2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。

2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by onm » 2011年7月06日(水) 03:33

Group I Europe/Africa 2nd Round Switzerland vs Portugal
http://www.daviscup.com/en/results/tie/ ... =100016218

Date: 08 Jul - 10 Jul 2011
Venue: Postfinance Arena, Bern, Switzerland
Start times:
Day 1: 1300 hrs (1100 hrs GMT)
Day 2: 1300 hrs (1100 hrs GMT)
Day 3: 1200 hrs (1000 hrs GMT)
Surface: Hard (Rebound Ace), Indoor
Ball: Wilson US Open Extra Duty


怪我なく祖国のために仲間と一緒に楽しく戦えますように :スイスフラッグ:
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Re: 2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by nocko » 2011年7月06日(水) 18:35

わあ~、赤だ、真っ赤だ!と思ったら、そういえばデ杯でしたね。赤Tのロジャ、かわいい :ハート:
チームの勝利で勢いづいて夏の北米ハードコートシーズンに入っていけますように。何よりロジャーが健康で、怪我無くプレーできますように。 :スイスフラッグ:
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Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
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Re: 2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by asanokaoru » 2011年7月06日(水) 19:36

スイスカラーに衣替え&トップにも、スイス国旗が翻ってる~ :ハート:



これだけの期待を受けて、必勝態勢のプレッシャーは小さくないと思いますが、得意の、いえ、どこでも得意ですが(言い切る!)インドアハード(スタンにはビミョー??で、でも、大丈夫よね?? :roll: )ですし、
華麗なプレーを披露してくださるのを心待ちにしています。 :スイスフラッグ: ← そういえば日本でもデ杯があるんだった、とtwitterで遅まきに思いだした「ろじゃ愛ゆえの、心はスイス人」


Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 159
登録日時: 2009年8月27日(木) 15:33

Re: 2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by asanokaoru » 2011年7月08日(金) 18:56

小躍りしたくなるほどの写真、動画、情報が次々と~~♪ :bounce: :bounce:





余裕を持ってダブルスに臨みたいものです、がんばれ~~ :スイスフラッグ:

ろじゃの jamais!!(never)・・が素敵すぎなので、貼っておきます。↓↓↓(スタンといるときはフランス語にしてるのかしら、やさしいわ、などと妄想をば)


Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 159
登録日時: 2009年8月27日(木) 15:33

Re: 2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by onm » 2011年7月08日(金) 23:22

:heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain:
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Re: 2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by ひいらぎ » 2011年7月09日(土) 05:22

対マチャド、5-7、6-3、6-4、6-2 で勝ちました。 :スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ:


Federer fan
Federer fan
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登録日時: 2010年6月18日(金) 19:58

Re: 2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by Riko » 2011年7月09日(土) 10:46


うれしい勝利になりました :banana3:
ロジャーは自分の試合前にスタンのことを応援していたし、スタンも試合後なのにロジャーを応援してくれていてうれしかった :ポンポン:
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 42
登録日時: 2010年6月03日(木) 13:12

Re: 2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年7月12日(火) 14:04

ご無沙汰です。今更ですが、スイス勝利おめでとう。楽しそうでしたね :D :ハート:

さすが地元だけあってお祭り状態。サイン会にプチエキシビ…。情報、お写真、ビデオクリップもてんこ盛り :D 
D杯出場を心配していましたが、私達も大いに楽しめましたね :ハート:

Part1 元ページはこちら↓↓↓
http://translate.google.com/translate?j ... y/12322312
Roger Federer: "I'd like to be a good example"
By Adrian Ruch . Aktualisiert vor 43 Minuten Updated at 10:53 clock 07072011

Thanks to the participation of the four-time world athlete of the year from a Davis Cup match of the second division a top event. In an exclusive interview, the tennis star of Bern, poverty, and prominent critics. "I think McEnroe still a great guy," he says.

You are a globetrotter and you feel at home almost everywhere. Now are you related to Bern?
RF: I went to school with the Bernese Sven Swinnen and often took part in competitions in central Switzerland at Tennis Club Dählhölzli and in Münsingen. Later when I was at the training centre in Biel I went to eat with colleagues in Bern from time to time. I remember also a rafting trip on the Aare river. Currently I listen to a lot of Bernese dialect from my coach Severin Lüthi; sometimes I come also to watch a match of FC Basel.

Do you have a favourite place in the city?
I must admit that I don't know the centre well. That's why it's nice that the hotel is in the centre of the city. On Monday we went for a walk through the old town towards Bear Pit - the pedestrian area is beautiful. I hope to get around a bit in the city this week.

Have you already been with your children in the Bear Park?
While I was training Mirka went with the kids to the Bear Park. I haven't realized that everything looks completely different and the bears are not in pits anymore.

Did the twins see the bears?
Yes, Mirka showed me pictures how they looked over the fence.

Have you ever been in the Bundershaus (the Swiss Parliament)?
No, honestly not. After all I just visited the Bundesplatz (the Parliament square) for the first time. It was cool that so many people came to see us.

You are the boss on the ATP, your crew follows only your needs. Do you find it difficult to integrate into the DC team?
Not at all! I find it easy to integrate. When Seve asked when I wanted to practice on Tuesday I asked in return what was best for Stan. For me it doesn't matter if I practice early, I get up with the twins. If it is good for the team I have two shorter units instead of a longer workout.

Is this kind of planning complicated?
There are only 8 players here but it's even harder to get on the centre court than it is at the USO. When I ask if I could practice on centre court in New York they roll out the red carpet for me. Here we need to share the court with the Portuguese.

How is it going off the court?
It is great fun; we have a great spirit in the team and are all good friends. We always go to have dinner together which I love. I don't like being alone but much rather surrounded by friends and family members.

In Davis Cup you don't play only for yourself. You represent the whole of Switzerland. Are you a patriot?
I don't feel such a big difference. I have the feeling that I represent Switzerland everywhere in the world. I love doing this; I'm proud to be Swiss. The Davis Cup is still more flag-oriented. Instead of "Game Federer" they say "Game Switzerland". The Davis Cup is indeed an important event, but the importance of the team is much smaller than that of the national football team.

Will you play more often in the DC in the future?
The dates for top players are awkward. Indeed I'd like to play more often in the future than I did in the recent years but I in my opinion I represent my country during the whole year.

The average Swiss is afraid of nuclear disasters, unemployment and foreigners. What are you as a "world citizen" afraid of?
I'm concerned about world poverty. I am aware that also in Switzerland not everyone is doing well financially and that the unemployment is turning into a serious problem. But elsewhere the problems are much more serious; there are nations with 20% unemployment. I am interested in the situation of all the countries that I visit. However for me it's also important how the Swiss think. That's why I read newspapers everyday when I'm in Switzerland.

You established a foundation to support children mainly in Africa.
I support via Sporthilfe (Sports Help - a Swiss foundation) also young athletes. I found that it was a good combination on the one hand to do something in Switzerland and on the other hand to help children in Africa receive education. It's nice to be able to give something back. It shouldn't always be money. It's always possible to help for example by giving time. There are so many people who need help. Everybody can give a thought, even if things don't go well for oneself, that there's always someone for whom help is more necessary. In this respect I'd like to be a good example with the Roger Federer Foundation.

What triggers the most positive emotions in you off the court?
The family of course. It makes me happy to see the kids grow. However it also gives me pleasure to spend time in Switzerland. After the "tragic defeat at Wimbledon", as my loss was described by some of the media, I had unexpectedly four unplanned days. I said to Mirka: "What do we want to do?" Maybe nothing at all?" It's nice to be able to decide spontaneously. It makes me happy to live without a plan for a short time. Otherwise planning is very important to me so that I can manage time well.

You don't take the opinions of journalists too seriously and often do not read what is written about you...
... only if I have lost.

But does it make you angry to be criticized not only by journalists but also by former champions like John McEnroe and Mats Wilander?
Criticism is a part of my profession. In addition the lives and the rankings of us tennis players are very fast-moving. I myself can hardly believe that it's been ten years since I beat Pete Sampras at Wimbledon. As soon as you advance, you can drop back again in the world rankings. As soon as you receive laurels, they take them away from you. This is part of the business. Still I get surprised sometimes by the assessment of the legends.

Actually the veterans should know it all well. How do you explain their frequently changing opinions?
Maybe they are so often in front of the microphone that from time to time they start saying claptrap. Maybe it's expected from them to go out on a limb. That's why you shouldn't get upset if an assessment turns out too euphoric or too negative. Nevertheless I think that McEnroe is a great guy and I have never refused an interview to Wilander because he likes Nadal maybe a little bit more than me. I respect them for what they achieved. I think it's good that they remained faithful to tennis. :mrgreen:

Part2 元ページはこちら↓↓↓
http://translate.google.com/translate?j ... 2F15093781
"I didn't want to be a lout in order to succeed.»
By Adrian Ruch . Aktualisiert vor 31 Minuten

The tennis star is the second part of the award-exclusive interviews, what makes it all happy, and says: "I am surprised myself how strong I am in love with this sport even more."
Roger Federer, it is normal to always give his best. "I try to be a good husband, good father, a good partner for sponsors and journalists," said the winner of 16 Grand Slam tournaments.

You've won in tennis so much. Does success bring you the same happy feelings like before?
RF: I think so, yes, even sure. Indeed I can deal better with defeats but this doesn't change the fact that wins make me very happy. You can see it with Lleyton Hewitt, Andy Roddick and also Rafael Nadal: everybody gets calmer with age. You cannot be fired up all the time like when you were 18. You simply won't be able to keep it up mentally and physically. I want to feel extremely happy when I win a tournament. Even on the semis I start thinking about keeping some emotional reserves. That's why I remain calm externally but in the same time I have the fire burning inside which is what it should do.

What do defeats trigger?
Especially the kind of a match against Tsonga motivates me extremely to go on the court and to practice hard so that I defeat the others again. Such setbacks drive you. When everything goes well you may get the feeling that it's normal. After the loss on the finals of Wimbledon even for Nadal is clear that it's not normal to win a GS. What he's already achieved and what Djokovic shows this year is gigantic. You should always enjoy good achievements.

What fascinates you about tennis in such a way that you've continued playing with great intensity and dedication for nearly 15 years?
I am surprised myself how much in love I still am with this sport. I don't mind practicing and travelling. Sometimes I don't sleep in my own bed for half an year. I am stunned how well I'm still doing. Of course I like it on the tour but the tour is not like being at home. I left for the national centre in Ecublens at the age of 14 and I had terrible homesickness. Today this is not a problem anymore.

What is the cause for this change?
I know that I can't play tennis eternally but as long as I play I want to give everything. When I was young I didn't always take practicing seriously. I believed that only the matches were important. Besides I was very relaxed and emotional. Maybe I can postpone the end of my career exactly because I became aware later than the others how important professionalism is. Being professional is not difficult for me anymore.

You strive for perfectionism in tennis. Are you a perfectionist also in your everyday life?
I don't need to but I try to be a good husband, a good father, a good partner of sponsors and journalists. All this is important to me and when something is important to you, you do it well. I don't need to change on the court, in interviews or in the street. When I changed from unknown to well-known and to very well-known, I had to get used to it. Now I can be quite natural everywhere. I always try to give the best.

Unlike previous stars of the tennis scene, you don't seem to have enemies. The crowds are in your feet everywhere around the world. Do you have any explanation for this phenomenon?
Surely this has to do with the fact that I was the first Number 1 who speaks 4 foreign languages including Swiss German. Although I struggle with French and sometimes also with English, I give my best. I think that this is appreciated. Besides I spend a lot of time with the fans. I have a fan club, run a website, use facebook, give many autographs and try to say something nice to my fans. Perhaps the former tennis professionals didn't do that. In this respect I started a new era.

Your popularity must also be based on your elegant style of play and your fairness.
Earlier I was told that I was too kind to achieve success. However I didn't want to be a lout in order to succeed - I'd rather be kinder and a little bit less successful. I wanted to be myself and told myself - if that suffices then it's fine, otherwise you are just not good enough. I decided to do my best in practice and to play hard but fair in matches. The fact that I have a good image is nice but on the other hand it's not that important. What matters is that my friends and family members respect me and that I don't get mobbed in the street. I am happy when people like supporting me and watching me play but I'm aware that I can't please everybody.

You are known to be "Mr Perfect" on the court. However every person has weaknesses. Can you let us know two-three of them?
(hesitates) I can't cook...

...unlike Nadal.
Can Rafa really cook?

He said that he cooked dinner for his team at Wimbledon many times.
I'm lucky to have been always surrounded by great women who cook well and make my life easier. Today I live mainly in hotels. I can't even say that cooking is a weakness - I can't do it at all! Earlier it was a weakness that I was often late. However in this respect I improved strongly. Surely I have more weaknesses but you'd better ask the others, not me (laughs).

How does a perfect day look for you?
There are many options: is it the wedding day? Is it the day when the kids were born? Is it a Wimbledon victory?

Put in a different way, how would you turn an ordinary day into a perfect one?
I'm very happy with my life; the best about it is that I can experience completely different and nice moments. When on holidays I love lying on the beach and do absolutely nothing. Then again I love being on the court or with my family and I also enjoy eating with friends. The combination of all these things makes my life.

Your daughters Myla Rose and Charlene Riva should grow up normally. Nevertheless what do you and your wife Mirka need to do to protect them?
Nothing really. They move completely freely. We go with them to parks and zoos in all the cities. We often have friends visiting us so that the kids can keep seeing the same faces. Thus they don't feel that there are never home. All this travelling is not always that easy but Mirka, the kids and I want to be together by all means. We manage to coordinate everything. I think that the kids can live a normal life.

Are you a strict father or you allow them to do whatever they want?
Now slowly comes the time in which we have to bring them up. At the beginning it was mainly a matter of feeding them, changing their the diapers, putting them to sleep, in general taking care that they were doing well. Now Mirka and I must decide in which areas we want to be tough and in which not. It is important for the children that they are set limits withing which they can move.

Is this difficult for you?
The fact that we are not always in the same place makes things a little bit difficult. Children who are always at home know over time what they are and what they aren't allowed to do. In our case suddenly a week later we have a vase standing around which we didn't have in our previous hotel room. I'd say that as a father I'm good and strict.

Star without airs

Roger Federer wearing an orange polo shirt and blue shorts when he appears for the interview. On the terrace of the hotel is a corner cut off - not because of Federer would be afraid of people, quite the contrary. But otherwise a quiet conversation would simply not possible. Federer has won the previous 16 Grand Slam titles, more than any other, and spent 285 weeks on the tennis throne. He has been elected four times World Sportsman of the Year. The 29-year-old, who with his wife Mirka nearly two years of twin daughters, is not only the most successful athletes, which Switzerland has ever seen, he is a world star. Still, he has not lifted. The photographer, he does not know, he asks where he should sit, he says to the waiter Merci, as this represents the drinks on the table. And in the end, shortly after he takes his leave, he returns once more to the terrace and said: "By the way, the drinks are on me."

オリンピック、ジャンプの金メダリスト、シモン・アマンとの対談ビデオ。固有名詞以外一言一句も理解出来ませぬ :lol:  
http://www.videoportal.sf.tv/video?id=d ... eba8c10c93

日曜には既にバカンスへ出発。8~9日間楽しんだ後、スイスでトレーニング開始するそうです。ゆっくり休暇を楽しめますように  :yeah:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: 2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by asanokaoru » 2011年7月12日(火) 14:45



世界中にいる「ロジャー愛の代表者4人」のうちのひとりとしてっ!! :拍手: :拍手:

Over in Japan, a Twitter user by the name of "Rogionm" set up an internet forum for Japanese fans back in 2004, when Roger Federer was just a rising star, and it is still hugely popular today.

まだロジャーがこれから有名になっていく頃、2004年から、ロジャーのためのサイトを立ち上げた、と紹介されてる~~ :ハート:

In Difficult Times, Roger Federer Is a Comfort
Many fans find consolation in Roger Federer when times are tough. "After the catastrophic earthquake in March, many of us were very despondent," explains Fuyuki from Osaka in southern Japan. "Watching Federer play made us realize how lucky we were – lucky to be alive, of course, and to be able to enjoy his amazing tennis." Afterwards, they wrote him a letter to express their gratitude. "Two of us went to Indian Wells to hand it to him." Roger greeted them, said a few kind words of comfort, and gave them a hug. Moments like that are unforgettable for fans. But, as Fuyuki says: "We are extremely lucky to count ourselves among his fans."

Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 159
登録日時: 2009年8月27日(木) 15:33

Re: 2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年7月12日(火) 23:36

実は今朝この記事発見してました。すんごくビックリ! :shock:  日本のファンのことをキッチリ取り上げて紹介してくれたので、とても嬉しいです :oops: :yeah:
しかし、この記事はRené Staufferさんが書いたのか、Marco Falboさんが書いたのかよく分からない。
Marco Falboさんはクレディスイスに何度も記事を書いてる記者、そして内容はほぼシュタウファーさんに伝えたのと同じ。

以前「Twitter始めました」みたいな記事の中で「フォロワーは女性が多い :lol: そして驚くべき事に日本からどっさりフォローされた」と書いてましたもん。

まず、誰がbiggest fan かの問いに、kristさんを挙げました。「彼女が北米の大会で書いてくれるfan report は大変面白い」とかなんとか。。
で、ここはちょっくら日本の宣伝をしようと思い 、日本のbiggest fan はonmさんであると紹介しました。 :wink:
「彼女は2004年からブログを始め、Rogi情報を大いに紹介した。2008からはfanatic fan のためのフォーラムを開始し管理している

ちょうどIWへ行っていたフォーラムのメンバー2人(あえてフォーラムを再度宣伝 :wink: )がRogiに手紙を渡した。

"Watching Federer play made us realize how lucky we were – lucky to be alive, of course, and to be able to enjoy his amazing tennis."

「とても感銘を受けたから記事にしたい、IW Story を書く」と連絡が来て何度かメールのやり取りをしました。
なんとなく疲れてきて「べりい ぷあ いんぐりっしゅ」なので、手紙を書いた人、翻訳した人、IWへ行ってた人、手書きして渡した人、
皆さんのツイッター名を@付きで教え「みな貴方のフォロワーなので、詳しくはそちらに聞いて下さい」と、丸ナゲ :oops:

でも、ちょっとした違いはあるものの、それなりに伝わっているようです・・・まあ、よしとするか 8)
しかし、記事にあるように"We are extremely lucky to count ourselves among his fans."なんて上手い言い回しは思いもつかなかった。
「ふ~~ん、count ourselves among・・・ と言うんか~」なんて感心しています :lol:

以前Twitterで「で、私の記事はいつ出るの?」みたいな質問(あくまで推測)している人に e-mail you と答えてましたから。
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: 2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年7月13日(水) 23:04

René Staufferさんから、連絡ありました!クレディスイスの記事で正解です :yeah: 良かったですね~ :banana: :banana: :banana:
しかし、本名を尋ねられたけど出てなくて、なんだかホッとした :lol:
「One for All: Federer and His Fans」
https://sponsorship.credit-suisse.com/a ... -+In+Focus
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: 2011 Davis Cup : Switzerland vs Portugal

未読記事by onm » 2011年7月15日(金) 01:46





ぐ〜たらでふつつか者の管理人ですがこれからも宜しくお願いいたします (*´▽`*)ノ))
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