Off topic

ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。

Re: Off topic

未読記事by 俄フェレリスタ » 2011年10月20日(木) 23:41


何だかなぁ…。少し前、鶏yahooやUK yahooで、“元帥閣下が、表彰台から降りる”という見出しを見ました。

そんな元帥閣下のジュニア時代と思われる頃のインタビュー映像を、el mundoで見つけました。3分間で、鶏語ならぬフランス語でお話しになってます。
まだ、詳しく見てませんが、下の文章は、fuyuさんご紹介の記事のスペイン語訳でしょう。皆さんは、すでにこのビデオをご覧になってるかもしれませんね…。 ... 78095.html
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 158
登録日時: 2007年5月15日(火) 20:51
お住まい: 三重県

Re: Off topic

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年11月15日(火) 23:49

実は映像を眺めるのみで殆ど読んでなくてよく分かってない  :うっかり:

LindtsのページでRogiのビデオメッセージ見れます。 ... teigerung/

 シャチョーさん話が長い :lol:

記事と写真はBlickにも ... ndt-186992

スミマセン、詳しい内容は各自でご確認を。。。。 :ぽりぽり:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Off topic

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年12月27日(火) 23:41

さて、引っ越し完了後の first カキコ :wink:


今回は勝率も加えてみました。 ジョコの勝率が高いのは当然でしょう。
オタとして忘れてはいけませぬ・・・誰も忘れてないか :lol:

「Federer, the short-time workers」 ... rzarbeiter
Rogiよりも46時間以上長い!・・・46時間といえばRogiの試合の27試合ぶん・・・約6大会ぶんでしょうか :shock:  


「Roger Federer sticks to schedule while fellow tennis rivals complain 」 ... s-complain
TheNational がRogiにメール(?)でインタビューしたらしいのですが、要旨は

フムフム・・・確かにスケジュールの改良は必要・・・多くは言いません。。 :wink: しかしRogiはいつも選手会長としての立場を忘れませんね :yeah:
そして、ファンにとって何より嬉しいのは間違いなく最後の言葉です :D
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Off topic

未読記事by nocko » 2011年12月28日(水) 22:57

試合時間の比較、すごく納得!しかし、ナダルとの差が6大会分とは :shock: :lol:
インタビューの最後のところ、オタとしてはホント、ナイスですね。 :スイスフラッグ:
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36

Re: Off topic

未読記事by shimarisu » 2011年12月31日(土) 23:24







Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 297
登録日時: 2008年5月19日(月) 02:42

Re: Off topic

未読記事by onm » 2012年1月06日(金) 03:07

あけおめ、ことよろ〜。 <(_ _)>

今ラファ軍曹、6-4,*5-4 ラファSFMで現在試合時間01:46。

ロジャセッピは31ゲームで01:38。エッ? ゚(∀) ゚ エッ?

:heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain:
Site Admin
Site Admin
記事: 1445
登録日時: 1970年1月01日(木) 09:00
お住まい: 関西

Re: Off topic

未読記事by fuyu » 2012年4月04日(水) 10:51

だっさ~いジレットシャツを着ていますが・・・ :lol:
ブラジルの局だけあって、サッカーボールのお遊びあり。時々要らない変なんが出てきますが、大目に見ましょう :wink:
最も美しい女子プレーヤー、もちろんMirka・・・夫としてはそう言うって :lol: で、サバチーニ、前も綺麗って言ってませんでしたっけ?


Rogi欠乏症を少しは補えるかなん :D
- How was your interview with Roger Federer ?
- It was a great privilege to be with a « monster » like Roger Federer. We arrived and were already « broken » (by his charm) by him: me, my colleague and the cameraman. We spent 20 minutes with him. So, with you, one of the greatest athletes I had the chance of interviewing.

Roger – Good morning.

Voice off: Roger Federer, an elegant man, with good humor, and a great fighter. He loves joking.
... Now, the serious Roger Federer: athlete, 30 years old, from Switzerland, 73 titles, 16 gs. No other tennis player has as much trophies as him. AO, RG, Wimbledon, USOpen, 6 titles at the WTF (she continues…), 285 weeks as nr. 1, 237 consecutives, the only man with more weeks is Sampras, but he is not playing anymore. One of the most complete tennis player of the last decades. He is good in every shot: fh, bh, serve, even with what could be a “lost ball” (the tweener against ND). She talks about the amount he won in the circuit and out. And continues: a star, a super athlete, a model, a father. Typical, proud….

Roger – Yesterday I told them stories, asked if they wanted to go sleep, but they wanted more stories. I also changed diapers. I hope they will stop using diapers, they are already 2 years and a half. I have the same problems as any other father.

Int – Father of twins Charlene and Mila, married with the ex-tennis player Mirka Vavrinec, whom he met at the Olympics at Sydney, 2000.

Roger – This changed my life forever, in a big proportion. I have always wanted to have children, and we were lucky, we have twins. I also thought this would change my life as a tennis player. Changed, yes, but not so much. I still train as before, I play where I want to, and every night I can put my children on bed. But, for doing this, you need to have an excellent wife. My wife have been a wonderful companion. And the children travel very well. If, someday, the travel would be a problem, something will have to change. But for now, everything is going fine, and I am very happy with all.

Voice off: And on court, is Federer happy? He is no more nr. 1, now this place is occupied by ND, RN is 2nd, Federer is 3rd. Btw, the Spanish, 25 years old, is this annoying boy who discovered a way of stopping the phenomenal Roger Federer. (shows the h2h with RN and ND)

Roger – when you play as much with someone, this is unique, because you know the strengths and the difficulties of the other player. But he knows the same about you. It is like a “girlfriend”: good but complicated.

Voice off: actually, ND, RN and Federer are near at the rankings, but most of all in the mature way they play.

Roger – You have a game plan, and you know the other also have a game plan. It is like a lion’s war. You must stick with your plan, which is the best chance you can have to win. For me, it is being aggressive, this is my natural style. The style of Rafa is changing the weight of the ball. Djokovic also plays aggressive, so we match well with each other. But you must be faithful to your strengths.

Voice off: Finally, everything is so even, how you can work to be again the nr. 1?

Roger – I took 6 weeks break after the USO. I just concentrated in myself, thought about my game, on how I could be good again. I thought again about the game.

Voice off: Be born again, this is the biggest challenge for an athlete of Roger Federer’s magnitude. For his fitness trainer, Pierre Paganini, there is something inside RF that helps him to be always better.

PP – Till today, we never had disputes. When he finds the road to follow, I never have to ask him again. He is always ready, never in a bad humor during trainings, his motivation is much stronger than his tiredness.

Voice off: he shows it every time, everywhere: on court, in interviews, star’s life sometimes stealing the athlete’s life. But his good humor is always there, reigning. In studio, with Nadal they are the best friends, differently of what we got the habitude of knowing. But not always he could laugh from his own errors. Mistakes generated rare images. Do you recognize? It is him. The calm RF lost his mind… These are rare moments of his childhood, in his first tournaments as child, in Switzerland.

LF: I always said to him: your bad behavior is an invitation to your opponent. The same as saying “I am here, you can beat me, just go”.

Voice off: And this boy almost went play at another court, the court of soccer (football).

RF: I played football till my 12 years old, then I choose tennis. I don’t regret, because if so, we could meet Brasil to play, and I would always lose. (laughing)

Voice off: yes, it would be difficult to be the best of the world. Good decision. But, for the WC 2014, we are calling Federer to be part of our supporters. (she gives him the shirt with autographs from Neymar and Lucas, the new generation. And the video of Guga)

Guga: his presence in Brasil well be fantastic. If I could play against him it would be a gift for my career, most of all this year, when I had a baby child (girl), I entered in the Hall of Fame, close the year with a match with Roger would be beautiful, and for all the Brazilians who have this will, this desire of seeing him play here.

Voice off: besides the friendship, Guga and Federer have another detail in common, the family is always around. Dona Alice, Guga’s mother, has always supported his son, and Federer grew up under his parents support.

LF: tennis is a longtime passion. At 3 years old he used to play hours against the house’s walls.

Voice off: the boy grew up, and now he is an inspiration for thousands of children around the world. In December, supporters will have the chance of watching him, not only by tv. Roger Federer is coming to Brasil!

Roger – You could think I am joking but I am not. For me, this is very important. I know how Brasil is big, how it’s people is friendly, and the number of fans I have in Latin America and in Brasil. This trip is also part of the great year ahead I hope will be 2012.

Voice off: 2012 is certainly a full year. But it seems the years to come will also be full. Mrs. Federer don’t want her husband to be sitting home.

Roger – One of my wife’s dreams is our children seeing me play. They are now 2 years and a half. But it is better I continue to play. They are beginning to understand a little bit, but if I don’t play for the next 3 or 5 years, they will have no idea of who I am. I really want to be able of realizing my wife’s dream.

Voice off: This is Roger Federer: sometimes a father, sometimes an athlete, sometimes a superstar, sometimes just a little boy.

関連記事 Rogiはカカに会いたいみたい。ネイマール…知らないって(どうでもいいけど私も知らない) :lol: ... meet-kaka/ ... zilian-tv/
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Off topic

未読記事by mint » 2012年4月18日(水) 07:32

すでに皆さんはご覧になっているかもしれませんが、双子ちゃんのお写真!!あまりにもロジャーそっくりなのでアップさせてください :D


一番右の写真・・・左の彼女はロジャーくりそつ :roll: :roll:

我が家も双子の男の子がいますが。。一人はお父さん似・もう一人はお母さん似って周りから言われてます :roll:

ロジャーの試合を観られるのはまだ3週間先 :cry:
ゆっくりと休養してくださいまし :lovesign:
記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫

Re: Off topic

未読記事by fuyu » 2012年5月01日(火) 22:20

25日(水)チューリッヒ湖畔のホテルPanaroma hotel Feusisberg へスイス人テニス記者を6名招いてインタビューに応じました。

ちなみにPanaroma hotel Feusisberg ってこんなところ↓↓↓ 日本風のお部屋もあるみたいです。 チューリッヒ湖南岸。Rogiのお家のあるWollerauに比較的近い。

まずはTages-Anzeiger紙 ... index.html
コード: 全て選択
Roger Federer is looking ahead to a centenary summer in tennis. The 16 times Grand Slam winner knows which big chances he has and does everything in order to use them.

Roger Federer arrives alone, without his manager, without press advisors or overseer. The 30 years old Grand Slam record winner has invited 6 Swiss tennis journalists into the Panaroma hotel Feusisberg. At first there is a group interview and afterwards one-on-one interviews. Federer seems at ease but serious and it feels that he is in the middle of the preparation for one of the most important stages in his career.
From May 6th there will be the big clay tournaments in Madrid, Rome and Paris and the grass events in Halle and Wimbledon within 2 months. And then there is the Olympic tournament which takes place in Wimbledon from July 29th to August 5th.

You are in a six weeks stage without a tournament. Do you make the attempt now for this unique tennis summer with the Olympic Games in Wimbledon as an extra bonus?

That I lost early in Miami (against Andy Roddick) and we didn’t have to play in the Davis Cup was surely quite lucky under the circumstances. I had more vacations and can do a better build-up. But I left everything open this year. When we had won in the Davis Cup against the USA I would have maybe skipped Indian Wells and Miami. From Madrid to Wimbledon I will maybe only have one free week and afterwards there will also be a huge stint and therefore a longer break was necessary.

Madrid will be played on blue clay for the first time. What do you say about this revolutionary innovation?

I have no idea how this will go to be. We were against it, Nadal even vehemently and I support him. He fears that a tradition is getting broken and that one tournament director wants to have blue clay, the other one grey, green or red one. I’m also for traditions but I can understand it that new things have to get tested. The clay in Madrid has to be perfect though otherwise it will be a debacle for the tournament.

You are not vehemently against it?

I’m against it because Nadal is against it and we would have other options. But tournament director Ion Tirias has insisted ad nauseam. In the end we said: He does a lot of good things for tennis so we let him go with this one. But it isn’t good that he has such things in his hands.

You went from Miami to vacations in the Caribbean. When did you start to practice again?

Already at the end of the holidays I started to practice again. I let Jesse Levine fly in as a sparringpartner. When I came back to Switzerland in the middle of April I fully started to practice. I didn’t had any problems with the weather as I started to work on my condition with Pierre Paganini first. But I played enough tennis. Beside Paul Annacone and Severin Lüthi there was Michael Berrer here for a week. I’m totally on the timetable.

Do you have respect of all the waiting challenges during this summer?

There is a wonderful stage ahead of us with many highlights. Therefore the motivation isn’t a problem. We tennisplayers are really privileged to have so many highlights. I divide the next months in 2 blocks: First the stage with French Open and Wimbledon, then a 3 weeks break before the Olympic Games and the hardcourt season in North America.

Which tournament would you like to win in 2012 the most: Paris, Wimbledon, Olympic Games or US Open?

For me Wimbledon has always been the nonplusultra and it is still special for me.
That we have the chance this year to play there in the same stadion one month after the Grand Slam tournament is huge luck for our generation. It is nice for me to have chances everywhere. I hope that I can win a few of those tournaments.

If you could choose: Would you prefer to be Wimbledon- or Olympic Games winner this summer?

I don’t have any preference there, both is equally important to me even though Olympic Games has the bigger scarcity value. Many people think that I would reach more for Switzerland with a victory at the Olympics but I don’t see it like this. It gives me pleasure that we go to Wimbledon with a strong generation – with Djokovic, Nadal, Murray and I. The tennis tournament will be on everyone’s lips. This should be good promotion for the future of tennis at the Olympic Games.

Does it increase the pressure that it could be your last Olympic Games?

I don’t think it’s impossible to play in Rio as well. We have pressure everywhere. What makes the Olympic tournament dangerous is the fact that it will be played over best of 3 at the beginning. 10 weak minutes will be enough and everything can be over. It’s another event like the Grand Slam tournaments.

Will you stay in a house in Wimbledon for the Olympic Games as well?

Yes, we have rent the same house for both tournaments. It will be a new one again. The lessor from last year didn’t want to give us the house this year again.

Is it a big aim for you to defend the title in doubles with Stanislas Wawrinka? You only played seldomly together and are only ranked #1272 in doubles.

The doubles in the Olympics are a huge aim for sure. But it is difficult for me to play there as well. I play so many tournaments and had minor problems with the body. I felt my feet the whole time in Rotterdam, the Davis Cup and also in Indian Wells. The only thing which is going to help you is vacations and rest. It wouldn’t be smart to play doubles beside singles. But I hope that I can play somewhere before the Olympics with Wawrinka. I have to approach him, he is always accessible.

Most of your fans think mainly about two questions: Do you get back to #1 and win a 17th Grand Slam title?

I don’t know. But you can see which incredible chances I still have. We talk about absolutely big success here. That is also the reason why I work hard and give everything. The #1 is possible for me this year but I have to play extremely well. Djokovic can win his 4th consecutive Grand Slam title in Paris and when he manages to do this it will be very difficult for me to get #1 within the next time. You have to respect this. But he hasn’t won in Paris yet and when I continue to play well I am at least in a good position – if I would be able to win a Grand Slam title.

Would it be the crowning moment?

To get back to #1 would indeed be a crowning moment, absolutely, it would be incredible. Therefore I’m doing everything for it and played more tournaments.

In Monte Carlo you could have theoretically get back #2. Didn’t you felt tempted to play there?

Yes, but at some point it gets too much. I didn’t played the tournament in Rosmalen back then when I could have stayed #1 for one more week and break the record of Pete Sampras.

Why have you refused the offer to play a show match in the Bernabeu stadion of Madrid on July 14th against Nadal?

The date – the first Saturday after Wimbledon – doesn’t fit me at all. I will be on vacations then. I could have done it one week later but it wasn’t possible. It would have been great and I now hope that he will have success with Djokovic.

Has your relationship with Nadal in the last months cooled down because of the dissensions you had?
He has stepped down from his position as vice precident of the players council – of which you are the president.

We surely have seen each other not that often. He wasn’t in Rotterdam and Dubai, I wasn’t in Shanghai and he wasn’t in Bercy. We only saw each other in London, Melbourne and briefly in Indian Wells. We have a bit more distance at the moment compared to times when we saw each other for weeks nearly daily. That’s one of the reasons why there have occurred certain problems as we couldn’t communicate that often. That shouldn’t be an excuse though. But I also think it’s normal that we have differences in opinion. I don’t have a problem with Nadal no matter what he says or thinks. What’s important is that he keeps on being interested in the political goings-on on the tour and that he wants to actuate things.

Do you support Nadal with the blue courts to enhance the goodwill again?

That has nothing to do with it. This topic has been talked about one year ago before our dissensions about the election of the new ATP president or the system of the world rankings.

There’s not much to win for you as president and you already got criticizes by players as Nadal, Stakhovsky or Davydenko. Haven’t you ever thought about to chuck in the job?

When I would react spontaneously I would have maybe already resigned. But I never felt personally attacked. Many players exaggerate with their threats and then nothing is gonna happen anyway. Some wanted to go against the Grand Slam tournaments way to aggressively as they think that they don’t get enough of the big profits. Roland Garros and Wimbledon have meanwhile reacted and gave answers and now everyone is more satisfied.

Wimbledon has increased the price money now. Players who lose in the first round get 26 % more as last year. Is this a way for success for the council?

Yes, that’s a success for all involved. Important is that the Grand Slam tournaments are fair. They can do whatever they want as they have a secure status. In the last 10 years the price money mainly has been increased for the later rounds and now it was important that the others would get a chance. The tournaments are in better positions and now the players get something back. It doesn’t have to be 50 % like it has been in the NBA but also not that less as at the US Open.

At the French Open Nadal can write history beside Djokovic when he wins his 7th title. Do you see yourself as a potential spoilsport in Paris?

No. But it is incredible for Djokovic that he gets the chance to win his fourth consecutive major title. I had the same chance twice and Nadal had it in 2011 in Melbourne. It has never happened in the history of tennis that three players had this kind of chance within such a short time. I think it’s great that the best players play that well at the moment. When I don’t win a tournament it’s most of the time another player of the Top 4. That’s quite incredible.

You have been the most in-form player overall in the last months but neverless you are still a bit in the shadow of Nadal and Djokovic. Do you mind this?

It also has to do with the fact that I didn’t play in Monte Carlo whilst Djokovic won in Miami and Nadal in Monte Carlo. You only have to go on vacation and everything is different… But I really enjoy it to completely disappear and don’t have to talk with anyone. I’m omnipresent all the other time – in tennis, in Switzerland. I’m pleased with my situation.

Do you catch yourself thinking about your life after tennis? Your girls are growing-up and are nearly 3 years old. What kind of influence does this have?

It’s a great situation for us. At the moment we think about where we want to live one day, where the girls go to school. That hasn’t been decided yet. There are small things which I have to decide slowly. It is nice for me that I can influence their way, nearly day by day with our education and the rules we make for them. I’m often thinking about what I would do when I would stop to play tennis. If I would work as a coach, play showmatches from time to time as Pete Sampras…

… or senior tournaments as the Zurich Open in the Saalsporthalle…

Exactly. I don’t have an idea yet. It depends how fit I would be, how much I would like to travel, how much I’m occupied with my foundation. A lot of things are possible as I met so many people. But I know that I’m a tennisplayer and that is what I want to be – and that’s what we concentrate on fully now. Everything else can wait.

You bought a property in Herrliberg. Is it decided that you are going to live there one day?

It is an option to build something there but we haven’t decided anything yet.

Do you want to have more children?

We are enjoying the little ones yet which keep us on the run the whole time. I think we will talk about it next year. At the moment this decision is a bit afar.

You were in the stadion when the ZSC won the ice hockey championship. You looked a bit shocked or is this the wrong impression?

No, I wasn’t unmoved. I sat there with Seve (Lüthi) and he was extremely for the SCB. At the deciding goal I thought: “Oh my god, that can’t be true.” But this is why we like to watch sport as we don’t know what is going to happen. It was brutal for the SCB but an incredible performance by ZSC. I had a lot of fun as I like to watch icehockey. But I felt sorry for the Berner fans and players. But they had their chances and you have to live with something like this.

訳は・・・asanokaoruさんがブログでされていますので、そちらをご覧下さいませ。4月26日分です……手抜きです。kaoruさん、ごめんなさい :oops: :ぽりぽり:

Q:なんでいつも保守的なんだ?ホークアイ、ブルークレー、Wimbledon pod (WBが計画していた新しい建物らしいです…お流れになってようですが)といい、Mr. NOなのか? 
A:ラファと同じく支持しない。(・・・大会オーナーのTiriac はすごくプレッシャーをかけてくるそうです )

続いて同じく26日のBaseler Zeitung紙 ... y/16993432
on lineで発表されている以上が、実際の紙面ではあったようです。
コード: 全て選択
Q: Roger Federer, you have calluses on your hands…
Roger Federer: … so what?

Q: Well, Having calluses comes from working .. and we thought, everything just seems so easy for you.
Roger Federer: Precisely not. This is real callus and doesn’t just come from nothing, but from hard practice.

Q: We feel reassured. A lot is coming up, so that a good preparation can be deciding.
Roger Federer : Yes, big moments are waiting for us Tennis players. That is why I am very motivated during practice. And I’m looking forward to the matches. Also because the past six month have been very good.

Q: Which one of the four big events is the most important one for you?
Roger Federer: Difficult to say. Wimbledon remains the ultimate, also because my idols – Sampras, Edberg and Becker, triumphed a dozen times. I won the juniors tournament in Wimbledon, have beaten Sampras. Those were special successes. And just right there it’s where the Olympic Final takes place four weeks later. That is an exeptional luck for our generation. But of course the French Open and the US Open are also important. If I think about it, I have to say: Tennis is a privileged sport. In other sports athletes have to wait months or even years, until they have another highlight again. For us, one highlight chases the other.

Q: If you could pick – would you choose the victory at the Grand Slam tournament at Wimbledon or the Olympic victory at Wimbledon?
Roger Federer: For me, there is no difference. It’s clear that more people will be seing you, during the Olympic Games. Plus you don’t only win for yourself, but also for Switzerland. Of course it’s special, that the Olympic Games only take place every four years. If you can’t win, you have to wait pretty long, before you get another chance again.

Q: If you come away empty-handed from the Olympic Games you would have to wait until 2016. Will you still be around by then?
Roger Federer: I didn’t really think about it much yet. But It's not unthinkable that I play in Rio.

Q: Your next tournament is Madrid on blue sand. What do you think about it ?
Roger Federer : I am against the blue sand, because Rafael Nadal is against it. I support him, if he says, that this is against the tradition of a clay tournament. At the end, so Rafael’s worry, we play on all the colours, on blue sand, on green sand, on black sand. A real clay tournament is played on red subsurface. On the other hand, I do understand that they try to make something new from time to time to get attention. Just how Ion Tiriac is doing it in Madrid. But clearly, the sand has to be perfect, or it will be a debacle.

Q: During the past month you have had some differences of opinion with Rafael Nadal. For example because of the tournament schedule, which he thinks is too full. Is this an admission to Rafael Nadal now, since you are supporting him during the argument of the blue sand colour?
Roger Federer: No, that doesn’t have something to do with that. The blue sand is a topic since about a year now. So, even before the differences we had about some topics. Sometimes we have the same opinion and sometimes we don’t.

Q : Doesn’t that have an influence on your friendship ?
Roger Federer: Not for me. I think it’s too bad, that he steps down early as players council vice president. I would like to see him during the meetings and know his opinion about a topic. On the other hand, I do understand him. If you can’t make it with all your heart, it’s better to step down from this task. I don’t know for how long I will remain president of the players council. It is much more time-consuming than people think.

Q : You haven’t only been criticized by Rafael Nadal, but also other players. Some players said, that you are too diplomatic and too much Swiss.
Roger Federer : Important is, that not all of us have the same opinion. But they also need a resting pol. That doesn’t mean that I don’t share my opinion. I want to share my part, so that Tennis can advance. But if I do denounce, I do it open and fairly and not behind their backs and by talking „dirty“ tot he media. That is contra-productive. Then sports falls back and an incredible 7:5 in the fifth set counts much less than a polemical message. Thereby it’s the tennis ball that should be in the center of attention and not any political stuff. That has broken the NHL and same with the NBA. That is why I do hope, that there will be no boycott.

Q: In relation with the discussion if the tournament calender is overloaded or not, other players do say: Federer is in a good position, he doesn’t have any signs of exhaustion.
Roger Federer: Well, people see that completely wrong. It’s not that I do have a magical body, that is never injured. I played injured several times. But I do listen to my body. I also take my freedom to take some weeks off if I do feel tired. Sometimes the others don’t know when it is enough and prefer it to collect the startmoney at a tournament instead to cancelt he event. My plans on the other hand have always been longterm and not only fort he upcoming tournaments. That is why they have to check for themselves. Whereas there can be unfortunate injuries, where they can’t blame themselves.

Q: Where does it hurt you lightly?
Roger Federer : That it hurts lightly sometimes is normal. I am a pro athlete since almost 20 years now. If I wouldn’t feel some signs of exhautions sometimes, that wouldn’t be normal. Where it is exactly, I can’t really tell. Once here, once there. But I hardly do have muscle ache. I’m grown up and know what my body can take or not.

Q: Have you watched the Monte Carlo Final between Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal?
Roger Federer: No, if I am not playing the tournament I don’t watch at all. Nadal is clearly the man to beat on clay. Okay, Djokovic also played incredible on sand last year. I don’t know, what was up with him in Monte Carlo. I just know, that Nadal can run you down on sand if you are not on your highest level. To win Monte Carlo eight times in a row is an incredible series.

Q : It is going to be difficult for you to break that record…
Roger Federer : (laughing) Seems like. I don’t know, how that could be still possible.

Q: Lets look ahead to the Olympic Games: Are you going to be the flag bearer for the third time? Or will you leave this honor up to Fabian Cancellara?
Roger Federer : I will support every decicion. Of course, I would love to do it, because it is a big honor. Those were special moments in my carrer. It was my birthday in Peking, exactly 8.8.08. It was also special in Athens. If Fabio Cancellara is going to be the one in London, I would be happy for him. He is a good and dear guy with incredible results.

Q: Cancellara fell into a deep hole after the 2008 Olympics. Did something like that happen to you as well ?
Roger Federer: No. I think we have an advance in Tennis for that. Because we have so many highlights. Also, you can’t afford it to race if you don’t have your full strenght. For Tennis, where you have about 80 matches a year you can go there and see how it goes.

Q : Books about you are booming. In a book called « Fascination Federer » the author Dominique Eigenmann writes that he loves you. Doesn’t Mirka get jealouse about things like that ?
Roger Federer : No, no. With those kind of love declarations she can live very well. (laughing)

Q: You haven’t written any autobiography yet. Why not?
Roger Federer: I don’t feel like revealing everything.

Q: What chapter would be the most interesting?
Roger Federer: From my view, nothing is really exciting, even if I have a remarkable carrer. I know all about myself. For my fans, the most thrilling chapter would be to know how it all works behind the scenes.

Q: Your kids will shortly be three years old. In two years they will start Kindergarden. Where will they do that?
Roger Federer: We will see. One thing for sure, I will see them less, if I will continue playing Tennis. If I do still wanna play Tennis then, we will see.

Q: Will you move to Herrliberg?
Roger Federer: I bought land there, it is actually an option. But if and when we will beginn to build, we don’t know yet.

Q: Is it possible that you move to Basel or Basel area ?
Roger Federer : I can see myself having an appartement at the Rhein. But I haven’t given it a thought yet. First of all I’m looking forward to the Chalets, which we are building in Lenzerheide right now.

Q: Since you are successful, the newspaper in the nordwest Swiss always discuss about it on wheter you are from Basel city or from Basel area. Please do tell us, so we can write it correctly in the future.
Roger Federer : What are you writing right now?

Q: Roger Federer – from Basel area.
Roger Federer: I was born in Basel city hospital. If you consider that, both is correct.

Q : You might think so, but not the Basel city people or the Basel area people. They wanna know now.
Roger Federer : I don’t wanna start a fight. And for somebody like me, who travels so much Basel City and Basel area are one region, even, if there are differences. You can be reassured: No matter if you write Federer from Basel city, or Federer from Basel area, both is correct.

Q: A typical diplomatic answer from a Swiss.
Roger Federer : I am Swiss … and from Basel City … and from Basel area…

興味のあるところ、上記のインタビューと重複しないところだけ、ザッと訳。。。適当訳。。。 :oops:





ナダルが反対だから僕も反対。でも、Ion Tiriacがやっているように、注目を得るために何か新しいことをしたいというのも理解できる。とにかく(何色であれ)クレー自体が完璧であることが必要だ。でないと大失敗になる。









28日 Le Temps紙
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"I did everything to create my style"
Roger Federer: "I never imagined being so loved." (ND)

Roger Federer will resume competition in Madrid after a long pause. In an interview with "Time", he recalls in 2012, its elegance and the Olympics

He chose the hotel terrace and Panorama view overlooking Lake Zurich to provide some face-to-head. "It's beautiful, right? From here, the lake seems much bigger. "Roger Federer returned from vacation. It shows and it shows. It seems particularly fresh, smiling, relaxed and available. The pause that was offered after the Miami tournament allowed him to relax, physically and mentally. "I believe in real cuts without tennis, three weeks vacation and two physical preparation. I gave myself that when I was already world number one and I think these phases then bring me a lot today and helped me to be so little hurt. "He had taken a break after the Cup meeting Davis in Australia in September and its results back - with a title in Basel, Bercy Masters in London, Dubai and Indian Wells - showed how it was beneficial.

It will resume competition next weekend with the 1000 Madrid Masters tournament. For an intense period which will include Roland Garros, Wimbledon and the Olympics ... olymiques

Time: What is the best thing to Roger Federer in 2012?

Roger Federer: Phew ... (he smiles) I'm already pretty filled in my life. I am fortunate to have a complete family, results in the field, no injury. I do what I love most, namely tennis, and I travel around the world. That's incredible. So when you have it all, you want to work well, to be successful in what you do. This is what I want.

- And what would it be the greatest success?

- Wimbledon and the Olympics. This combination then I would say. Winning the double would be sensational. But win one of two is already beautiful. I especially hope to be shaped up since then this phase will be unique. Because I do not think we will have the opportunity to see the Olympics in London. For us tennis players, it's a dream come true. And tell me I'm in a position to possibly win the Olympics at Wimbledon is a prospect that thrills me.

- Is it an advantage to you that the Games are competing in your garden at Wimbledon?

- That is clear. Given all the success I had there ... The Games were awarded in 2012 was played between Paris and London. And I think Wimbledon favors me a little more than Roland Garros even though I played very well at Roland in the past.

- And what would happen to the best tennis this year 2012?

- Good question. An American who goes up and it would be positive. Is this it would be good for tennis that someone other than the top three win a Grand Slam? As possible. It always depends on whose perspective one takes. After, I think that each chapter is written - especially when Rafa, Novak and I win - is good for our sport. At Roland Garros this year, there are a lot of issues. (Nadal can beat Borg's record with an eighth title and Djokovic achieve "Djokoslam" by winning all four majors in a row.) Right now, this is rich. You really can not complain.

- Stefan Edberg told us recently that he believed they saw the golden age of tennis with you and Nadal. Is there a risk that the sport loses its interest after you leave?

- Maybe a little. If I compare to golf, Tiger Woods has played a little less at some point. Do I have watched less golf? Yes. But at the same time, we must also go through periods and situations like that to really appreciate then what is offered. Because there are always great stories and great players. Now they talk about me and Rafa, but if you took away the three of us (Nadal, Djokovic and himself), would create more stories on numbers 4, 5, 6 or 8, 9.10. It is always best with what you have. It'll be interesting to see how long Novak, Rafa and I'll still play. But I think there is room and that it is "safe" for the next five years. And in five years we will probably drill youth who are 16 or 17 years, which is not yet known, but future issues that are a power.

- What is the worst that could happen in tennis? More uniformity even surfaces and styles?

- There is no danger yet. To the extent that one can choose to focus on this tournament and such a surface. Even if you have to play a bit of all. No, the worst for tennis, would be to have someone of doped or shocking news related to a player. With respect to the surface and speed, it sure would be nice to have a greater diversity but this is not a serious problem.

- Your successes of recent months show a surprising freshness mental, nourished by the pleasure of the game How would you define it?

- I like the changes, angles, effects, physics, having to fight day after day, minute after minute to achieve a goal. I like the difference between training and the atmosphere in the stadium. I enjoy traveling. They do not bother me at all. Admittedly, it moves a lot but travel make sense. We do not constantly going back and forth from one continent to another. Or at least that's rare. Now that I live well beyond what I could have imagined in my dreams in the past. So you must know that now enjoy. I never imagined being much loved and played as often on center court. I still remember how it was on court 17 with a wind not possible because there are no bleachers for the block, across from the shadows, not a rat to watch you; the linesman worst. This is where it's hard to motivate game after game. But under the conditions that are mine today, it goes without saying. And it's so easy that I would not miss such an opportunity. That's how I see things and suddenly it's not a problem for me to get up in the morning and going to work hard.

- Your home fans appreciate the grace and beauty of movement. Are you aware? Is this something you worked?

- Yes, early in my career I tried to play ... so I will not say nice ... but with a technique that I like and I match. I remember I watched a lot of my games to see how to play better tactically. And I thought that I would not be a second Sampras, Edberg backhand a second or a second serving Becker. I wanted to have my own style. And I became more muscular and strong physically, the more I play and have varied in different ways. If I take the reverse, for example. At first I was spending more with the body but now I can do more with arm and wrist. So, it looks better. Although it's also more abrupt. Indeed, today, we no longer have time to adopt the classic position of putting the left leg forward on the forehand and backhand on the right. It now plays with his legs apart. I am surprised that despite achieving keep a certain elegance. Thanks to a physical work of my footwork, I manage to move elegantly. Reaching move in a way that appeals to people is interesting.

- Is this the legacy Federer this grace and elegance?

- I think. I remember that I looked younger players to the net. I found it so beautiful to see. A volley followed by a bit hard a winning move. It was things that I appreciated also for their aesthetics. As the slice. It's not for nothing that it's always been my favorite trick.

- The authorship has empowered you, she participates in your development as you present this is the second youth?

- Maybe. Even if I did not need a family to remind me who I am, what I have and how much I'm lucky. I did not need children to distract me after a defeat. Having a family is just a dream come true. Mirka, with whom I share my life for so long. Having twins was the great shock. (He laughs) We do not expect it at all. And now, it's incredible to realize how it makes you happy as a parent. This is the most wonderful thing that we happen to live. Able to balance my family life and my career - Mirka have fully behind me - filled me. As long as this does not preterite health and healthy development of girls - and for now it's going well - it's great because it allows me to see 98% of the time. I'm lucky. Even if we want it because it's still a complicated organizational perspective and logistics. These are a lot of bags to make and unmake. And it is this level that I thank my family and Mirka. Because it will not either.

- Little do they start to be aware of what is happening?

- They know that I play tennis. And as they got used to this pace, it's normal for them. Just like having a dad known. But maybe they will think that all dads are known. We'll see how it will happen later. But I am serene.

- To return to the Olympics. How would you describe this event?

- It's the Olympic spirit. Something unique. Which theoretically means that only amateurs have the right to participate. I'm glad they opened it. But I would understand completely if tennis was not one part. I like the idea of playing for your country. The rarity of the event, the fact that it takes place only every four years, gives it another dimension. As World Cup soccer. We did not do that in tennis. For us, things are repeated every year. We have great events too, but does allow time between editions creates more value. I also like the idea of opening and closing ceremonies of the Games with the flame. It is generally well organized. It has the look. It is an honor to participate. We can meet other athletes. It's really nice.

- But living in the Olympics being a star is not clear. In Beijing, Kobe Bryant and if you were courted. It bordered on hysteria ...

- Yes, unfortunately it changes and distorts over other athletes. That's why I have so loved Sydney. I lived in the Olympic Village. Mirka too. This is also where we met. Able to eat in the canteen and see another sport with ease, these are things I miss. From Sydney, I have not had the opportunity to see another sport. In Athens, it was just ridiculous. I had a number of solicitations and a crazy pace. I realized it just was not possible to concentrate in such conditions. So, in Beijing, I decided to stay out of the Olympic Village. And I had more success. And finally, I think of you interested the more people that I bring a medal as was done in duplicate with Stan to see me rather than staying at the athletes' village. In London, I will rent a house like I do every year at Wimbledon. I try to go to the opening ceremony and move to the village to feel the atmosphere of the Games but it's true for athletes like me, Kobe Bryant or other complicated it is going to village. It's already hard to say no to people when you ask for autographs, it's even harder to say no to the athletes.

- We began the interview by asking you what you could get better this year. What worse could happen to you, sportingly?

- An injury at the wrong time. I remember when Murray injured his wrist just before Roland Garros and missed Wimbledon Roland but also behind. The worst would be physically or mentally ill just before Roland, Wimbledon or the Olympics and not being able to play behind.

- Nadal has resigned as vice-chairman of the ATP players. Have you also thought about leaving your desk chair for you is criticism?

- It is certain that hot, you want to resign immediately. Because some players are often extreme in their manner of speech. But if you throw in the towel behind nothing happens. I try to stay calm. And I take the time to talk with players. I made it to Miami to explain how things were going with the Grand Slams because some were too aggressive in the steps they intended to take. I told them to wait to see what Roland Garros and Wimbledon were going to do. And we had the answer. They are trying to move [note: increased prize money for players who lose in the first rounds].

- The strike threat is it excluded?

- I do not know where are the players in their thinking. I see in Madrid. Decisions made by Roland and Wimbledon in the right direction. Now it's the U.S. Open to take a step.

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Roger Federer にとって2012のベストとは?









最後に29日付けBlick紙。写真が数枚見れます。 ... 63022.html
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„I’m looking forward to the chalet like a little child!”
Before the maybe most exciting summer of his career Roger Federer prepares in Switzerland. In this interview with “Sonntags-Blick” he talks about where he feels comfortable und why the rain in Switzerland is more beautiful as the sun in Dubai.

Roger Federer is proud of his home. “But for the interview we are going outside on the terrace, right?” he says during the welcoming. He wants to show the fantastic panorama at the Lake Zurich and therefore has invited into the identically named hotel in Feusisberg.

Roger Federer, the view here in Feusisberg is nearly as good as the one in Herrliberg where you bought a paradisial property. How happy are you about your future home?

Roger Federer: Wait a moment. So far it is only a piece of land which I bought. I know it is a huge property and adding to this a beautiful one. For me it is an option to build something some day when I have the time to do it and when I feel it is the right moment for it. We just wanted to have a look where we would enjoy it and where we could foresee a future for us. Of course we are happy that we have this property. But so far it is mainly an option and we have to wait and see what will happen.

How far is the housebuilding in Valbella?

Right now we are completing the chalet. I’m looking forward to this like a little child. This is one stage. Then we also have our apartment in Wollerau. Maybe this is enough. Who knows maybe a build in Herrliberg will happen sooner or later.

So the excavators won’t arrive already next year in Herrliberg?

It could be. But right now I have other occupations. That’s why we are relaxed. (smiles)

You looked long enough for your dream around Lake Zurich.

Let’s say that I was just open. I’m not an export in real estate purchase. But I was in an optimal situation and could just look around no matter if it was an apartment, a house, a piece of land. It’s important that you take the time to look at different things. We saw objects in Rapperswil and on the other side. I was everywhere to have a look where it would be beautiful. Honestly said I can imagine living everywhere in Switzerland. I feel at home everywhere. I lived in Basel, in Biel, in Lausanne. I was everywhere so my life could really be everywhere. But at one point the moment will come were you say: Okay, let’s have a concrete look at something.

One gets the impression that you feel at home in the region around Lake Zurich.

Yes. I have already many friends here for a long time. We often went from Basel to Zurich and back. Mirka is from Thurgau. That’s why we said that Zurich suits us as it is in the middle. Mirkas parents often come to visit us. Switzerland is a small country. Many people think a one hour car drive would be a long trip but for me it is only a stone’s throw away. Sometimes I drive one hour to the tennis club in order to practice and one hour back. But it is true that I feel comfortable here. But I feel really comfortable everywhere in Switzerland. It is a good pivot for me.

You have twins which will probably grow up with a Zurich dialect. Aren’t you afraid that they will get teased because of this in Basel?

Who knows? (laughs) Let’s see whether they will speak Basel dialect or Zurich dialect. Or in the end Thurgau dialect. I have no idea.

You said that the chalet in Valbella would be a dream. Was there something which you wanted to have by all means?

Well, it is already even more what I could have ever dreamed of. It starts with the fact that I’m able to buy a piece of land and a chalet whilst being 30 years old. That’s just incredible. I know how lucky I am. I didn’t choosed tennis as a job because you make good money. So will I be able to afford one more room? Well, everything is already even over my imagination. Every extra is more which I have ever dreamed of. Honestly said I wasn’t that far in my dreams at all.

Do you enjoy it to have small extras like a table football or a ping-pong table?

We will see. First we have to live there and see what we want to add. We live our life with many memories. I have a lot of my life on the tour, with Mirka together. Ping-pong is of course a memory of the child-hood.

You have a house in Valbella but you didn’t go skiing for a very long time.

Yes, since I had mono. (After recovering from mono in 2008 he went skiing and got sick immediately again. Editor’s note.)

So it is without a question that you will go skiing again during your career?

I just went into the mountains in the last years to relax. We went for a walk with the little ones, went out for a good meal, met with friends. Once we went on a mountain without ski. I have fun without them. But I know that I will go skiing again when my career is over.

You are a cosmopolitan and live everywhere in the world. Do you think Switzerland could be to parochial when your tennis career is over?

A huge advantage of Switzerland is that you are everywhere from here within a short time. May it be London, Paris or Milan when you want to be in a huge town. I don’t really need this as I have seen Shanghai, New York and other huge towns already. Switzerland is an ideal pivot. You can go everywhere from here by car, train or plane. It’s without a question that I’m going to travel in the future as well. I’m used to it. But I also enjoy it to relax in my own four walls. That’s what I miss a lot even more now with an own family. Therefore we are enjoying the current time where we spent 2 to 3 weeks in Switzerland. I’m at home and it means normality. Of course I practice hard and focus on the upcoming tournaments. But I feel comfortable even though we have april weather. I love it when it is cloudy, then the sun appears, then rain. I don’t get to see it from most of the destinations I go to. That’s why I enjoy Switzerland to the fullest.







Valbellaに家を持っても、あなたは長い間スキーをしてないでしょ? 当然スキーに行くつもりなの?


同じくBlick紙で26日付けの゛How was the trouble with Nadal” というのもありますが、興味のある方はどうぞ。訳してません。 ... 59219.html

追記:Blickの記者Christian Buerge さんもインタビュー内容を簡単にTwitterで紹介しています。一部重複しますが。

Tages-Anzeiger紙 インタビューの最後のほうで話題になっているアイスホッケーの観戦写真はこちらに↓↓↓ ... 49307.html
まだご覧になってない方は是非・・・かなり、いや、激しく楽しめる写真が9枚 :lol:  こんなんとか(笑)

VALBELLAの別荘についてはこちらで。パパ、ママのお家もいっしょに建てるそうです。 ... 57621.html

アメリカにいる時はJesse Levine君と、スイスへ帰国してからはMichael Berrer君とpracticeをしていました。
でもMichael Berrerは26日(27日?)には既にベオグラードへ出発。今は誰と練習しているんかな~~ :roll:

以上、長く長くなりまして申し訳ありませぬ :ゴメン:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Off topic

未読記事by nocko » 2012年5月02日(水) 18:48

fuyuさん! :ハグ:

相変わらずRogiのインタビューは読んでいて納得、感心、楽しいですね。言葉の端々から知性とユーモアが感じられるし、相手を馬鹿にしたようなところは微塵もないし。写真も・・・といいたいところですが、アイスホッケー観戦のRogiったら~ :lol:
このギャップもたまりませんね。 :wink:
とにかく今シーズンも健康で、楽しく熱く闘ってくれますように。そして家族とともに幸せでありますように。 :lovesign:
(^_-)-☆Good Luck Roger☆画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36

Re: Off topic

未読記事by fuyu » 2012年6月11日(月) 14:09

RG直後に空気読まない投稿ですみません :oops:  ROLEX宣伝用の新しい写真だそうです。あんまり素敵なので貼っておきます :yeah:

画像 画像 :lovestruck:
画像 画像 :hugpc:
画像 :blinkheart:
画像 画像 :dancing:
画像 :heartrain: :loveaura: :heartrain:

Rogiの写真を見て「はいよッ :yeah: 」っとROLEXを購入するほどリッチじゃなくて申し訳ない :ashamed: :lol:
早く大きい写真がみたいですね :ハート:

RGは2ヶ月近く悩まされていたhip injury にもかかわらず、怪我を悪化させることなくSFまで行けたのですから、上等としましょう :D
もうハレに着いてます。美しい芝の上で、自分のゲームとBHの感触を取り戻し、いい芝のシーズンを過ごせますように :pray: :pray: :pray:
そして、ほんのチョットの運もほしいな :pray:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Off topic

未読記事by fuyu » 2012年6月11日(月) 22:26

訂正いたします :ゴメン:
そう言われれば、ROLEXが見えないですもんね :ashamed:

大きい写真、3枚DLできます。 ... kat1de.pdf ... kat2de.pdf ... kat3de.pdf

There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Off topic

未読記事by 俄フェレリスタ » 2012年8月06日(月) 23:08




「Rogerだ、Rogerだ!! 」

Roger fan
Roger fan
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登録日時: 2007年5月15日(火) 20:51
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