Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。

Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by fuyu » 2011年10月31日(月) 11:19

画像←会場ポスター :ハート:

本日のOOP。日本時間午前2時半からですね。し、しか~し、Live Streaming が見つからない・・・久し振りだというのに :evil:
CENTER COURT start 14:45
M Baghdatis (CYP) vs [8] V Troicki (SRB)
Not Before 18:30
P Starace (ITA) vs [3] R Federer (SUI)
J Melzer (AUT) vs [WC] D Young (USA)

まずRoger Federer 列車登場 :D
画像 :lovestruck:
記事とビデオはこちらから↓↓↓ ... 2F14329794
詳しくはクレディスイスの記事に。 ... e=20111028 ... e=20110923

FBで更新してくれたように、FCバーゼルの試合観戦に出かけました。めっちゃご機嫌ですな :lol:

まずNZZ Online誌。「You never lose the connection to your home ... 51420.html
コード: 全て選択
Even with 30 years Roger Federer doesn’t think about the end of his career
Swiss tennis player Roger Federer reacts relaxed to critics about his performances and still believes before the start of the Swiss Indoors in Basel (which starts on Saturday with the qualification) on big victories.

Interview: Daniel Germann

Roger Federer, you are coming from the christening of a locomotive which will carry your name through Switzerland from now on. Have you dreamed as a young boy like many others about becoming an engineer driver one day?

I don’t really know this anymore. I think I dreamed more about becoming a pilot. My main orientation has been on sport early though. But I have to confess that it was a lot of fun to sit in the driver’s cab of a locomotive.

Do you remember from which moment you felt that you could have a career as a tennis professional?

When I was about 12 years old I stopped playing football. That was a first signal. When I was 14 years old I went to the national training centre in Lausanne. From that moment it was clear that I would focus on tennis.

This week a new book with the title „Fascination Federer – the anatomy of success” was released. The American writer David Foster Wallace once wrote that it would be a religious experience to see you playing tennis. What do you feel when you read something like this about yourself?

When you do something good – as good like only few others have done it before – this obviously inspires people. That was never my aim. I just wanted to have fun at playing tennis. But then people started to have a focus on me. They are going meanwhile into every detail and discover things and tendencies which are interesting for me as well. I remember that discussion with Wallace really well. I asked myself afterwards: “Oops, what kind of interview do we get from this?” His angle was totally different as the ones I was used to. I knew that it would either become something really special or a total flop. In the end the result was really interesting. I meet remarkable people in my career, photographers and journalists who look for a new approach. Such encounters are also always interesting and inspiring for me.

Isn‘t  such a religious comparision scary?

People are prone to look for a superman: He doesn’t have to be vulnerable; he doesn’t have to bleed, he doesn’t have to cry. I’m glad that there is a certain restraint for such idealization in Switzerland. I see myself as a totally normal person who just can play very good tennis. At the same time I’m happy that the Swiss people like me. Switzerland is still really close to me. Therefore the Swiss Indoors belong to my most important tournaments of the year. Even though I enjoy it a lot in Wimbledon or elsewhere but you never lose the connection to your home.

Suddenly Superman plays a season with just one tournament victory, a season which is substandard for Roger Federer. And then the image is starting to fall...

The year isn’t over yet. Basel, Paric-Bercy and the Masters in London are yet to come. So there’s still something to win, even though I know that it won’t be easy after the six weeks break to find the rhythm immediately, especially here in Basel where the players field is extremely strong this year. But one thing is for sure: I’m not contented with having only won one tournament myself. On the other hand I missed one or the other big victory by a narrow margin. Especially in Wimbledon I could have achieved more. I was convinced that I could be able to win again. If that would have been the case the season would look different now. But it is what it is. I have to work hard on myself so that I will be able to win the close matches again.

At the US Open you lead 2:0 against Novak Djokovic in the SF and had 2 MPs in the deciding set. How difficult is it for you after all your success to deal with these kinds of losses?

You forget it after two, three days. I’m usually a guy who rarely or never is out of temper. I can appreciate good performances of my opponents. It’s not that I always play bad when I lose. Sometimes the other player is just a bit better.

To win such close matches like the one at the US Open has been one of your qualities for a long time. Have you lost this quality?

Every loss scratches your self-confidence. You start to study. I know for example that I can play every ball longline. In moments when the self-confidence isn’t as huge as usually you play the ball cross-court more often as the margin is a bit bigger there. And suddenly an opponent as Novak Djokovic, who is full of self-confidence, plays back longline and has the little advantage which is often deciding in tennis. Then a tricky spiral starts: You ask yourself “What is too much risk? What is too less?” But my self-confidence is intact. I’m convinced that I’m still close to big victories.

How did you use the break since the Davis Cup?

I was on vacation for 2 weeks and started my preparation for Basel afterwards.

Was this break already an investment for the new season?

As a regeneration for sure. It will help me. I didn’t really worked on something particular. My game is good and I feel fit.

You accepted to lose points of the tournaments in Shanghai and Stockholm. Is the ranking not that important for you anymore?

Of course I would like to be at the top. It doesn’t really matter if I’m #3 or #4. Andy Murray has deserved #3. He has won more than me this season.

You only need one more week in order to reach the record of Pete Sampras who was ranked #1 for 286 week. Do you consider this aim as over and done?

Not necessarily. I want to get back to #1. But not in order to break the record of Pete Sampras but to be the best again. At the moment this is not realistic though as Novak Djokovic is so dominating. But it is known that the rankings can change soon. My aim for the next tournaments is to work on a good starting situation for the next season.

You are working with Paul Annacone for one year now. Has he fulfilled your expectations?

He has. But of course we had higher expectations. But as already said: One point at the US Open could have changed a lot. But I don’t feel I’m in a crisis.

How has Annacone helped you the most?

Especially tactically. But he has also worked on certain routines in practice and breathed new life into it. Also his communication with Severin Lüthi is really good. That has been the biggest question mark before we started to work together.

Apart from the usual tournaments and the Davis Cup in 2012 the Olympic Games are waiting. How do you set your priorities?

I’m in process of planning at the moment. I already confirmed to play the tournaments in Qatar and Rotterdam. I don’t know yet if I’m going to play the first round of Davis Cup but it is my aim to be there. That’s why I travelled to Australia after the US Open. But it is important for me to include enough breaks.

How important are the Olympic Games?

They have always been a big aim for me. It isn't possible to have a special preparation for it but also not really needed. After the block with the French Open, Halle and Wimbledon there is a 3 weeks break before the Olympics. Beside this we don’t need to switch the surface. Those are optimal conditions.

Is it an option for you to play together with Martina Hingis at the Mixed?

I basically wanted to know if she is interested in general. Everything else is still open. We will clarify it in the near future. There’s no need to push us though.

Lately one could hear the reproach more often that you missed the right moment to retire. What do you think about this?

I only hear this seldom but it usually appears when I lost. It often comes from people who don’t really know the tennis. Therefore I don’t attach too much importance to it. It won’t change something about my pleasure in playing tennis anyway. The body decides how long I’m going to play and I think I’m going to stay on the tour for a long time.

But all this talk has to be annoying.

On the day after I won the French Open I got asked for the first time: “When are you going to stop?” I guess this question is going to get asked more often from now on and I can’t prevent it. The only thing which is important for me is that I won’t let myself down. I work a lot with the media and have to answer many questions. To hear the same question all the time can become a bit like a brainwash. But as I don’t have any plans about my retirement I can talk relaxed about this topic.

Do you really have no plans? Or do you just avoid it to say something in order to save the fuss which would happen with such an announcement?

There is no plan of retirement. As soon as you have one the clock starts to tick. It is nearly as with a woman. Once she is pregnant the child will come inevitably.

次にBlick誌。「I couldn't care less if I'm #3 or #4 ... bin-185635
コード: 全て選択
Roger Federer, the Swiss Indoors starts on Monday. But the fans still have in front of their eyes the moment when you gave away the match points against Novak Djokovic in New York. How long have you slept poorly after that?

RF: It constantly went through my head in the first two days. Did I have to hit in a different way? What else could I have done differently? Should I have landed in this 5th set at all? You question yourself, you discuss it with the team. Then it came time for the DC. I had to switch to grass, I had press conferences, official occasions, matches. After that I was thinking only about relaxation.

Was the DC the right medicine?

RF: It doesn't matter what you play after such hard loss - what matters is that you play. It gets tough if you don't play for 6 weeks. The DC was like a net that caught me.

Then you had long vacations.

Not quite. After the DC in Australia we flew on holidays for two weeks. Then I started with the fitness and tennis practice in Dubai.

You seldom have so much time. Can you just do nothing?

Yes, I don't get stressed and never had the feeling that I had to go on a long run on the beach. Maybe I do 5 push-ups but then I already have the feeling that the muscle fever gives notice of itself. (laughs) During my holidays I went jogging probably twice and played tennis with Mirka twice. So that's it. I have enough sport with the twins.

Andy Murray took the #3 from you with his winning streak. Does this hurt?

No, no, not at all. If I had stressed myself about this I would have played in Asia and tried to defend the #3. I couldn't care less if I am #3 or #4. Of course now I'm seeded #3 instead of #2 here. Now I could play Djokovic theoretically already on the semis. But is this worse than meeting Murray? I don't think so. I have long stopped chasing every point. It's more important to stay injury-free and to take the right decisions.

Nadal lost 6 times to Djokovic this season. It seems that this has turned into a problem for him. Do you see parallels with the Federer - Nadal rivalry?

The situation for Rafa is different. 6 times in a row is a lot, of course, but Rafa had beaten Djokovoc many times before that. At the start of my career I had the feeling about certain opponents that hey I can't beat them. On the other hand after becoming a pro Rafa never lost more than twice to the same player. This is a new experience for him and that's why it's a tougher situation for him than it would be for me.

How important are such thoughts when such a star like Marco Simoncelli has to die so brutally?

This makes everything that happens in sport relative. There is nothing dangerous in tennis. But we fly a lot and therefore you are very much aware that something could always happen. During my last flight I watched the film about the F1 pilot Ayrton Senna. A week later the accident with Simoncelli happened. I can only imagine how Rossi and Luthi feel now. This must make waves in their minds (I'm translating it literally)

Have you been in contact with Rossi?

I texted him immediately and he also answered promptly. This is very bad. If you can offer a little bit of support it's normal that you do it.

So much has happened also to FC Basel in the last weeks.

Nothing bad.

But you have surely followed the change of the coach.

Of course. But I wasn't worried. It should be understood that Fink wanted to take his chance with HSV (Thorsten Fink left FC Basel to become the new coach at Hamburger SV). But there is a joke that you poach a coach during the season.

Are you disappointed by Fink?

No. I blame the rules that make this possible. But life goes on and Vogel does a great job. If FCB had reacted and yanked Muri (Murat Yakin) from Luzern, FCB, Luzern, Muri and Fink would look stupid in the end. Therefore it's right that FCB pushed the breaks.

You received 132 votes in Canton Schwyz on the elections on Sunday.

(laughs) Yes, I almost made it.

Do you need to change your strategy next time? There were nowhere posters with your name.

I didn't even know that my name was involved.

So no ambitions of a political career like Safin in Russia?

Switzerland is not Russia. I honestly had to laugh when I heard about my votes. I didn't even know that this was possible. Next time I may persuade a few more colleagues to vote for me.

最後にBazonline誌。「It will be my body that decides. ... 2F19838942
コード: 全て選択
Roger Federer, you came in 9th place in the elections in Canton Schwyz. Do you hope to be elected in the 2nd round?

RF: Yes, of course, I'm confident that I'll do it - now that people know that I want to become a politician at all costs (laughs). No, seriously, I had no idea that it was called up on Facebook to vote for me.

Still 132 voters have written your name on the ballot paper.

But that's funny. On the election day I was at a baptism when the priest approached me on that. He should know the result now. In the beginning I didn't understand at all what it was all about. I thought: "Does the priest want to speak with me about FCB and football?" Then he explained it to me. It was about the Senate elections in Canton Schwyz. Of course this made me laugh.

Did you vote?

Mmmmmmm... (thinks) ...I wouldn't like to answer. It is very personal.

If you were elected, which topics would be the closest to your heart?

I am interested in many topics both globally and in Switzerland. In fact I am so often abroad that I can't always occupy myself with things that happen in politics here. This will change one day when I settle in Switzerland. That's why I don't want to say anything about that. It wouldn't be serious.

Have you ever been asked by politicians to participate in party campaigns?

No, never. I know almost no politicians personally. I met Adolf Ogi, also Ueli Muarer but only because they have something to do with sports. I have never been in the House of Parliament either.

You are seeded just 3rd at the Swiss Indoors your home tournament because of Andy Murray's participation. How much do you need to get used to this?

It is what it is. It doesn't really change much whether I'll be seeded #2 or 3. Either way I could meet Stanislas Wawrinka or another former top 10 player already in the first round. In any case it will be difficult especially because I come back from a six-week break. That's why I need to focus on myself first.

So is it all the same to you whether Murray plays in Basel?

It is great for the Swiss Indoors; his participation increases further the prestige of the tournament. The spectators who finally wanted to see Murray would be only too glad. Of course I'll have to defeat one more very good player. On the other hand that's nothing new - Murray and Djokovic are in more than 80% of the tournaments that I play.

Can you make it again on the tennis throne? Or this isn't your goal anymore?

It is a goal in the long term but it's not possible anymore in the short term. I have to accept this. Then it doesn't matter if I'm #3 or 4. It is crucial that I am in the top 4. This makes things a bit easier especially at GS tournaments. The four of us are equal because very quickly there might be changes in the hierarchy. What is clear is that in men's tennis you need to win almost 2 GS titles in order to be #1. To become a leader in the rankings without winning a major title which is the case in women's tennis is unthinkable to us. This shouldn't sound disrespectful to women, it is simply a fact.

Your big goal is a singles gold medal at the Olympics in 2012. But what about the mixed doubles? Will you play with Martina Hingis?

I don't know yet. It is too early to decide. We have decided to think about it till the end of the year and then we'll see. We are both in a comfortable state and fortunately we don't depend upon having to play together at the Olympics.

Actually who approached whom with this idea?

Once my team inquired her noncommittally. She blabbed it at a press conference and it turned into a big topic. However this was nothing more than a play of thoughts. We'll see what happens.

A suggestion: instead of playing with Martina Hingis could you play mixed doubles with your wife Mirka?

I don't know if Mirka would feel much like doing this. I've played tennis with 3 wonderful women - with Mirka, Martina Hingis and Martina Navratilova. You can't really ask for more.

From whom of these women have you learned the most on the tennis court?

I've always been a big fan of Martina Hingis. I found it enviable that she achieved so much and all that at an age at which such things were impossible for me. It was a big honour to play with Martina Navratilova. She is perhaps the best player of all times even men including. Finally with Mirka it was the most emotional. Back then she was in big pain and cried after each match. Then it was for me clear that it wasn't about winning but rather about being actually together on the court.

You showed great commitment to the DC by travelling to Australia. Will you play also against the USA?

There is a chance. Certainly I didn't fly to Australia for the birds. I'm planning the coming winter at the moment. I'll announce it as soon as I know. All this must be addressed carefully, there shouldn't be any rush.

At what point of your career do you envision winning the DC?

People think that when I am concerned everything must lead to winning. Now we are just happy that we reached the World Group at all. Our win against Australia shouldn't be taken for granted. What Stan achieved in the deciding match was sensational. If I was asked 3 months ago whether he'd win a match against Lleyton Hewitt on grass I'd have waved aside. I thought that it was impossible because Hewitt has won on grass more matches than me. It was an unforgettable experience to which everybody in the team contributed.

We notice that the DC has become more important to you.

I have said that I'll play more in the DC in the future. One thing is clear: if at some point the DC becomes a priority for, many things will change. It is possible that I'll have to skip more tournaments. Until now I didn't want to pack everything under one roof and have occasionally refrained from playing the DC.

It is speculated after each loss when you will retire. What is your answer?

We are still a long way from that. I'll stick around as long as I'm well-supported. I play everywhere on the centre courts and in full stadiums. If one day I have to play on an outside court in front of only 50 spectators, I'd retire. However I don't think that this would happen. I have achieved too much to get hidden on an outside court. Perhaps it will be my body that will decide when I am that far.

身体次第ですが、センターコートで大勢のファンの応援を受けている限り、なるべく長く続けたいと :yeah:

There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


投稿記事by つるるん5 » 2011年10月31日(月) 22:18

私には祈るしか出来ないけれど、女神に祝福されますように。 :pray:が貼れないや;;
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 57
登録日時: 2009年8月03日(月) 19:37
お住まい: 大阪

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by 俄フェレリスタ » 2011年11月01日(火) 00:21

fuyuさん、インタビュー記事や写真のご紹介をありがとうございます。FC Baselご観戦の元帥閣下、良い顔をなさってますねぇ。こんな時は、“テニス選手・ロジャー=フェデラー元帥閣下”から解放され、ただの(???)1サポーターになってらっしゃるのでしょう。

Halle, 芝のGSに続き、 元帥閣下の優勝の期待値が私の中で極限に跳ね上がる大会であるBasel、開幕ですねぇ。いやぁ、楽しみです。
今年は、ルパンとマレー君が参戦。元帥閣下には厳しい闘いが予想されます。…2人共、いや、片方だけでもヴァレンシアへ行けや、ゴラァァァ!! 実際は、Haase, Dodig, Bellucci等、怖い伏兵(!?)が、意外に上位に行っちゃったりして。



元帥閣下やリョドラと同様、New balls世代の片手BH選手の、ユーズニーとハースが参戦。各々、St. PetersburgとWienでの疲労が取れてますように!!
そのハースと若大将が、1回戦で当たるってどうよ…(号泣)。でもハース、なっとしても勝ってくれ。元帥閣下vsハースのカードを見たいんだ!! 寝不足になろうと何だろうと、元帥閣下vsハースを見たいぞ!!


とあれ、そんな豪華なBaselの面子に、早速川平慈英ばりに「くぅぅぅ~! 」と唸ってます。

live streamingですが、私はいつもこのwebsiteを使ってます。

これを使うと、元帥閣下vs Staraceも見られますね。このウェブですが、休憩時間を見計らい、定期的に更新ボタンを押すと良いと思います。
因みに、Staraceと元帥閣下は同い年ですね。知らんかった…。ごめん、Starace。そのStaraceは、モスクワでは1コケでしたが、St. Petersburgでcuartos行き、と試合を重ねてます。元帥閣下は、コアラの国とのサラダボウル争奪戦本戦参加切符の獲得争い以来の試合ですから、何か心配。ですが、勝つ、と前向きに考えましょう!! だって、対ハース戦見たいし…(苦笑)。
最後に編集したユーザー 俄フェレリスタ [ 2011年11月09日(水) 00:52 ], 累計 1 回
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 158
登録日時: 2007年5月15日(火) 20:51
お住まい: 三重県

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by fuyu » 2011年11月01日(火) 11:21

勝ちました :拍手:  7-6(3) 6-4 1時間18分

まさしく!!! 6週間ぶりのRogiを堪能し、試合を観れる幸せを実感いたしました 8) :ハート:
まずは安堵 :yeah: 良かったよかった。 :ハグ:  次はもうちょっと調子があがってくるといいな~~ :pray:

画像 :hugpc:

on court interview スイスジャーマンでしたが、例によってrf.commerさんが訳して下さいました。
コード: 全て選択
The comm says that surprisingly for some people Rog said before the match that he felt nervous. Was he really nervous and how long he needed to overcome his nerves?
He says he needed a couple of games until he found his rhythm. He started well, he played well during the whole match, he served well and made less errors from the baseline. It was tough today, he had to work hard as it was close and he had to save BPs at 5-5... It was even more match practice right at the start of the tourney.. In the end it finished well but his returns weren't that good; his opponent played well today.

This year in Basel the conditions are different, the background is different. How does this feel, how difficult is it to get used to this especially after not having played that long?
Roger says that usually he's a step slower, he doesn't feel it right, doesn't see it right, but he hopes that the next match it will feel better. Still it was ok but he felt that the ball was flying too much from his racket, he must probably change the string tension next time. He's not sure but maybe this year it's a bit warmer inside...

Then the comm says that Roger had a long break and whether he really did absolutely nothing in the first couple of weeks?
Roger says that he had enough to do with the kids and this is not "doing nothing". He had great holidays with the family but then he practiced for 3 and a half weeks. So he had a 6-week tournament break but it wasn't a practice break.

Then the comm says "You know what? In the next couple of weeks you have to do an election campaign. 132 votes is too modest. And when you have such full stands... In 4 years there will be again elections and there are 9 thousand people in the stadium now...."
Roger says that he just needs to play tennis and then all will come to vote for him. And then says "No uuumm no... In 4 years I hope that I'll still be playing tennis and therefore I can ......... 4 more years" (sorry couldn't catch that verb)

The tournament has never been that strong as in this year. How is it for Roger Federer who has played so many tournaments, does he want to play against the best players every week or he'd rather do with less meeting them?
Roger says that we should speak in a week if it was more difficult or it wasn't. You always need to play against the one who is there and fortunately the other player is also nervous that he must play you so this helps you sometimes too. Even if your opponent is a strong player you can't run away from the fight. For him... he loves so much playing in Basel that it doesn't matter who his opponent is. As long as the stadium is full and there is good atmosphere he tries to play his best tennis. The most important thing for a player is to win the tournament and it doesn't matter who you've beaten in order to achieve it. Of course it's a little bit better to beat a strong player for the title but it's more important just to be the winner in the end. But all this is still in the air so now it's good that I won today and we'll see how it goes.

2週間の休暇の間は何もしなかった・・・という訳ではなくパパ業をやっていた :lol:  その後3週間半のpractice。しかしpracticeを主とした休養期間ではない。
う~~~ん、4年後にもまだテニスやっていたいんだけど、と :yeah:  ヤッターーーー :bounce:
(注:シュヴィーツ州はRogiの住むチューリッヒ州の南隣のカントンで、誰かがFBで投票を呼び掛けたそうです。もちろん本人もビックリ :lol:


スイス時間で今夜18時17:45からSwiss Indoors’ Number-1-History-Award のセレモニーがあります。きっとRogiだと思うんだけどな~~。
そういえば、複数回投票したんだけど、御招待がなかったわ :wink:

最後になりましたが、俄フェレリスタ さん、ライスト検索websiteを教えて頂いてどうもありがとうございます :アリガトウ:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by fuyu » 2011年11月02日(水) 20:11

:holdingtrophy: Swiss Indoors’ Number-1-History-Award 受賞しました :holdingtrophy:

コード: 全て選択
The comm says that this award was like a declaration of love from the Swiss tennis fans. Roger says: "Definitely! I'm very grateful because it is not in my hands what is not decided on the court. I think that I won more from the right tournaments than anyone else. This has surely had influence. Besides the fact that I come from here might have also helped for some more votes. That's why I am very happy and thank you Roger (Brennwald) and thank you to all the fans who voted for me and who support me every day and over the years."

The comm says that he figures that the people voted for Roger because they notice what the homeland means to him. Was it important for him to take care for the home "market" throughout his career?
"Definitely. I travel a lot sometimes and when you just get on the tram or earlier by bike and go to play a tournament it's a great feeling, then of course also in front of the home crowd. Many talk about pressure to play at home. I have always said home advantage or not, for example at the DC, the more seldom you play at home the more you enjoy it and notice how great is to play in front of the home crowd. This is definitely my case. It means a lot to me to be able to practice and play in Switzerland and that's why I love it here in Basel where I have experienced so much."

"Exactly" says the comm and they start showing footage of how Roger did at this tournament. First they show the second final that Roger lost in 2001 against Henman. "You stay there and cry bitter tears. What do you think today when you see these images?"
"I think that was my second final. The year before I had lost to Tomas Enqvist in 5 sets. I played great, each ball went in and I was again on the final and I thought now I'll make it. But then I lost easily in 3 sets. Back then the final was best of 5. I didn't have any chance and I thought now you'll never win Basel. That was the reason for the tears."

The comm says that indeed Roger had to wait for a long time to get this title since he was also injured a couple of years. He managed to do it as late as 2006 when he had already won 9 GS. Roger says that it was very special... The two losses on the finals in 2000 and 2001 were very hard. But even though he played good indoors and had chances he was still an outsider. Then he was injured a couple of years plus once he had extreme back pain and couldn't play well so it makes it 3 years in which he wasn't ok. Then he succeeded in 2006 which was one of his best seasons. It was wonderful, there was great euphoria around him and it was lovely to win this trophy being #1 in the world.

The comm says that with last year's win against Djokovic Roger broke records. This moment must be still very present for him. Roger says: "Definitely. It's a wonderful feeling to come back as a defending champion. It was even more special because it was against Djokovic who was the defending champion from the previous year. I played great and had a wonderful autumn last year. That's why I was very happy that everything went so well."

Then the comm says "Roger Brennwald said that you are Mr Perfect because you did perfectly everything in you career. You were even born on the perfect spot where your home tournament is. This is another present."
"Yes, I was lucky. (laughs) There's also Gstaad so this means that I had a bigger chance to win Basel than Gstaad. But fortunately I also won Gstaad in 2004. But I'd be OK even if I had never won the title. My dream was just to be able to take part in this tournament. We shouldn't forget that we were ball boys together with Marco Chiudinelli here... And then all of a sudden you yourself get there. In 1996 I played qualies for the first time or in 1997 against Lorenzo Montano and so on. I almost had chances. Being able to play in the qualies was also a highlight for me because before that I had to play a tournament to win qualifying tickets so that I could play in the qualifications... Then in 1998 I got from Roger Brennwald my first WC for the main draw. I had already won the juniors title at Wimbledon. I couldn't believe that I was going to play against Agassi. Everybody was joking and saying "Now you'll play Agassi" and I was like "No no I have chances against anyone else but against him I have zero chances." But I still won 5 games so it was OK."

The comm says: "Roger Federer, you have received a nice award. You must bring it home. One day you'll sit with your daughters in front of an enormous glass case and you'll tell them where you got all this from."
Roger says: "Yeeeeah.... (laughs) oh no, I don't know either but I hope that they will be proud of me but that's not the most important thing as long as they are content. However it's true that I have gathered many wonderful awards since the start of my career, when I broke records or when I achieved something for the first time as a Swiss, a tennis player or an athlete. They are very dear to me and that's why I am very grateful for this award and it will surely take a special place."

上のスピーチに先立つ、受賞の瞬間はこちらのページの Vergabe ≪History-Award≫のビデオを選択してクリックすると見れます。 ... =front_mel
marieさん、情報ありがとう :感謝感激:  先輩レジェンドのお祝いの言葉はもう一つのビデオをクリック。

ATPの記事のRogiの言葉も良いですね :D
“There’s a big voting going on here in Switzerland for this award. I haven’t seen so many people vote for a sporting award in a very long time. I’m happy so many people took part in it. ... Basel.aspx

スーツ姿のRogiは相変わらずスッゴ~~~クかっこいいです。ほれぼれ 8) :ハート: :キス:
総投票数 39551票中 31052票獲得 2位はジョコビッチ 3233票 :roll: 、以下ボルグ、アガシ、サンプラス・・・

Rogiの向かって左隣に居るMarc Walderさん(どういう人なのかイマイチ把握できない…)が寄稿してくれた Dear Roger で始まる文がとても良いです。 ... ger-185911

ところで、受賞前の昼間にMirkaと双子ちゃんを連れて、バーゼルのオータムフェアに出かけました。お姉さん夫婦も一緒です :yeah:
記事は同じくBLICKに ... sse-185883
ちなみにRogi達が出かけたバーゼルの秋祭りって、多分このブロガーさんが書いていらっしゃるものと思います。   ←httpを半角になおして飛んで下さいね。

今夜のOOP 日本時間深夜の2時から。勝ちますように :pray: :pray: :pray:
CENTER COURT start 14:00
[6] J Tipsarevic (SRB) vs F Mayer (GER)
Not Before 16:00
R Haase (NED) vs [2] [WC] A Murray (GBR)
Not Before 18:00
J Nieminen (FIN) vs [3] R Federer (SUI)
Not Before 20:00
[7] A Roddick (USA) vs T Haas (GER)
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by fuyu » 2011年11月03日(木) 15:15

ニーミネン戦 6-1, 4-6, 6-3 1時間36分 :拍手: :拍手:
1st set は「ンマア・・・あんな華麗なショットを打つなんて、そんな場所に待ちかまえているなんて、お人が悪いわ 8) 」とすら感じる素敵な出来 :D
2nd set は一変、リズムを失いました。3連続のDF :心配: もあり一時は2break down。ポジションが後ろ過ぎるのではないかとやきもきしました :?
3rd set MPで少々もたつきましたが・・・まあ、良しとしましょうか。

例によってon court interview 英文要旨
コード: 全て選択
The comm said that this match resembled a bit Djokovic's match. What is your moment form - like in the 1st, in the 2nd or in the 3rd set?
Roger says that he has no idea where they are - thankfully a round further and everybody laughs. He says that he had to dig deep. Unfortunately he had problems with his serve in the 2nd set and you can't afford such thing against Nieminen who really deserved to win that set. Roger didn't play well and Jarkko played very well mainly in the 2nd set and that's why it became very tough in the 3rd. Fortunately Roger managed to find his rhythm. It was very close in the end, a couple of points here and there could change everything and that's why he is happy that he is through.

The comm says that they often hear about the 6-week break. Novak also said that after a long break it was very tough to find the rhythm again. The comm makes a comparison with a famous pianist called Arthur Rubinstein who said that if he didn't play for 2 days nothing happened but after the 4th day it was so bad he had to join the audience. How was it with tennis players?
Roger says that he has often had 4-5-6-week breaks so this is nothing new for him. Perhaps Novak has done this less times since he's also younger. But Roger says that for him it's necessary. He has always said that you need to balance the time for rest, for tournaments and for practice. Yes, now he lacks matches but he already won two so he's looking forward to the quarters.

Next the comm says that he can't really understand what Murray means with his statements that the season is too long, etc.
Roger says: "I also start not to understand what he means. Perhaps he doesn't understand it either. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked for a WC if he thinks that the season is too long. I can imagine that all say that it would be nice if the season was shorter. But I say that it's good that it's longer because let's say that you are injured and you are out for 3 months or 6 months. For some sports like American football or skiing this means that you lose the whole year. I've always said that we are lucky to be able to play all the time except for December. If the season was over after the USO Murray wouldn't be able to win 2-3-4 tournaments. That's why this is positive. But you shouldn't play each tournament and this is not easy especially when you don't play for 6 weeks and see how the others win tournaments. Of course this hurts but sometimes you should say to yourself "This is the best for my body and my career". We try to shorten the season. It's 2 weeks shorter next year so we make some steps slowly. But like I said I think it's positive that we play in the whole year.

エヘ・・・シーズンが長すぎるとマレー等が不満な件について言ってますね :mrgreen:

こちらではハイライトとon court interview ... finals-ein
会見ビデオ・・・ドイツ語OKの方、どうぞ。絵だけでも楽しめますけど :wink: ... 2F28003070

これも実力とは言え、一旦手にしていたWCをマレー参戦の為に失う→予選出場→敗退→待機→本戦入り・・・なんだか大変でしたね~ :(

mintさん、いつもユチュありがとうございます。昨夜は出遅れて2nd set 途中からの観戦。本当にありがたいです :アリガトウ:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by fuyu » 2011年11月05日(土) 10:25

QF ロディック戦 6-3, 6-2 1時間4分  :拍手: :拍手: :拍手:
きょうは「美しい!スムーズ!」な試合で安心して観戦できました :D
ロデ君はきょうは最大の武器のサーブが悪かった・・・1stが36%。 彼は弱いのではなく、Rogiと本当に相性が悪いんですね。。


on court interview  私が見ていたライストでは見れなかったので、貼っておこうっと。

コード: 全て選択
Heinz Gunthardt says that Roger has said that he is always surprised how well he plays against Roddick. Is he surprised also today?
Roger says: "He didn't have his best day. He didn't serve well today. It's one of the 2-3 times when I played against him and he couldn't find his serve. I could always go deep into his serving games. At the end I also started playing well from the baseline. But in the beginning it was difficult. Certainly the first break was extremely important. It was with new balls. Then it became easier but it was definitely not his day."

Heinz says that nevertheless Roddick served up to 228 km/h in the beginning whereas most players serve around 200 km/h. How fast do these 28 km feel on the tennis court?
Roger: "Yes it is fast. Serves around 210 to 230 km/h are not fun because if you don't hit the ball right it will go in the net or 3 meters out. That's why it's tough. That's why I said in the beginning that it was an advantage that he didn't have a good serving day. But I had to get used to it in the first couple of games. It was a real shock because in the previous round I played somebody whose serve wasn't strong and especially his second serve. Roddick's 2nd serve is always around 160-170 km/h with extreme spin so I had to get used to it. Another advantage is that I have played against him more than 20 times in the last 10 years and this certainly helped me today."

Heinz says that once Jimmy Connors said that the problem of many players is that they think that Roger is kind and nice but they should rather hate him. Does this really help?
Roger says that probably it helps some players. But today before the match they were chatting with Roddick about golf so that's also possible. Perhaps some people need this but he doesn't need such thing in order to get motivated.

Roger is asked about that list where he was voted 2nd behind Mandela.
His answer: It is surely pleasant, being 2nd on that list, I saw it on my website when I wanted to look what my fans are writing, then I saw the list and wrote to my manager: did you see the list, is it real or is it a joke, I had never heard about it. Then the following day, when the list became official, no idea where the fans found it earlier, well, it is a nice list, I am not able to help it but I am glad it exists.

Then Roger is asked about another list, People's magazine "Sexiest chest", it is important for the reputation, isn't it?
Roger: The chest is indeed very important, (laughs), for the women, not for me

You are once again in the semfinal and play against a good friend...
Roger: Stan also has a nice chest.

Heinz: "Many say that it's difficult to play against a teammate, against a friend. Is this a problem?"
Roger: "I hope not. He is really a good friend. We understand each other well. I have already had matches in which it was difficult to play against him simply because he's a good friend. It makes it tough because you know that he works as hard as you do and he also deserves it but somehow you have to try to put this aside... First of all I'm happy that he plays again in Basel after not being here last year and second that he's been playing super this week and is on the semis which means that we'll have a Swiss player on the final. This alone is wonderful. I hope that I'll play well tomorrow and am excited about the match."

International Reputation Institute でマンデラさんに次いで2位に選ばれた件について。
ファンが何を話しているかと、rf.comを読んで、初めて知ったそうです。(Rogiもフォーラムを読んでるんだ 8)
Rogiも同じだったそうです。で、マネージャーに「本当なの?それとも冗談?」と問い合わせた :lol:
嬉しいけれど、誇らしいというよりも戸惑っているようです。いかにも、ですね :D

会見ビデオはTTVでどうぞ。内容はATP記事に。,,1 ... 29,00.html ... rinka.aspx

Rogiはスイス対決・・・勝ってね :マフラー:  そしていよいよ圭君はジョコと! 圭君頑張れ!! Rogiと対戦したいと言ってたでしょ :yeah:
CENTER COURT start 12:30
[1] M Llodra (FRA) / N Zimonjic (SRB) vs I Dodig (CRO) / V Troicki (SRB)

Not Before 14:30
[1] N Djokovic (SRB) vs [WC] K Nishikori (JPN)
[3] R Federer (SUI) vs S Wawrinka (SUI)
X Malisse (BEL) / D Norman (BEL) vs [2] M Mirnyi (BLR) / D Nestor (CAN)
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by ちーこ » 2011年11月06日(日) 19:20

ついに錦織君との対決、しかもロジャーの地元バーゼルの決勝で。 :shock:
チャンスあると思うので、今回は絶対ロジャーに勝ってほしい! :evil:



記事: 347
登録日時: 2007年5月18日(金) 13:18
お住まい: ウイーン

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by fuyu » 2011年11月07日(月) 01:36

:パステル花火: :キラキラ: :パステル花火: :キラキラ: :パステル花火: :キラキラ: :パステル花火:
画像 :holdingtrophy: :dancing:
画像 :blinkheart:
画像 :ハグ: :hugpc: :heartrain:
画像 :ハグ2: :lovestruck:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by fuyu » 2011年11月07日(月) 11:39

あんまり嬉しいので、美しく、可愛らしいお写真をしつこく・・・ :oops: :lol:
画像 hirocoさん、ステキお写真Thanks!

"Then of course thank you to all the people who are involved with the organization of this tournament. There are so many people of you on the court now.. I see how hard you work behind the scenes. That's why thank you so much for the organzation. Also congratulations to you Roger! Then also to our new sponsors who support this tournament. We hope that the tournament will get better from year to year. It might not be the biggest tournament of all times but for me and for you (turning to the tournament director) it is surely an absolute highlight of the year and that's why I hope to be able to come here also in the future. For me playing here was one more dream that came true and when I also win the title it's always the greatest thing... That's why thank you once again for the support! Until next year!"

98回も決勝進出して、68回も優勝していても、こうやって涙ぐむRogiに激しくやられて、私もウルウルしちゃいました・・・ :ハグ:
いつまでもピュアで・・・ほんまにもう、愛さずにはいられない :ハグ2:

TVには映りませんでしたが、on court interview もあったようです。おなじくrf.commerさんの英訳。
コード: 全て選択
Heinz says: "Again a victorious day in Basel. You have stepped on the gas incredibly.
Roger: "Yes, it started well for me. It was 40-0 in the first game, but I managed to come back and broke. Of course the first couple of games were important. I let him serve first on purpose but it didn't help because he went 40-0.. But then he could see where he was - on a final, against me (the crowd laughs) and it worked for me. But that's the way it is in tennis. Still I played very well today. I played better in each match as the tournament advanced and in the end I had a super performance. He also had an incredible tournament, defeated super players and most of all Djokovic yesterday... He's surely one of the super talents and will be among the super players on the tour.

Heinz: "You played so well during the first set that it looked as though you never made an error. We usually say in such cases that a player is in the zone. Were you in your zone today?"
Roger: "Yes, I must say that I practiced hard in the last couple of months and the fact that everything came together in the final is of course the best. I could vary well, served well, played well when it mattered the most. That's why it was the perfect match for me."

Heinz: "We often hear that you are on a chase for records. We heard before the final that this was your 98 final - an incredible number. But there's someone who has much more. I don't know, do you know him?"
Roger: "I don't know but I'm happy with my 98 finals. I hope that there will be more but it's true that it's an incredible number. Certainly there are players who are better than me."

Heinz: "There are better ones - players who have played much longer for example Jimmy Connors who has 160 finals and 109 tournament titles. Is this a lot for you?"
Roger: "Well.... he played until 40 so I still have time.. That's why it won't be a problem.. (laughs)

Heinz: "This is what we hope for of course! We hope for more years!" (the crowd is applauding) But you know the tennis year in Basel ends with this tournament and the new tennis year starts after this tournament so what does Roger Federer expect from himself in the next 12 months?"
Roger: "Well, I hope that I'll stay injury-free. This is important for every player... I don't know yet which tournaments I'll play but my long break was of course in regard to next year which is an Olympic year. Physically I haven't felt so well for a long time. I don't have any muscle fever which is wonderful so now I'm looking forward now to Paris and London. And next year everything starts again from 0 or it starts now if this is what you mean. This is also true because I play during the whole year anyway. I have the feeling that next year will be good for me. But there are also others who feel the same way about themselves and their chances for the next year. That's why it will surely be an interesting next year and Kei will certainly be one of the players about whom it will be spoken."

TTVビデオ、最後の方で歓声の上がるピザパーティの様子が :D  同じページから、Rogiのインタビュー、圭君のインタビューも見れます :yeah:,,1 ... 53,00.html

BLICK独語会見ビデオと英文スクリプト。泣いた理由を語る :wink: ... n-vid24791
コード: 全て選択
I've always appreciated all the success that I've had but it's true also that suddenly you are again on the road, you go from tournament to tournament and everything goes so quickly. Earlier on I realized that it wasn't normal to have so much success. Therefore to me it was always important to enjoy it and celebrate it together with my family, friends and team.....

They must have asked him about the tears and he says: "I have to speak (maybe he means the speech) and I become aware how much this match means to me. The burden falls from my shoulders, all the joy comes out plus the emotional feelings around me create an inner feeling of great warmth and pride. That's why sometimes I can't control it....

...This shows what an advantage it is to play at home and to enjoy the support of the home crowd. It makes the opponent nervous and as a result he may take wrong decisions. This also helps. I could take advantage of this. It makes me very proud and very happy...

...Of course it's not fun, you always leave as a loser but the last two times at DC and here I am leaving the court as a winner which is a great feeling. That's why the last 2 months almost have been good for me. I feel very well mentally, the body feels also great, no muscle soreness. That's why I'm looking forward to Paris.

・・・いつもチェックしてるのかしら。。なんせ、圭君のアイドルはRogiですから :yeah:
24位にランクアップしたし、ATPの最も進歩したプレーヤー賞を貰えると良いんだけどな~ :D
Rogiも優しく誉めてくれ「将来のスターの一人」と言ってくれました。圭君のスピーチもすごく立派でした。WC貰ったお礼もちゃんと言ってましたね :wink:
walk-on では「ようこそ」と日本語でアナウンスがありましたし、メダルセレモニーといい、とても雰囲気の良い大会と思います。

最後に一つ記事紹介。 ... &zoneid=25
コード: 全て選択
Federer: 'I want to be a danger everywhere'
Ticker - Sunday, November 6, 2011
Roger Federer leaves Basel full of confidence after winning his fifth title in his home country of Switzerland by blitzing Kei Nishikori 6-1, 6-3. It was only his second title of the year (Federer won the season’s opening event in Doha) and his first final since Roland Garros in June.

"I'm feeling ready and fit and fired up, that's how it's supposed to be,” Federer told reporters. “This is the last push of the season and I'm ready for it. It's been a great start to the autumn, I think my pause [Federer chose not to play the Asian swing] paid off. I've got different priorities than some of the younger guys who are ranked around me, I needed to take that time off, it was best for my mind, my body, my family and my fitness. There is a lot of tennis to be played until the end of the season and it will be packed in early 2012. I want to be a danger everywhere that I play."

Federer is the defending champion at the ATP World Finals in London.

追記・バーゼル紙のこの記事もniceやわ。emotionalなフェデラーさんについて :D ... 2F13014538
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by shimarisu » 2011年11月07日(月) 16:40








Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 297
登録日時: 2008年5月19日(月) 02:42


投稿記事by つるるん5 » 2011年11月07日(月) 23:24


決勝を見ようと思ったらテレビが勝手に消えて電源が全く入らなかった。 :(
(翌朝におニューと入れ替えましたが、再放送は見れなかった :cry:

Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 57
登録日時: 2009年8月03日(月) 19:37
お住まい: 大阪

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by onm » 2011年11月08日(火) 02:26

:パステル花火: :パステル花火: :パステル花火: :パステル花火: :パステル花火:
Rogi ホントウに d(*>∇<)ノ.: *:・☆オ メ デ トウ !!☆.: *:・ヽ(>ワ<*)b
:holdingtrophy: :holdingtrophy: :holdingtrophy: :holdingtrophy: :holdingtrophy:



ピザ・パーティwithボールキッズの写真、可愛い〜♡ いつもこっちまでHappyになる〜 :lovestruck:
:heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain:
Site Admin
Site Admin
記事: 1445
登録日時: 1970年1月01日(木) 09:00
お住まい: 関西

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by 俄フェレリスタ » 2011年11月09日(水) 00:49

こんばんは。fuyuさん、live streamingの件、お役に立てて嬉しいです。遅ればせながら、書き込みます。
元帥閣下、優勝おめでとうございます!! 生まれ故郷のBaselは、元帥閣下を見捨てませんでした。5回目のBasel優勝なんですね。
Nieminen戦の後、若大将をいつものようにカモになさった元帥閣下。ワウリンカ君とのアルプス庭球団ダービーを制して、さぁ3年連続でルパンとの決勝だ…、と思ったら何と! 錦織選手がルパンに勝って決勝に来るじゃ、あ~りませんか!! ルパンが肩を痛めていたとはいえ、勝利は勝利。ルパン、世界ランキング1位の意地で、若手相手に途中棄権せず、最後まで戦ってくれてありがとう。
まさか、日本人が元帥閣下と、Masters 500 Finalで戦う日が来るとは…しかも元帥閣下の地元Baselで!! 感慨深いです。
でも当然、私は元帥閣下を応援しました!! 非国民でも構わんさ。もしこれで、元帥閣下が敗北を喫してしまわれれば、

表彰式がまた、実にすばらしい!!!!! “威風堂々”が、戦い終えた両選手の健闘を讃え、裏方を労ってるようで…感涙します。錦織選手のスピーチで、元帥閣下との試合が夢だった件に会場が沸きましたね。社交辞令でない、
え…、錦織選手、握手なしでひたすらメダルをかけるだけ。こんな所で、日本人の地が出ましたね。残念! パシリ達が少々微妙な顔をしてたような気が…。日本には、握手の習慣が長らくなかったんです、堪忍したってぇな。
試合内容は、英語実況さんの言うよう、one side gameでしたが、元帥閣下ファン&日本人には忘れがたいものになったでしょう。
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 158
登録日時: 2007年5月15日(火) 20:51
お住まい: 三重県

Re: Swiss Indoors Basel 2011

投稿記事by 俄フェレリスタ » 2011年11月09日(水) 00:51

こんばんは。fuyuさん、live streamingの件、お役に立てて嬉しいです。遅ればせながら、書き込みます。
元帥閣下、優勝おめでとうございます!! 生まれ故郷のBaselは、元帥閣下を見捨てませんでした。5回目のBasel優勝なんですね。
Nieminen戦の後、若大将をいつものようにカモになさった元帥閣下。ワウリンカ君とのアルプス庭球団ダービーを制して、さぁ3年連続でルパンとの決勝だ…、と思ったら何と! 錦織選手がルパンに勝って決勝に来るじゃ、あ~りませんか!! ルパンが肩を痛めていたとはいえ、勝利は勝利。ルパン、世界ランキング1位の意地で、若手相手に途中棄権せず、最後まで戦ってくれてありがとう。
まさか、日本人が元帥閣下と、Masters 500 Finalで戦う日が来るとは…しかも元帥閣下の地元Baselで!! 感慨深いです。
でも当然、私は元帥閣下を応援しました!! 非国民でも構わんさ。もしこれで、元帥閣下が敗北を喫してしまわれれば、

表彰式がまた、実にすばらしい!!!!! “威風堂々”が、戦い終えた両選手の健闘を讃え、裏方を労ってるようで…感涙します。錦織選手のスピーチで、元帥閣下との試合が夢だった件に会場が沸きましたね。社交辞令でない、と捉えたのでしょう。
え…、錦織選手、握手なしでひたすらメダルをかけるだけ。こんな所で、日本人の地が出ましたね。残念! パシリ達が少々微妙な顔をしてたような気が…。日本には、握手の習慣が長らくなかったんです、堪忍したってぇな。
試合内容は、英語実況さんの言うよう、one side gameでしたが、元帥閣下ファン&日本人には忘れがたいものになったでしょう。
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 158
登録日時: 2007年5月15日(火) 20:51
お住まい: 三重県


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