ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年11月20日(日) 02:03

Draw    :
CENTRE COURT start 12:15 pm
[3] M Mirnyi (BLR) / D Nestor (CAN) vs [5] R Bopanna (IND) / A Qureshi (PAK)
Not Before 2:00 PM
[4] R Federer (SUI) vs [6] J Tsonga (FRA)
Not Before 6:15 PM
[2] M Llodra (FRA) / N Zimonjic (SRB) vs [8] M Fyrstenberg (POL) / M Matkowski (POL)
Not Before 8:00 PM
[2] R Nadal (ESP) vs [8] M Fish (USA)


Player Profile YouTube ... r_embedded

画像 画像


ツォンガ戦を前にして「RR緒戦を前にして、すごくプレッシャーがあるよ」 ビデオクリップ見れます。前半!


There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by nocko » 2011年11月20日(日) 11:40

fuyuさん、またまたありがとうございます。最近は(以前から?)めっきり不精になってしまい、たよりっぱなしです。昨夜も、お、まだトピがたっていないからたまにはたてようかな、と思いつつ、結局寝てしまいました。 :oops:
初戦で上手く波に乗れるといいですね。最終戦で、最高の笑顔で1年を締めくくれますように。 :pray:

:スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ:
(^_-)-☆Good Luck Roger☆画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36


未読記事by emu » 2011年11月21日(月) 01:15

よかった  ほんとによかった :ハート:
最後までドキドキ、最後のゲームのロジャーの気合にしびれました :loveaura:

fuyuさん、いつもいつも、ありがとうございます :感謝感激:
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 15
登録日時: 2011年7月24日(日) 09:57


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年11月21日(月) 12:48

6-2, 2-6, 6-4 W15 UE20 1時間28分 :bounces:


on court interview hirocoさん、ありがとう! :感謝感激: ... 6379520001


コード: 全て選択
Q. How did you turn it around? You lost control of the match at the end of the second set. How did you get back into it?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, I thought I wasn't playing that poorly. You know, I thought it was a good first set. Even the second set was fine. The second break, I shouldn't get that one. The first one, I kind of gave it to him a bit. I think I was up 30 Love. Fought back to 30 All. Ended up hitting two forehand errors, which usually don't do. That's maybe due to pressure first match, different conditions, wrong shot selection.
But he did well to serve bigger and better as the match went on. Once he got the upper hand in the second set, he started to swing more freely and got more dangerous.
With me, it was just trying to stay calm, trying to wait for my chance, trying to create chances when he was not serving as well as he did at times. I was going to take those chances and hopefully come through with the victory, which it all came that way, exactly the way I hoped it to be.

Q. Obviously it's difficult against Tsonga when he's playing the way he did. How did you keep your cool during the tough third set?

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, you just try to stay calm, you know. Absolutely it's not always in your control when you play Jo. That's the beauty of it. I kind of enjoy that to some degree.
But I think also partially because it was a first round match, I think that's maybe why we saw some ups and downs from both players. But that's kind of normal. That's why I'm actually pretty happy that I was able to come through today.

Q. What's the key to return Tsonga's serve and how would you rate your returning game in general in 2011?

ROGER FEDERER: My returning?

Q. Yes.

ROGER FEDERER: Well, I think when Jo's serving well and I played him in the first tournament of the year in Doha when he was just coming back, I already thought he was mixing up his serve really well, you know. Just good slides, good kicks, obviously great power. Once he gets it going, he starts off every game with a great serve. And from then on, it seems like he's taking all the right decisions.
It's really hard to get into any sort of rhythm against him from the baseline because he's a very good 1 2 puncher as well, which he proved over four and a half sets against me at Wimbledon. I think that makes him particularly hard to return sometimes.
Today I had flashes of that match because I didn't have much of a chance for a while on his serve. You just try your best.
Overall I think I've been trying to do different things this year on my returning, at times a bit more offensive, sometimes a bit more, you know, sort of normal the way I return. But recently I've played well. Always depends which surface you play, which player, depends on how you return. Obviously every player has a certain return style, and mine is obviously completely different because I'm one handed than all of the rest of the top 10 players.

Q. How do you see the court conditions here versus last year and Bercy? Right after Bercy, did you take one day off or did you go directly to practice the next day?

ROGER FEDERER: No, no, I took two days off, Monday, Tuesday, arrived back here on Wednesday, started practicing again. So I had two days off completely. I mean, completely is exaggerated. I'm still busy in Switzerland. But in terms of fitness or tennis, I didn't do anything for two days.
This year it just feels faster, London, for some reason because we're coming from a slower Paris. Whereas last year Paris was lightning, so you felt this was slow. I still think I'm wrapping my mind around the new conditions, still kind of getting used to it.
I'm not sure if there's a bit more bounce this year to last year. We'll see how it all plays out. But I think that could be the case a little bit this year.

Q. We don't see Pierre Paganini at many of your events. Are you working a little bit more on the physical side perhaps at the moment, different drills, anything new?

ROGER FEDERER: No, nothing different. He's supposed to leave today, but his flight got canceled because of the fog maybe. I don't know. He wants to leave this place again. I was like, What are you doing? He actually wanted to leave yesterday. Stay for one more day, which he did.
No, he does maybe come to, let's just say, six events a year. Then occasionally if I'm in a Grand Slam final, like Paris, he would maybe show up for that.
When he feels there's no more to do during a tournament because it's all tournament rhythm, matches, rest, all that stuff, for him there's no point to stay here and he goes, does other things.
Works really well. He likes to stay away from the limelight. It's kind of good this way for both of us.

Q. Like you said, one of the reasons you play fantastic now is you take the Asian swing off and it let your body rest. Your fans in China are worried that it will become even harder to get you playing Shanghai because you found a successful formula.

ROGER FEDERER: Uhm, I don't know. I don't think I'm playing great tennis just now because of me missing Shanghai. I don't see it that way.
It's definitely helped me and it was necessary because I was hurting a lot after the US Open and Davis Cup. I was having pains in my body which needed some rest.
Also looking ahead of next year, because it's an Olympic year next year, I just felt like I needed some time off. I also do have a family. I do have so many other things going on that sometimes I just need to get away from it all.
I've had a very busy year. I've played a lot of matches again. So that was the reason. This hopefully is not a trend for the Asian swing because I care too much about the Asian market and the Asian tournaments.

Q. Can you talk a little bit about the completely different mindset, especially at the beginning of this event. It's so different from the rest, that you can lose, not be out of the tournament, which is very different.

ROGER FEDERER: It is different. Even today at one stage, when I was down a break, I was like, Okay, so what's the calculation behind this now? I'm like, C'mon, just play tennis. Don't worry if you lose a set 6 2, 6 4, 7 6, you know, if it comes to that, that means it's craziness and you're just unlucky.
You try your best, go with it. Obviously I'm very experienced when it comes to round robin play here at the World Tour Finals. It definitely has a different feel to it because you do know you're going to be here regardless, and that in a way, it feels like you have a safety net, but you actually don't. It can be misleading.
Honestly, by now I know how to handle it mentally and the whole deal.

Q. How do you rate the O2 here as a venue? Perhaps your favorite in the whole year?

ROGER FEDERER: It's very nice. To pick it my absolute favorite would be unfair towards all the other great arenas and places I play tennis at. But this is definitely up there. It's electrifying, it's entertainment. It's got that myth around having also musicians here during the year. I feel like it's an arena where you'll be proud one day to have played here, I find.
I think it's nice that it's a win win situation for both, for the city, for the players, for the arena. So it's all good news all around. I've really enjoyed my time all these years at the O2.

Q. What did Thierry Henry think of your performance?

ROGER FEDERER: I don't know. I think he was happy. He wasn't crying when I came into the locker room (smiling).
We're good friends. He's just happy to come and see me play once in a while. We missed each other in New York even though we were both there. So it was nice again to catch up with him.
He's a nice and friendly guy. Look, I'm sure he hopes that I win. But it's more about seeing each other really.

そんなに悪いプレーをしたとは思ってない、2ndset でもね。最初のブレークはされちゃいけなかった。やはり初戦のプレッシャーがあった。ツォンガは段々サーブがよくなって益々のびのびとプレーし始めて危険になった。でも、落ち着いてチャンスを待った。そしてまさしく望んだようになった。

・・・・・・・って、おいおい、2ndset以降、どんなに心配したか :心配: :lol:

CENTRE COURT start 12:15 pm
[2] M Llodra (FRA) / N Zimonjic (SRB) vs [5] R Bopanna (IND) / A Qureshi (PAK)
Not Before 2:00 PM
[6] J Tsonga (FRA) vs [8] M Fish (USA)
Not Before 6:15 PM
[3] M Mirnyi (BLR) / D Nestor (CAN) vs [8] M Fyrstenberg (POL) / M Matkowski (POL)
Not Before 8:00 PM
[2] R Nadal (ESP) vs
[4] R Federer (SUI)
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年11月22日(火) 10:31

昨日Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award と ATP Fans’ Favourite の表彰式が行われました。

コート内外でのスポーツマンシップを讃えるエドベリ賞は仲間のプレーヤー達の投票で、ファン人気公表はもちろん私達ファンの一票の積み重ね :yeah:
エドベリ賞は7回目、ファン投票1位は9年連続です。ランキングがどうであろうと、愛され、尊敬されるキャラなんですね :ハグ:

画像 :lovestruck:
画像 :hugpc:
黒のベルベット、良く似合ってます。素敵 :ハート:

スピーチ ... Diary.aspx
“Many awards now. It’s 22 from the ATP [World Tour Awards] and nine straight Fans’ Favourite,”
“I can only thank them as many times as I already have, through the TV, through websites and when I see them and sign autographs and speak to them, how friendly they always are with me, and how nice it is to be well-liked, really. It’s nice to have so many fans all around the world.
“And then the Stefan Edberg award is very special to me because he was an idol for me growing up. Sort of being popular like him and being regarded from my fellow peers, and my rivals really at times, as a fair player... This is already my seventh award in the fair play category, so it’s very nice and I’m very proud of those achievements.”

:lovesign: ファンのサポートがモチベーションの一つになっていると、最近たびたび口にします。 嬉しいです!!! :lovesign:
:スイスフラッグ: Rogiができるだけ長くプレーしてくれるよう絶賛応援継続!いなくなったテニス界って考えられないもん… :スイスフラッグ:

追記:今回ナダルがもらったArthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year、Rogiは既に2006年に受賞しています。
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年11月22日(火) 15:06

連投、ごめん :oops:


2つめのYoutubeに関する記事↓↓↓で特筆したい部分は… ... dal-s.aspx
I don't think any tennis player truly transcends national boundaries like Federer does. Sure, being the most prolific Grand Slam winner in the Open Era doesn't hurt his likability any, but he's got something else that really captures people's attention.

本当にRogiは国境を超えて人気があり好かれてますね 8) 人々の心をとらえる抗いがたい魅力があります。いわゆる、「持ってる」んですね :ハート:
筆者は、例えセルビアでジョコビッチ相手にD杯を戦ったとしても(全くawayになることなく)ある程度の応援はもらえるだろう、とまで言ってます :wink:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年11月24日(木) 09:09

遅くなりました。6-3、6-0 ジャスト1時間で完璧な勝利 :bounces: :bounces:  か、神のようなテニスでした :すげぇ〜:
ナダルにベーグルを焼いちゃったのはWimbledon 2006、Hamburg 2007、London 2011で、3回目です。美味しかったですね :wink:
これでSF進出が決まりました。10年連続の最終戦出場で、SF進出を逃したのは腰痛に苦しんだ2008年だけです。 :脱帽:

画像walk on から既に :ハート:
画像 killer look :loveaura2:
画像 良かった~ :yeah: :拍手:
画像 可愛い :キス:

on court interview

コード: 全て選択
RF: very happy what can I say, i played well and I have seen rafa play better but I am very happy to win so I well and wish rafa the best for the rest of the group excited about how well i played tonight and very happy to have such a good match sometimes you don't know if a match will live up to the hype and we have a great rivalry but today I played well and am excited

ANnouncuer-How do you handle the pressure?
RF: it is a challenge every day to come out and perform your best, every day every match is different so to come out and play well is great

ANnouncer:indoors unbelievable record indoors...
RF: clay goes his way and at least I have one surface that goes my way rafa has improved to play on many surfaces rafa had a tremendous year and I ams sure we will see him back soon
announcers tells Roger he is also first to qualify

RF: Roger questions that he did qualify and yes, so how does he feel about going for 6 titles
well it is a weight off my shoulders to qualify and have less pressure next match, I mean there is always pressure to perform in front of folks but knowing I have qualified I can relax a bit. You know it would be amazing to win my 6th title here. I have two more matches in the semis on center court to play so we will see how far I can take it and would love to defend my title here.

Presser フルで

コード: 全て選択
Q. I think we're all probably a little stunned by that. Do you get stunned when you play quite as well as that?

ROGER FEDERER: A little bit, I do, yes. Very happy. Of course, it was a great match for me basically from start to finish. I was able to do what I was hoping to do: dominate from the baseline, play close to the baseline, serve well, take his time away. I was able to do that tonight. Hasn't always worked.
I also felt the power of Rafa in the past, so this is a great match for me, a nice win, clearly.

Q. Did you exorcise some psychological demons against Rafa tonight?

ROGER FEDERER: I always knew I could beat Rafa. The question is sometimes it was hard to do because he has a big say, as well, in how the matches go. The quicker the court, the more I favor myself.
But conditions are not so fast out there sometimes. Not even this is so quick. But I'm happy I was able to play and use the conditions to my advantage. Maybe Rafa didn't play his very best tonight. But on an indoor court, it all happens very quickly as we saw at the end.
For me it was an exciting match to play. Very excited after a tough loss in Miami this year and a close one in Madrid that I was able to turn it around again.

Q. What do you feel the differences are when you play Rafa indoors compared to other surfaces?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, obviously on clay and on grass, you have the bad bounces that come into play more, so it's harder maybe to play some half volleys off the baseline. Today I hit some crucial ones off my backhand side. In key moments I was able to stay put, not move backwards, to give myself time. That helps on the indoors, even though you do have the occasional bad bounce as well on the indoors.
I don't know. Usually it just plays faster indoors than the other surfaces, so I think that's the biggest difference.

Q. The score is unbelievable. You never beat him so easily. I'd like to know if you remember when you lost to him so badly in Roland Garros 2008. Do you think these scores, when they are so severe, there is something strange? One of the two is playing at his best and the other at his worst or is that not the case?

ROGER FEDERER: Look, I mean, we've played so many times, sometimes it just derails for you, like it derailed for Rafa today and it did for me at the French Open.
I mean, you know what good front runners, the top guys are. Once you start rolling, it's hard to stop the player. So for him it was hard today. It was maybe even harder on clay once you get behind because the serve doesn't help you at all anymore. And then everything you try doesn't work for the guy who is down; for the one who is up, he's taking more and more chances, all of that is working. Next thing you know, you're facing a debacle. Yeah, that's what is tough.
I don't know how much it is mental. Once you're down a set and a double break, you're not even playing to win anymore, you're just hoping to stay in the match. That's what was for me the case when I was down two sets to love because I did have chances in the second set at Paris. Nobody's ever going to talk about that moment anymore (laughter).

Q. This year you started to win tournaments when others started getting tired. How much is that down to being in better shape at the end of the year than the others?

ROGER FEDERER: I don't know. I mean, I've gotten unlucky towards the end of the season. I've had a back issue. I've had a quad issue. The year I beat Ferrer, I had mono already at the Masters, but I came through that. So, I mean, I don't know.
Look, it's always worked out well for me. I guess I'm tough in taking, you know, hits as well with my body. I know how to handle them.
My body, even if it's injured, it can still play really well, whereas maybe other players, if they are injured, it doesn't work anymore. But that's because I play offensively, and I think that's an advantage, too.
Many matches in my career I've played hurt, as well, but was able to somehow find a way to at least compete or sometimes even to win.
Yeah, then scheduling is one thing, but I don't think I'm doing all the right things either the whole time. I've also made my fair shares of mistakes. Yeah, since ever I qualified for the World Tour Finals, I've been pretty much fit except for the once when I had the back issue. Well, I also twisted my ankle once. I had a couple where I was struggling a lot as well, actually.

Q. The crowds here get very involved when you're playing Rafa. How do you manage to blank out the noise or do you find it actually lifts you?

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, it does. I've said in the past as well, sometimes these big occasion matches are tough to handle. There's so much pressure on both of us players, you don't manage to play well. Sometimes it lifts me up crazy like it did tonight.
I very quickly felt the crowd was into it after one or two points already. The crowd was cheering his or my name. I felt it was a good atmosphere out there, good energy. They were really excited and ready to see this match tonight. It definitely got me fired up. I'm sure it made me play better.

Q. When did you last feel you played that well, especially against Rafa? Also, where would it rank in your all time comprehensive victories?

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, it's definitely one of the nice ones, that's clear. I had some good ones, you know, in my career, my lifetime. This one ranks high because it's against my biggest rival probably. It's the World Tour Finals, where it really matters. That I've been able to come through so convincing is a bit of a surprise to me, but it ranks extremely high.
It's not the finals, I know that, but it's still a steppingstone, hopefully, to the finals. I'm one match away from that now. I'm very happy to have qualified, because also that pressure is gone now. So I can really look forward now basically two, three days, which is nice as well. But I'll be my very best for my third round robin match and give it all I have.
Other than that, there's not much more to say. I'm just very happy.

Q. This was your first meeting with Rafa in a round robin. Did that give you a little bit more freedom maybe in the way that you played?

ROGER FEDERER: I don't know. Possibly he struggled more early on indoors, only the second match back from five weeks. Clear he's always going to struggle a touch. But to come through so convincingly is great for me, because we know Rafa has a certain standard which he does not go below a certain standard. That's where this victory, still for me, I can still rate this extremely high.

Q. You said one of your goals was to take time away from Rafa. I don't know if you could elaborate on that. Why is that important on a match?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, I think he's one of the best players if you give him a nothing ball in the middle. Any ball that's not very well struck or is not hit with a purpose or into a certain corner will be dominated by Rafa. I mean, I think he's the best, top two, three, whatever right now of all time to be able to take advantage of all these balls that come in the middle of the court with not much power in them. So you have to be very focused. It makes you play differently against him.
I've been able to do that tonight. I struck all corners of the court extremely well. That was the key today, so I'm very happy.

Q. After playing Jo and then Rafa on this surface, who do you favor in their matchup?

ROGER FEDERER: Jo against Rafa? Don't know. I mean, you can never count out Rafa, right? It's to a degree an open match. I still favor Rafa just because of who he is, all of his achievements. I guess every match he does progress or has in his body, he'll only start to play better. That's my personal opinion.
But Jo played convincingly today. He was extremely dangerous against me in the first round. He'll definitely have his chance. Indoors, he serves great. If he gets on a roll there, he'll slap a couple from the baseline, and that could always be dangerous for Rafa. This is where it's going to be an exciting match. I hope to see it.

スイスのTVのインタビューも受けているみたいです(…イマイチ未確認) ... los-187781

CENTRE COURT start 12:15 pm
[5] R Bopanna (IND) / A Qureshi (PAK) vs [8] M Fyrstenberg (POL) / M Matkowski (POL)
Not Before 2:00 PM
[4] R Federer (SUI) vs [8] M Fish (USA)

Not Before 6:15 PM
[2] M Llodra (FRA) / N Zimonjic (SRB) vs [3] M Mirnyi (BLR) / D Nestor (CAN)
Not Before 8:00 PM
[2] R Nadal (ESP) vs [6] J Tsonga (FRA)

本日は今からダッシュで出かけますので・・・。 でも、カキコしないと何となく心配で、皆さんご存知の内容でしょうが慌ただしく・・・ :oops:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by linden_lee » 2011年11月24日(木) 17:00

2012年は11月5日から開幕で、チケット早めに取っておこうと思います。 posting.php?mode=reply&f=2&t=236&sid=c2791654c276d08a7a198263facc1312#
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 16
登録日時: 2011年7月13日(水) 23:08
お住まい: 徳島


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年11月25日(金) 21:29

linden_leeさん、なんと素晴らしくも、羨ましい!滞在はいつまでのご予定ですか?写真やレポートをお待ちしてます :wevey:

6-1, 3-6, 6-3 W28 UE21 1時間48分  :bounces: :bounces: :bounces:

画像 :loveaura2:
2ndset調子が狂っちゃったので、よく考えて集中して :wink:
ウィナーを決めました :D
「チョットもたついたけど、勝ったよ」 :lol:
二人はとても良い感じでしたね :D

on court interview ... 78,00.html


コード: 全て選択
Q. Is it difficult at all to have the same intensity when you know you've already won the group?
ROGER FEDERER: Not really because I feel I give a hundred percent every time I step on the court. It's a matter of trying to do the exact same thing, you know, knowing I don't really need to win, but maybe because I know that somewhere you just maybe don't, you know, play the same way. Who knows.
But still have to give credit to Mardy. I mean, the first set wasn't as one sided as the score suggested, and the second set he played great. He really started to zone in on many shots. I thought he was able to keep that up in the third set. So I was happy to get the crucial break early in the third and maybe cruise a bit more.
I definitely struggled a little bit more today, but I thought that was more due to the circumstances, like you mentioned, and Mardy actually playing well for most of the match actually.

Q. That win takes you to 37 in the finals all time, two within Lendl's record. How important is legacy at this stage of your career?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I didn't know about it. I'm happy I was able to win today just because of momentum for the semis in a couple of days.
Yeah, I'm surprised how well it's gone always at the World Tour Finals level for me because these are maybe almost the toughest and most dangerous matches to play during the year because it's best of three, against fellow top 10 players indoors where a few shots usually do decide the outcome of the match.
I mean, I guess I do play for a little bit of the legacy and the history, you know, the record books, all that stuff. But it's really the press that reminds me of most things. I just try to go along with it because I have no intentions to quit. So I can concentrate on just playing tennis at the moment.

Q. It strikes me that you're hitting more backhand winners this week. Are you whipping it a bit more, putting more topspin on it? Anything you're doing differently?
ROGER FEDERER: I think I'm hitting my backhand well. It started in Paris already. I think I got into a really good groove. But that was because conditions were slower. I had more time to set up the shot.
But it's true, I think I've gotten confident on that side as well, you know. If I mix it up with a good slice, some heavy roller backhands, I can even mix in the flat ones sometimes. I think it's working well as a good variation. It's always been a good variation shot for me, the backhand side.
But I agree, particularly this week and last week it's been working very well.

Q. Can you give us an update on the current state of affairs in the debate about the length of the season and whether a strike is still an option?
ROGER FEDERER: No. It's not been an option really, in my opinion. Next year's season is going to be shortened by two weeks. That's I think as much as we can squeeze it really because otherwise a lot of tournaments would have to go or we would have four tournaments the same week, which I don't think is a very smart idea, to be honest, for the game.
Yeah, it was brought up a few months ago, the whole boycott thing. It's nonsense. It's not going to happen any time soon. Things are good right now, so I don't see a reason why we should just boycott. There's absolutely no reason for it.

Q. Having said that, I don't know if you watched Novak's match last night, there maybe is a perception that some of the other guys are short on gas in the tank. Do you think there's anything in that?
ROGER FEDERER: Uhm, I mean, the season's always been long, tough and grueling. Back in the day, they used to play singles and doubles. Now maybe it's gotten more physical so we play mostly only singles. But I've played 10 years straight now I guess 60 plus matches, if not even 90 at times. That's just singles. I think it's about how you manage your schedule.
Who knows, at the end of the day Novak might still win the tournament here. We're talking like that right now. But we know things change very quickly. Rafa could still end up winning the tournament, so could Novak. That's why we have to wait and see.
It's really only the final day that we'll really know who's tired and who's not. Right now it's all just a debate, which is not a good one to have right now at this stage.

Q. Are you now an Arsenal fan? Sitting next to Thierry Henry during a match, does he pass on tips as to what's happening at that level? What happened last night?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, Thierry obviously being a legend of the club, asked me said, You almost have to come.
I said, Just let me try to beat Rafa first, if I'm through in the group, there's a good chance I'll come.
Right away I told him I was coming. Great seats. Sitting next to him was interesting. I'd ask him a question, Why would they play this way, why did they do that, what does that player do well? He can explain all these things. He's like a manager.
It was very interesting for me. I enjoyed it. I think he enjoyed it as well to host me. He's come and watched a lot of tennis. I've provided him with a lot of tickets. For him to give back like this was a beautiful thing, as well. I was able to go down on the pitch, go in the locker room, meet the players. They were extremely happy.
It was nice for me to go see some English football. I haven't seen soccer here that often. 10 years ago I think I went to see England/Argentina in the old Wembley Stadium. That's the only soccer match I've seen in England. Before that, never before. That's why I was very excited I had a chance to go.

Q. Do you have any thoughts at all on the suggestion made by some people we should go to a two year ranking in tennis, like they do in golf, rather than a one year period?
ROGER FEDERER: My opinion on the two year ranking?

Q. Yes.
ROGER FEDERER: I'm not a big fan of it just because I think it would make things rather boring. But that's my personal opinion. Other than that, as the president of the Player Council, I think it's not a good thing for the lower ranked players, to be quite honest. I think it's going to be a struggle for them to make a big breakthrough. It's going to take them multiple breakthroughs. So the dream of having one great tournament, then making a move, in my opinion, is never going to happen.
I like golf, but I couldn't tell you who's in the top 10 of golf right now. I couldn't even mention four players. This is where I think tennis lives from the weekly rankings we have, the changes. You guys love it, I think. You guys like writing stories and the debates about what's going on.
If we have a two year ranking, things would be so slow and nothing would really move. I can't support it as a president of the Player Council and I have to look at all the players in the eye.
I know it could be a good thing for me or for Rafa or for other good players because we would stay at the top for a very long time. For us to move down in the rankings would take something extraordinary. But for the lower ranked players, I don't think it's a good thing and that's why I can't support it.

Q. I don't know if you would like to talk about the discussions about the new ATP CEO.
ROGER FEDERER: I'm happy to discuss anything with you. That's why I'm here.

Q. You being the statesman of the game, considering your passion for the game, did you ever consider being an ATP CEO in the future?
ROGER FEDERER: Myself? No, I'm very happy right now with the player situation. But it's a very important role. Let's not kid ourselves. I've had a few CEOs in my lifetime as a player. I've gotten to understand how important that role is. That person between the tournaments and the players, understanding both sides, wanting to talk and listen to the players and the tournaments I think is a very important one.
I think it's a very difficult job to do, quite honest, because you'll always upset someone on some side. But I think it's a good thing that the top players are involved. But at the end of the day, it's the board that takes the decision, and we as a council or as top players can only talk to them and give our opinion, then see where it takes us.
This debate now, this CEO position, after Adam Helfant, is still an interesting one. Still ongoing. No decision has been taken yet. So for the time being we're waiting to see what's going to happen. It's going to be an interesting next few weeks and months, I'm sure.

Q. If you don't mind, could you look back to the Basel finals against Kei Nishikori.
ROGER FEDERER: What would you like to know?

Q. What impression do you have about him and what do you think about his potential in the future?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I always knew he had a great potential. I always saw a very talented player in front of me every time I played with Kei. That's back when he was 17 years old, you know, five years ago when I hit with him the first time.
For me it was nice to see the breakthrough he did in Shanghai and then also in Basel, using the wildcard to his advantage. Then moving all the way to the finals, beating Djokovic, the season he had, Berdych, also the great season he had, was really nice to see.
Playing him in the finals like this is special because I know Japan is a country that gets very excited about a player like Kei. I'm sure he's going to be a wonderful player, but only the future will tell if he's going to move into the top 10, top 5. But I definitely think he has the potential and he's a wonderful player and a very nice player.

Q. You're getting ever closer to the No. 3 spot again. What would it mean to you to reclaim it?
ROGER FEDERER: I don't know what it takes. It doesn't mean the world to me.

Q. If you get to the final...
ROGER FEDERER: It's not going to change anything for the seedings at the Australian Open, so for that reason it doesn't change anything for me, my personal opinion.

次の質問は37の記録の内容が分からないので略。 最後の一文だけ。引退する気は全くないし、プレーすることに集中している。
ゴルフのようなtwo year ranking制は個人的には支持しない、退屈だ。また、選手会長としてはその制度は低いランキングの選手のブレーク・スルーを阻み、良く ないと思う。彼らの夢の実現を難しくする。ラファや僕のようなランキングの高い選手には有利だろうけどね。

最後の方の錦織選手に関する質疑応答はこちらにキッチリ。しかし、日本でより、インドの方が速く報じていました・・・どういうことやねん。。 :roll: ... 13/8128962

オタ的、いえ私的には低いランキング選手、今から延びる若手の選手の立場を考慮するRogiの主義をとても嬉しく感じます :脱帽:
two year ranking制がどういうものか、はっきり分かっているのではありませんが、上位選手がシステムを変えてまでランキングを独占しようとしたら、

アーセナルVSドルトムント観戦はFBにもありましたが、こんなユチュも。通称、もぐもぐロジャ :笑:
「Thierry Henry Sits With Roger Federer At Arsenal Vs Dortmund Match (Nov.23 2011) 」 ...
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by emu » 2011年11月26日(土) 00:31



フィッシュ戦、ちょっぴりどきどきしたけど、とても楽しかった。 :拍手:
好調がずっと続きますように :pray:
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 15
登録日時: 2011年7月24日(日) 09:57


未読記事by プーさん » 2011年11月26日(土) 18:45

fuyuさん、写真や情報、それに訳まで、ありがとうございます~ :アリガトウ:
SFも美しく突破できますように :pray: :pray:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 104
登録日時: 2010年1月25日(月) 16:17
お住まい: 神奈川県


未読記事by asanokaoru » 2011年11月26日(土) 19:15

fuyuさん、いつもほんとうにありがとうございます :アリガトウ:
どうかどうか、よろしくお願いします :感謝感激:

お帰りになったら、ぜひお話をお聞かせくださいね :D

どうかサーブの好調が維持されていますように :pray:


お休みした後で、おお、そうだ、と、ロジャー・フェデラーを作ってくださったわけですね :yeah:

Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 159
登録日時: 2009年8月27日(木) 15:33


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年11月27日(日) 02:45

フェレール戦 7-5, 6-3 W24 UE29 1時間25分  :bounces: :bounces: :bounces: :bounces:
明日はキャリア100回目のFinal進出。そして70回目のタイトルを目指します!!! :shock: :すげぇ〜:

画像 :lovestruck:
画像 :heartrain: :heartrain:
画像 :拍手: :拍手: :拍手:

on court interview

コード: 全て選択
Roger: obviously I'm very happy to play so well today, David's had an amazing season and tournament so far, its not over for him, he can still win the davis cup next week.

Q: A key moment was 5-4 in set 1.
Roger: Yes, I was struggling to hit the ball cleanly, to hold at 5 all gave him some confidence. (he said a bit more here but missed it)

Q:This is your 100th career final, what amazing achievement that is. (lots of cheering, roger smiling & laughing a lot, goes to answer but just starts laughing again)

Q: OK, what do those sort of numbers mean to you?
Roger: I didn't think I'd reach 100 finals when I first started my career, I can say one thing, I won't be retiring after the 100th final (crowd cheers here). I've had an amazing career, so fortunate. so lucky, shows I'm still standing, I'm feeling heathy, fit, motivated, it's been wonderful playing at so many levels, to play 100th final here in London means a lot to me.

Q: Also to do it in some style, I read a survey last week that you were ranked 2nd only behind nelson mandela in a poll of most admired people.....(he smiles here, the crowd cheers some more at this) Didnt mean to embarass you.
Roger: (laughing) I know, I know everything I say will be recorded, its not so easy to be me right, poor me.

Q: Good luck in the final tomorrow. 

明日はNB5:30 日本時間月曜早朝2:30ですね。

追記:emuさん、お返事遅れましたが、教えて頂いてありがとうございます :D  37勝…数えてみますね   :)
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by nocko » 2011年11月27日(日) 09:12


昨夜は何故かあっという間にソファに撃沈、PCを立ち上げている数秒に眠ってしまったようです。皆さんと一緒に応援したかったのに、気が付いたらもうアメフトになっていました。 :oops: :cry:

フェレールも良い試合をしていましたが、今回のロジャーは本当にすごい。フィジカルも良さそうだし、モチベーションも高く、結果がいまいちだった夏もずっと努力し続けていたんだなあと実感します。決勝戦もタフな戦いでしょうが、どうか最高の笑顔で今年を締めくくれますように。 :pray:

fuyuさん、写真、インタビュー、いろいろありがとうございます。写真にくっついてるfuyuさんのコメントも(すまいりーも含めて)ナイスです :lovesign:
(^_-)-☆Good Luck Roger☆画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年11月27日(日) 11:26


コード: 全て選択
Q. Give us your thoughts on today's match and reaching the finals again.

ROGER FEDERER: I thought it was a tough match. Could clearly see why David beat Murray and Djokovic here. You know, he takes the ball really early, is able to generate great angles off his plays, super consistent.
I think he's serving better than he has in the past, although I don't think he had his best serving day against me today, which helped me get into more of the baseline rallies. Obviously was a key 5 4 game for me to hold and then break the next game, then actually break again early on in the second set. That was a crucial sort of 15, 20 minutes for me. I'm happy I was able to decide the match right there.
After that, I was able to serve well, mix it up, be dangerous for him. It was a bit more straightforward. But I really had to dig deep to find a way to beat David today.

Q. I'd like to know if you are more surprised by the records that you keep making, the stories you are making in tennis, or about the emotions that you keep having every time you win and someone reminds you what you have just done. Are you more surprised about how emotional you are about these wins or not?

ROGER FEDERER: No. The emotional side I'm not surprised because I've always been an emotional tennis player. You know, I used to be so emotional when I used to lose. Then eventually, I think it was the first time in Davis Cup against the Americans after winning singles, doubles, singles, I was so exhausted, the pressure left me, I think I had tears in my eyes after winning. It was the first time I had winning tears.
Ever since, I've had many of them. I've been an emotional player when it was all said and done really. But I try to keep my emotions in check while the tournament is going on because I feel like I need to save it in case there is something more. Can't be an emotional rollercoaster throughout the whole career, season, or match.
So I'm more surprised in all the things I have achieved. I'm shocked every time that I've reached so many finals or won against so many players or whatever record it is. It strikes me and makes me obviously very happy and very proud that I've been able to do it for so many years at the highest of levels.

Q. This is your victory number 12 in 12 matches against David. Why is it so easy for you to play against Ferrer?

ROGER FEDERER: It's not so easy as it might look and seem. It's a lot of hard work. I think today, again, was very close. I've maybe had some easier matches against him. But lately they've all been very tough, very physical.
He's improved a lot. He's really cemented himself into the top 10, now even into the top 5. I expect him to have another very solid and good season if things fall in place for him. You can see why. He's one of the best returners we have in the game. He's got great mental toughness. He's extremely fit. Then he brings, you know, a lot of shots to the table.
So he's a very tough player to play against.

Q. Could you sum up your thoughts going into tomorrow's final and really how much it would mean to you to lift that record sixth title. Also talk a bit about both players for us.

ROGER FEDERER: Well, it's obviously a special occasion for me tomorrow playing my hundredth final, possibly winning my 70th, winning my sixth at the World Tour Finals. That would be a record.
Anyway, there's a lot on the line, and in a way there's not. All I can do is try to play a good match against a dangerous player.
In Tsonga, we have someone who is very confident right now, has played well on the indoors. If he makes it to the finals, even right now in the semis he's going to be extremely dangerous. He's going to believe in his chance.
Same thing for Berdych. They're both great shot makers. I played Berdych as well in Paris. I thought he played an amazing match against Murray, the match before me. Maybe got a bit unlucky having to back it up against me after that epic match. I was able to take advantage of that.
It's not totally in my control with the power these guys have. I have to out maneuver them, out play them a bit. But it's good that I've actually beaten both players the last couple of weeks. I think that's an advantage for me. Then again, it's another match, another final.
But it will be quite funny to play Tsonga in the finals of Paris on the first day on Sunday and the next Sunday again. We'll see how it goes, but I think it's going to be a very close match and I'll follow it as close as I can.

Q. We were having a discussion on the radio the other night about why, even though you haven't won a major for two years, whether you're a better player now than you were a couple years ago just because of the level of Djokovic and Nadal. What do you think?

ROGER FEDERER: I just think it's normal to improve as a player. Why should you move backwards, you know? Confidence is one thing, but that can be temporary and that can fade as quick as it came really.
But then you have a certain base that you can always work with. I think as time goes by, as much as you practice, actually the matches make you a better player. I used to have a weak backhand. But then everybody played to my backhand. So obviously I was always going to improve my backhand eventually.
I think the same thing kind of happened to many different players. I don't think Novak's forehand used to be a strength. Today it's a weapon. Rafa the same thing. He used to struggle if you hit hard into his forehand. Today it's no problem for him anymore.
It's interesting how you evolve as a tennis player. For me it's only logical to improve. But you have to have the work ethic, the professional side of things, to sleep, drink, live healthy as a tennis player, because no one else is running but ourselves. We have no substitute. That makes it extremely difficult mentally. I think the top guys have done actually really well trying to maintain that high level of play.
Like I said, I have also been amazed myself how long I've been able to keep it up. But I'm happy my level is still very high and my body's holding up.

Q. You equaled the childhood favorite of yours today, Stefan Edberg, with 806 wins. Can you tell us what it means to equal him in particular?

ROGER FEDERER: If I equaled him today? Look, Stefan was my idol. I had a chance last year to sort of finally play with him, which was a dream come true in some ways. So to achieve something that he achieved is obviously very nice. I don't think it matters much, but it's still very nice to get reminded that you equaled your idols' or heroes' achievements. A lot of dedication, like I mentioned. You have to stay injury free, otherwise all these things don't happen. So I'm very fortunate.

Q. Can you describe in a few words what this tournament means to you and what is it like the few seconds before you enter the stage? Is it like goosebumps on your body or the same every year?

ROGER FEDERER: No, it's different. Then again, you don't feel the same every single match. Sometimes you are extremely nervous because you feel like your game's not quite working, then other times you feel fantastic. But that's also not a good feeling because then you're a bit too confident, you're maybe not as nervous as you're supposed to be, and you think it's all going to happen automatically. You'll be surprised if things don't go well.
I think the show's nice here. Ovations we get are amazing. I can't tell, but it seems like it's standing ovations. That's really nice as well. It just makes a great setting at the O2. I really enjoy it. The fans are super polite. They know why they've come here. We try to perform every day, make something special happen. That I've been able to play so many matches on centre court over the years has been really nice for me. I hope for something similar again tomorrow.

Q. Could you ever put yourself in the shoes of a player walking on court against another player with a 0 11 record? What kind of thought process do you think you'd walk on court with?

ROGER FEDERER: You believe that you've done well this week and you believe that you can beat that player who just walked on in front of you or after you. I think the 0 11 record maybe comes into play more when he's down a set and a break than the first game of a match. It's up to me to really remind him of that record.
But other than that, it's not very helpful, I don't think. It gives me a sense of security to some degree, but not him. I don't think it scares him in any way. We respect each other at the top anyway a lot. For that reason I think he goes in there with lots of belief. I mean, anything else would surprise me.

Q. It took you five deuces to close out that 10th game in the first set. How do you keep your frustration under control or don't you feel frustration in moments like that?

ROGER FEDERER: Uhm, well, a little frustrated. I thought, you know, in the 5 4 game I probably should have closed it out probably two or three times at least. Before having to go over multiple second serves at deuce, which against Ferrer, who is in my opinion one of the best return players we have right now, especially on second serves in the game, is very tricky.
But I'm happy I didn't double fault. I'm happy I didn't give him any easy points. I'm happy I stayed tough. So then you just think shot for shot and you actually try to block out all the negativity and you try to pick the right decisions once you're in the lead again. Also when you're down, you're trying to do that.
It all happens very quickly out there. It might look like we have a lot of time in between points, but you feel the stress level because of the pressure the opponent is putting on, because of the crowd being there, because of the moment, the importance. You're aware of it all.
But, yeah, it's a lot happening in your mind at that very moment. I'm happy I was able to handle it well today. So hopefully one more match tomorrow and then I can rest. So looking forward to that. First the match, though.
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


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