: Lisaさん、本当にお久しぶりです! カードありがとうございます。
(^_-)-☆Good Luck Roger☆画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年2月02日(水) 00:22

部分的には見た事ありましたが、45分もあるのは初めて(・・・私が知らなかっただけかもですが :roll: )。  
ニュー・ボールズやヘンマン様、アガシ、クライシュテルズ、ハンチコバ・・・皆さん若い。 とにかく楽しいです。癒されます :D
Rogiはまだジレットと契約してないので髭面 :wink:  このチャリティもRogiが発案したんですよね :yeah:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by Marie » 2011年2月02日(水) 17:52

fuyuさ~ん、ありがとうございます :感謝感激:
youtubeにアップされたのも最近のようだから、けっこうあるようでなかったビデオなんでしょうね :D
このころ私はRogiを気合い入れて見始めたばかりだったので(この年のAO SFでハマった :oops: )、
Rogiの知らなかった面をいろいろ見れて驚いたり嬉しかったりしてましたわ~ :lol:

たしかいろいろアガシに相談しながらだったとは思いますけど、それでもなかなかできないことですよね :yeah:

:blinkheart: :heartrain: :heartrain: :blinkheart:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 282
登録日時: 2007年9月20日(木) 15:51
お住まい: 関西

Re: VIDEO CLIPS - ビデオクリップ集

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年2月18日(金) 16:29

Credit Suisseが主催したイベントで従業員に向けて成功の秘訣を語りました・・・香港で去年の秋(上海MSの前)らしいです。
動画とスクリプトはこちら↓↓↓ DLもできます。 ... 60&lang=EN
コード: 全て選択
Well, it's like in school. If we think back, when we went to school and we prepared for a test, and the it was then handed out, – if you're prepared, you don't panic. For me, it's the same thing. If I'm winning or losing, I need to concentrate on my game plan. What did I come here to do? And I'll try. Okay, maybe I’ll make it a more physical match if it's going too easily for the opponent. I make slight adjustments, but I don’t really go completely off-track.

I don't think it's enough just to love your sport and then go out and win. It's not that simple. You need to have structured goals. You need to tell yourself "Okay, what are my goals for the short term? What are my goals for the long term?" Now that I've accomplished almost everything – I'm supposed to go out on the tennis court saying "Let's just be free and hit the ball. Who cares?" This is not how you're going to win matches, because it comes down to margins and you have to be so clear in your mind in order to know exactly what you want to do and what you want to achieve. And for me, it doesn't work without any goals, without any targets. I cannot compete properly.

At smaller tournaments, sometimes you have to take a hit and say "Okay, I'm going in here a little bit wounded, but I'm working on a few things. I'm not happy, but I'm okay taking a loss once in a while." And I've never been scared to take those losses now and then, but you have to be smart when you're allowing them to happen.

Remember where your roots are and remember where your strengths lie. I think this is especially important for me. I have always believed in my strengths – whether in tennis or in my personality – and I strive to improve them. Many people always feel like they have to work on their weaknesses. I don't know about the business world, but in tennis, working on your weaknesses may make you a complete player overall, but it will eliminate your dangerous edge. And I think you can occasionally relate to that in some businesses as well. That's why I like to work on my strengths. This strategy has definitely helped me throughout my career.

I guess one thing I always try to do is question myself, even in the best of times, when I was hardly losing any matches. And when your game is bad, you always question yourself too. "Am I good enough, or what do I need to do?" When you're winning and things are going well, you sometimes tend to forget that – but I think that's actually the best time to question yourself. I think that realizing this was was instrumental in my career.

Work-Life Balance
The moment I leave the tennis court, I try to forget what I've just done, for at least a moment. Naturally, in the back of your mind you have to continue to be the business person or you have to continue to be the tennis player because that's who you are. That's your number-one priority, maybe next to your family, if you have one. So that, to me, has always been really key. I honestly think I've mastered the art of keeping the two separate, the business world and my private, personal life.

Roger Federer Foundation
I started the Roger Federer Foundation on Christmas Day in 2003 and I have genuinely learned so much from it, just being part of it. Because you have to be extremely transparent – foundations are governed by certain rules and regulations that I was unfamiliar with. I just thought it's nice to give back. But it's not as simple as it looks. On the other hand, a foundation lets you know that you are having an impact and making a difference. I went to Ethiopia and I went to South Africa because I think it's also very important to see the ground.
Everybody who has the opportunity to make an impact on someone should really do it. It doesn't always need to be financial, a fact that people sometimes underestimate. It can be inspirational. It can be a matter of giving your time. Of course I know that it's very difficult, and it's not always possible to find the time or the right people to do it. But for me, it's been amazing and I'm looking forward to what lies ahead for the foundation.

The Hardest Step
It's not always easy to be a talent. It's great to be a talent, but I think for me, making the breakthrough was the hardest part. That was when I made the transition from junior to senior, just making that step. But you have no choice. You get older, so you can't go back to the juniors anymore, and there's no "escape plan." People were asking me whether I was always going to be the talent that was never going to deliver the big results. That was when I lost the first round in 2003 at the French Open. I went on to win Wimbledon, and the rest is history.

日本のクレディ・スイスのTOPもRogi :ハート:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
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Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
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