WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!


We DON'T Love・・・

投稿記事by Lisa » 2008年8月07日(木) 15:05

TFA means The Famous Ass, it's a nickname we gave to Rafa, because he keeps picking his pants before serving...:))

みんな、うまいこと考えるなぁ :P しかしかなり直球だなぁ。関東チームもユニークなあだ名付けてますけどね :lol:
記事: 497
登録日時: 2007年8月10日(金) 10:30

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by わいたろう » 2008年8月10日(日) 23:13

Lisa さんが書きました:最近ちょっとRF.comを覗いていなかったので、久しぶりに覗いたらナ〇ルのあだ名がTFAとなっていたのでなんだろって思ってた。
TFA means The Famous Ass, it's a nickname we gave to Rafa, because he keeps picking his pants before serving...:))

みんな、うまいこと考えるなぁ :P しかしかなり直球だなぁ。関東チームもユニークなあだ名付けてますけどね :lol:

"Ass" ってどんな意味か調べてみました。
1.ロバ; ばか; 強情者
2.〔米卑〕 けつ, しり

どっちも使えるなぁ( ̄▽ ̄;
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 716
登録日時: 2007年5月20日(日) 00:26

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by asukamura2003 » 2008年9月11日(木) 01:24

USオープンはめでたくRogiの優勝で終わることができました。 :拍手: :拍手: :拍手:




記事: 455
登録日時: 2007年4月03日(火) 14:17

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by shimarisu » 2008年9月12日(金) 13:20


Roger fan
Roger fan
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登録日時: 2008年5月19日(月) 02:42

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by asukamura2003 » 2008年9月23日(火) 22:43


来年のデ杯の対戦相手はアメリカに決まりましたね。タフな相手だけど、その後北米シリーズが始まる事を考えたら、アメリカでハードでやれるのはラッキーかもしれませんね :wink: あと、なんとセルビアがスペインと1回戦で当たります。これもチョー面白そう :bounce:

:スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ: :gofedrinka: :スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ:
記事: 455
登録日時: 2007年4月03日(火) 14:17

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by nocko » 2008年9月24日(水) 00:01

asukamura2003 さんが書きました:来年のデ杯の対戦相手はアメリカに決まりましたね。タフな相手だけど、その後北米シリーズが始まる事を考えたら、アメリカでハードでやれるのはラッキーかもしれませんね :wink:

おお、その通りですね! :D  しかしアメリカはどこでやるんだろ?当然ハードでしょうけど、なるべくRogiの相性が悪そうな場所とか。。。 :lol:

asukamura2003 さんが書きました:なんとセルビアがスペインと1回戦で当たります。これもチョー面白そう

:shock: どちらがホームなんだろう?クレーじゃやっぱりスペインでしょうけど、ハードならセルビアにかなりチャンスがありますね。面白そー!

>錦織君・・・いいスタッフがついているから大丈夫でしょうけど、急がずじっくりいって欲しいです。テニス界の宝ですよ :yeah:
(^_-)-☆Good Luck Roger☆画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36

We'll miss you, Marat・・・

投稿記事by onm » 2009年1月24日(土) 00:36

AO 3回戦後のサフィンの会見を読んでちょっとショックを受けています。。
" I doubt it. I really doubt it. I really doubt it." と言ってその可能性が低いことを示唆しています。

それと次の彼の言葉になんかウルッときちゃいました :しくしく:
"I lost today probably to the better player, one of the greatest ones in the history of tennis.
I really hope for him to be so I can tell the story to my kids that I played with him.
I think it's a nice story."


コード: 全て選択
Friday 23 January 2009

Q. What happened with the foot faults in the tiebreak?

MARAT SAFIN: Well, just unfortunately some people, they want to take five seconds of the camera and to show everybody that he's in the match. It's sad story. Just unfortunately it's the most stupid thing I ever saw in my life.

It's just disappointment, because it's already 3‑1. There was a chance. It's a tiebreak. Every point counts. When it goes like that on the second serve in the tiebreak, why? I don't understand.

Q. It's happened to you before?

MARAT SAFIN: It happened to me in US Open. Just like I said, it's just the most stupid thing. Like there shouldn't be this rule. I'm not stepping on the line. It's sideways. It doesn't help at all to serve better.

Q. How much of an affect do you think that had on you? You won the next four points after that. Did you think it ended up costing you?

MARAT SAFIN: I think I played better in the third set. Unfortunately, it's probably a little bit too late to play against Federer to get into the match. I started to feel much for comfortable on the court in the third set.

I had a couple opportunities there, small ones, but still. Tiebreak was very close. For me, it was a chance to win a set, and then you never know what happens. I felt like he was struggling a little bit. Slightly. Of course, he's a great player. Just I could feel that he was tense. There was a small chance for me, just it slipped away.

Q. Do we have a chance to see you back here next year?

MARAT SAFIN: I doubt it. I really doubt it. I really doubt it.

Q. How does it make you feel to be saying good‑bye to Grand Slam events?

MARAT SAFIN: I don't like this bye‑bye part. It's just a sad story. It's not for me. I prefer to leave this way, quietly, nice, with a great match.

Unfortunately, I couldn't do better than that, three sets. But anyway, I lost today probably to the better player, one of the greatest ones in the history of tennis. I really hope for him to be so I can tell the story to my kids that I played with him. I think it's a nice story.

Q. What memories will you take away from this tournament?

MARAT SAFIN: I had some ups and downs here. One disappointment. Another great year. One final against Roger. And then one title I took here beating also Roger and Hewitt. So I've been playing some great tennis. So just the whole thing, the whole setup. The beautiful city, great people.

The crowd is always friendly. Go around in the city and they just love tennis. They live with tennis. They really enjoy it and appreciate what you are doing. That's what makes it special. It's really very sports‑people living here. It's always nice to come here every year, year after year. Unfortunately, I doubt it's going to ever happen again.

Q. That semifinal you played against Federer in 2005, people still talk about that as one of the great matches. How does that stick in your mind in terms of your career?

MARAT SAFIN: Well, just it was one of the greatest matches I ever played in my life probably. It's just for the fact that to play against Federer, against Roger, because he's the kind of player for my tennis, he's not really comfortable. He is not really comfortable tennis game for me.

I always struggled to play against him because he just doesn't give me any rhythm. He knows what to do in exact moment of the match. He knows what I'm going to do.

For me, to win that match in a semifinal was a huge thing. I never played any better. I wasn't any luckier in any other moments in the tennis court, so I could say that I was lucky; I played great tennis. He missed couple of shots that could change the match. He was very close to win it. He had a match point.

Q. You seem to keep your emotions in check a little bit tonight. Was that a conscious effort to hold yourself back a bit?

MARAT SAFIN: Well, if you get there, you try to play against Federer, you want to ‑‑ you see the opportunities, you see what you should do. Every time I try to do something else, the ball is not landing where you want it to land.

It's a little bit, of course, a disappointment because he doesn't give you a lot of opportunities throughout one hour and a half of the match.

You need to count every single point and any single chance to break him, otherwise there is just no chance. Of course it's disappointment that I'm not there, but you just need to keep it cool, just to wait for another one. Maybe there will be another chance. I had it. I had them. But not enough.

Q. You embraced Roger at the end. Was that partly because of what's happened at the tournament, or because you knew you were saying good‑bye as well?

MARAT SAFIN: Well, it's just we know each other for how many years? Since '94. We didn't play in the juniors, but we saw each other. We had some great matches. I was close a couple times. We grew up together. He started a little bit later than me.

I respect him as a tennis player, as a person. He's just very close ‑‑ let's put it this way: Very close colleague of mine.

Q. You also say he's the best you ever faced?

MARAT SAFIN: Probably, yeah. He's the most complete tennis player in the history of tennis, that's for sure. With all due respects to Agassi and Sampras and the rest of the gang.

But I never felt so uncomfortable against any of the players before.

Q. Fabrice?

MARAT SAFIN: Yeah, but I managed to beat him the last four times, so that's okay. Fabrice is a special guy also.

Q. I know it's hard for you, but who is your tip to go on and win the tournament?

MARAT SAFIN: Well, it's too early to say. Roger, he's definitely playing well. He played really well today. In the important moments he was at his best. He served well.

Also surprised me a lot Murray, the way he's moving and the playing around the court and the way he observes the other player on the beginning of the match. He's very clever and great hands. He's one more person to counsel. Djokovic is there. He's dangerous.

I'm pretty sure that ‑‑ anybody else coming to my head right now. Definitely going to come up somebody. Gilles Simon, for example.

There will be somebody. Third round. A little bit too early to speculate about it. We'll see. Roddick is there.

Q. What about Nadal?

MARAT SAFIN: Oh, yeah. Exactly. See. That's what I'm missing. He's the one who managed to beat Federer in almost all the surfaces. I mean, grass, he took him on grass, which is barely impossible and he managed.

So I think he has all the chances here if he gets to the final.

Q. Do you feel like Federer's playing the same as before or a bit different?

MARAT SAFIN: What kind of different? He cannot play any different tennis. He has all the skills, and he uses them. One day maybe he miss a couple of balls and the match goes to somebody else, but normally he manage to win all of them.

It's up to him every time, except on clay. But he knows exactly what he's doing. Just depends if he's a hundred percent feeling great that day. Basically two points make a big difference.

Q. Did you guys say anything to each other over the net?

MARAT SAFIN: What you are going say? Well done. Great play. Typical stuff. What else do you want me to say to him?

Q. Did he say anything to you?

MARAT SAFIN: Bad luck.

Q. What would it take to change your mind about walking away from tennis?

MARAT SAFIN: Nothing. I've been already too many years. I want to change and do something else. I'm ready for that. It's been a nice trip. It's enough.

Q. Do you know what that something else is?

MARAT SAFIN: Yeah, but I'll keep it to myself for the moment. I would love to do that. I'm ready.
:heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain:
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Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by fuyu » 2009年1月24日(土) 01:25

onm さん、AO サイトの As It Happens というところにあるサフィンの言葉を読んで、実は私もウルッときてました。
23:58 He says he and Fed have known each other since 1994. They have some great matches and grown up together and that Saf respects Fed as a tennis player and a person and he is a close colleague of Safin's. (Safin looks close to tears at the moment.)

いくら戦績がRogiの方が優っていても、やはりサフィンはRogi にとっては大事な≪兄貴≫だと思います。
net を挟んでのハグ、いつもサフィンの方がRogi をハグしてくれているように感じていました・・・Rogi はハグされている。
(まあ、Rogi は一般的に年上の人と居る時の方が心地良さそうですしね :wink: ) 
良い兄貴分だったんだろうな・・・。 Rogiも淋しいだろうと思う :(     私もさびしい。。 :cry:

・・・あの2nd serve のfoot fault は可哀そうだったな~。
Rogi を応援している私でさえも同情してしました。 しかしRogi もお付き合いしたかのように続けて 2 mini break されてしまいましたけど。 

画像 GOOD BYE MARAT!!! :しくしく:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by kodomodomo » 2009年1月25日(日) 01:19

onm さん、fuyuさん、私もサフィンの会見で胸にグッときました。
”I respect him as a tennis player, as a person. He's just very close ‑‑ let's put it this way: Very close colleague of mine.”

お互い、プレーヤとしてだけでなく、ほんとに特別な相手なんだな~っていつも思ってました。二人の試合後って必ず握手じゃないBody touchがあるし :じゅる:
なんていうか、冷静で紳士的なRogerが時にのぞかせる無邪気でお茶目な一面がサフィンに似てるとこあるなぁっていうか、表裏一体な感じがするんですよね(たまにつく悪態とかも)。Rogerは最高の自分で相手をするのが、サフィンに対する一番の礼というか友情だと思ってたのかなぁ。いい試合でしたよね。 :yeah:

さあRoger、サフィンの期待にこたえて、このままTopまで突き進もう! :goroger: :cheer3:
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 44
登録日時: 2008年8月18日(月) 22:44
お住まい: お山の陰

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by yumbo » 2009年1月25日(日) 13:10

なんというか、おおらかさが伝わってくる感じがしてすぐ好きになりました :D
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 121
登録日時: 2008年9月08日(月) 20:37
お住まい: 北海道

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by Lisa » 2009年3月26日(木) 09:40

う~ん、どうしてもどうしてもこうなっちゃうんだなぁ。デント君は。。。 :shock: (マイアミにて)

記事: 497
登録日時: 2007年8月10日(金) 10:30

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by わいたろう » 2009年4月18日(土) 02:43

Lisa さんが書きました:う~ん、どうしてもどうしてもこうなっちゃうんだなぁ。デント君は。。。 :shock: (マイアミにて)

あはは :lol: :lol: :lol:
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 716
登録日時: 2007年5月20日(日) 00:26

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by nocko » 2009年4月18日(土) 21:59

あはは、わいさん、このビデオ傑作ですね。見逃していました。ステパネクのゴラムとか・・・ :lol:
まあ、???っていうのもありますが、デント君・・・ 画像
(^_-)-☆Good Luck Roger☆画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by shimarisu » 2009年6月09日(火) 17:06

ナダル ウィンブルドン欠場かのニュース




Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 297
登録日時: 2008年5月19日(月) 02:42

Re: WE LOVE (/dont love) ATP PLAYERS!!

投稿記事by shimarisu » 2009年6月10日(水) 00:41

Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 297
登録日時: 2008年5月19日(月) 02:42


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