ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年5月21日(土) 10:56


その後は ↓ のように続くのでしょうか。
R2: Millot / Teixeira
R3: Tipsarevic
R4: Tsonga / Wawrinka
QF: Ferrer / Monfils
SF: Djokovic / Del Potro
F:  Nadal

その後16日(月)からツォンガ→モンフィス→シモンを相手に練習を開始しています。水曜は久しぶりにMirka様もコートに姿を見せました 8)
昨日からは、いよいよ全仏バージョンのウェアを着て登場。お相手はスタン君です。さて、お写真 :D

「Roger Federer がやってきた!」 :ハート:
不思議な絵の白T着てます :lol:
practiceを見ていたrf.commerによると、hittingの途中に急に中断してパガニーニさんらと話した後、そのまま止めて去ったそうです :roll:
practiceのビデオは ... 9&comments ... I_3589.mp4

コード: 全て選択
20 May 2011

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions in English first, please.

Q. What would be a good question to ask you?
ROGER FEDERER: You're a good journalist. You know one.

Q. Well, how is practice going?
ROGER FEDERER: It's been good. You know, I was tired after Rome. Took three days off and came straight to Paris Saturday. I have been here for a while and I have been practicing good. The weather has been nice, and been feeling fine, you know.
Conditions seem somewhat similar to the last few years. Even though they have the change of balls, I've gotten used to that. Waiting to hear when I'm gonna play, what day. That's what the only last thing remaining is.

Q. You always come straight on what you're doing, of course. Do you think this year especially there is so much talk about what Novak and Rafa are doing that maybe gives you a great chance to come through yourself and put all that to bed and confirm that you're still the main man?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, I have never been the overwhelming favorite going into the French Open because of Rafa's great record here over the years, you know.
But surely I have followed Novak's streak as close as I could. You know, he's been doing extremely well. I think this is definitely a year for me where I can come into this tournament with just a little less pressure than let's say the last six, seven years, really.
Last year I was the defending champion. The year before, you know, and the years before that I was trying to win Paris for the first time. So I've always had that big cloud hanging over, and the am‑I‑ever‑gonna‑win‑the‑French‑Open question.
So that's, you know, been answered. I think this year, like you say, maybe they expect more from Rafa and Novak, and that could be a good thing for me and more pressure for them. We'll see how it goes, you know.
But we're all great players and we know how to handle it. I hope I can, you know, put myself in a position to win this tournament again.

Q. Last time you played here, Roger, last year's match against Soderling, what do you sort of remember? It was a cold, rainy, funny situation. Looking back a year later, what do you think about that match?
ROGER FEDERER: Still the same: rainy, cold, tough conditions. He played great. He didn't give me much. Yeah, I mean, I was close. I think I had set point to go two sets to one and ended up losing that set, and that one hurt me, obviously, to win that match.
But he played well, you know. Just maybe tough conditions on a bad day for me, but at the same time he was playing well.
So, I mean, I don't ‑‑ I didn't come out of that match thinking about it too long, you know. You move on; you go to grass. I didn't have crazy regrets, you know. I got still my souvenirs from the year before.
Winning the French Open was still so big that, you know, I got the French Open I wanted, you know, and that defeat against Soderling was not gonna kill that.
So that's always gonna be a tough one, to walk away as a defending champion as a loser, but it's what happens. It's unfortunate, but still I thought it was a good match.

Q. Like in Indian Wells you might play a little bit of golf; I don't know about what you do in Miami. But is there anything you look forward to off the court when you come to Paris, anything you can do with the family, restaurants, off the court that makes it fun for you?
ROGER FEDERER: It's mainly restaurants really, and friends come over from Switzerland. So it's usually a lot of catching up Cup them. People who I haven't seen in a long time, they come over quickly or are in the area and we go for dinner.
We try obviously to go to some parks with the kids and so forth now that they're getting older and run around and stuff. So, yeah, all those things come into play.
But, I mean, it's a Grand Slam. At the end of the day I'm trying to do all the right things. Obviously rehab, get enough sleep, and all those things, just to be, you know, physically and mentally as prepared as I can be for this tournament.

Q. What's the latest update on the twins? Are they doing math or are they speaking Portuguese or anything like that?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, they have been good girls. Look, they're still learning a lot every day, and I love spending time with them. Yeah, they're getting cuter every day. I'm a very happy father.
Mirka takes great care of them when I'm doing this stuff, and I'm looking forward to seeing them again when I come back.

Q. Throughout the year you guys play on courts of all colors, red, green, blue purple. There has been talk about Madrid and the blue. As a player, does it matter at all what the color of the court is?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, definitely gives you a different feel the way you see the balls. Yes, I think so. I think important as well is that it's good for TV, you know. So I thought the purple on the hard courts kind of worked, you know.
But then I still also think it's important to stay true to tradition. You know, keep the red clay, you know. Obviously those kind of things. Grass doesn't become orange, all those things. It just would be all strange.
But other than that, it's also very important how the backboard is of the stadiums, and then also sometimes the color of the seats. You know, the brighter the seats are the tougher it is to see the ball when it goes up on a higher topspin or on a lob.
Yeah, so those things. And lighting at night is also very important.

Q. TV people have said that the red clay and the yellow balls are probably the toughest contrast that they have. I wonder, as a player, is it tough to pick up the ball on a red surface as opposed to a blue surface, and how does it manifest itself?
ROGER FEDERER: No, not really. I don't feel that way anyway. Maybe someone else does, but for me it doesn't matter the red against the yellow. It's fine.
THE MODERATOR: Questions in French.

Q. I know you just answered this in English, but...
ROGER FEDERER: I'm used to it.

Q. So Rafa went to see his family to have some rest before the tournament. Novak went to Cannes, a film festival. What did you do?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I arrived here on Saturday. I spent some time with my kids and Mirka. I had three days off before I started this tournament here. I started then on Monday. Tuesday I started hitting a bit. I played again yesterday, and today, too.
Now I'm just waiting to know when I'm gonna play. Is it gonna be on Monday or Tuesday? I hope I'm gonna start soon. Maybe wanted to go back to Switzerland for a while just for the weekend, but it was too complicated with the whole family so I stayed here in the end.

Q. About the new balls, you said you adapted to them. Other players, it was a problem that balls change all the time. Is it a problem for you?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, the balls are faster, indeed. It might be a bit difficult in the beginning, but in the end, they're not that fast.
The thing is, there is a great difference when the balls are new or when they get old. That will be an issue. But we are used to it, anyway. Sometimes spectators don't even notice that there is a change of balls, but we do. That's a moment when we need to be very focused.
But I will have to play my first match to really see what it means.

Q. What do you think of the winning streak of Novak? Are you surprised by this? And also, Novak beat Rafael on clay twice.
ROGER FEDERER: I'm following that very closely. I'm not really talking about it yet, because sometimes you just ‑‑ in the beginning we were not talking about it because he won two or three tournaments. Okay.
He didn't play Monte‑Carlo, and then he started winning again and people started talking about it. What he did is incredible. He had a phenomenal beginning of the year and of the season, I mean.
I also had some winning streaks in my career, and they always end and that's tough. Also, when people start talking about it, it becomes more difficult for you to handle the situation. It happened to me, too.
I was not really surprised that he beat Rafa in Madrid, although I thought Rafa would win because of his results of the former years. But you should not forget that Rafa had lost in Miami and Indian Wells against Novak, too.
So this is why it is interesting to follow what's gonna happen, whether Novak will overcome Rafa or not. That's why I'm following this.

Q. Do you believe Novak went a step further? Maybe it's mentally, or do you believe it's important that he doesn't have his allergies anymore?
ROGER FEDERER: I don't understand what you mean.

Q. Novak was a good player already, but now he seems to be unbeatable. Do you believe it's not only mentally that he's improved but also physically, or do you believe he's stronger physically?
ROGER FEDERER: He was always very fast on the court. I don't believe he's different, from my point of view. He was always finishing his matches very well.
Of course, now he has more confidence; that's clear. Sometimes before when it was windy or he didn't feel good he was not fighting as much.
But now, this winning streak shows that he's playing normally and that he's winning maybe easier than before. But he's the same player as before. He had some tight matches that he could have lost. He didn't.
So now he did something extraordinary, and it's very interesting to follow him. It's good for tennis. It's very positive.

Q. What about your first opponent and your part of the draw?
ROGER FEDERER: Yes, it's interesting. The Lopez match in Madrid was a difficult first round, but I don't believe we're gonna play four or five tiebreakers. It's not possible anyway. I believe the match will be interesting. We have known each other for a very long time, since we were juniors.
Also, I was having a good series, and I was surprised I was gonna play against him, because I thought he was seeded and that I wouldn't play him, but sometimes you are a bit unlucky.
He's a dangerous player. He's maybe more dangerous than the past years, or maybe more dangerous than other opponents I played first rounds in other Grand Slams.
And after him, if ever I win, I really don't know the other players. But I saw some tough seeded players on my side, too. So Rafa has a tough draw. Novak, Murray, I don't know. I didn't see very well.
But I think what is important for me is that I play a good beginning of the tournament.

Q. You said it was good to see Rafa and Novak fighting. How does it feel to be an outsider now, an underdog, so to speak?
ROGER FEDERER: As I said, in the French Open I never was the top favorite. It's true I didn't have as much pressure here than in other tournaments, but this year I have even less pressure because Rafa wants to keep his title; Novak wants to win it.
So they have more pressure than me maybe, compared with my last six, seven years here. But there's not a great difference anyway.
If in Wimbledon, for example, I was not among the top four or five favorites, then it would be a big change. But in the French Open, it's always more or less the same.

バポラボールは小さくてすごく固くて早い。ロジャやジョコには向いてるかも知れないが、ナダルには少し合わないかもしれないとの記事↓↓↓ ... tory.shtml


:swissflag: 画像 :swissflag:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年5月22日(日) 17:11

・・・またまた連投癖が再発 :oops: :うっかり:  でもすごく面白いし、メモがわりに貼っとこうっと :yeah:

20日(金)フランス、レキップ誌とのインタビュー。「ノバクには僕と似ているところは全然ないよ」 :lol: ... icle2.html
登録しないと表示されている以上は読めないのですが、その部分を含めてClaireさんが英訳して下さいました。おかしいからアイコンもそのままに :mrgreen:
"I don't see myself in Novak at all"

Players' restaurant, yesterday, 15h30, under the PC court. RF calmly steps forward. He hasn't changed: "Ah L'Equipe? It's going to be serious then?" He choses an isolated, small table outside. He settles in and shakes hands, including Del Po's who is coming back from practice: "Hey! What's up man?". It's exactly what we're going to ask him. And we're quickly going to sense a refusal of falling in awe for what Djoko has been accomplishing this season. We could swear that in the duel between Djoko and Nadal his choice would be in favour of Spain...

If you were a journalist, what intelligent question would you ask RF at this moment?
- (surprised) Bah...a question on RG, no? It seems obvious to me. Us, the players, we only think about that. We're already mentally in our tournement. We're not at the beach, we're at RG, afterall! :lol:

How are you feeling?
- Good. I've played a lot recently. I have enough matches behind me. And certainly less pressure than the previous years. Last year, I was defending champion; the previous years, I was always asked why I hadn't won this tournement. This year, I've answered a minimum of requests, press, promotion, sponsors, etc. It's more relaxed. I have never lived such a calm week before RG.

What kind of questions do you ask yourself atm, as a player but also as a man?
-Questions about the organisation of my days. As for more "profound" questions, it's not the ideal moment to be asking them. Not like after MC where I had a 15 days training "block" and where I asked myself many questions.

-Do I have to go back more inside the court? Work on my dtl FH? The balance? The movement? That kind of things. The more RG gets close, the less you change things. We enter the world of of details. That's why I always think it's good to get together with my team before the tournement and evaluate the situation. Everyone brings something to the discussion. It's the moment to ask the good question: "What do we think about it?" It's also a good way to make everyone get really into it and be focused, focused on the upcoming tournement. I like when evryone brings their opinion. Maybe we'll all get together tonight, we'll see.

Do you see similarities between the "invicible" you were from 2004 to 2007 and the one Djoko has become the last 6 months?
-Honestly, no. For that matter, I have never asked myself this question. As players we are very different. Same behaviour-wise. I don't find myself at all in Novak. :mrgreen: :lol:

Has he, like you had stated a few years ago about yourself, created a monster himself?
-I'm not taking anything from what Novak has just accomplished, but I think he has to do even more. Rafa has 9 GS, me 16, and he has 2. He needs a lot more to create that famous monster. Rafa had become it when he came chasing in Australia his Rafa slam. That was an extraordinary thing. Thankfully he was injured when he lost, so it was easier to explain for him. Me, I had created a monster to the extreme. I had dozens of records going on, the consecutive GS semis, the consecutive finals won, etc. I don't know if Rafa and Novak evolve in the same "monster" category. 8)

Is it tiring to be a monster?
-(He smiles), I liked it! Even if people seem very worried when you lose a set! I told them: "Seriously, are you joking or not?". Well, on the other side, it was almost flattering...But all this goes by too fast. All of a sudden one doesn't win anything anymore and all of that has dashed off.

You have taken a long time to build yourself as a player and to become the game's boss. Are you surprised Djoko has managed to do it in 6 months?
-There are no rules in tennis. And that's what's great in this sport. When we start to win matches, we never think if we're on a streak or not. As far as Novak's concerned, if someone had asked me in January if I thought he was going to lose matches from then to RG, I would've answered: "Of course! 100%! And not just one!". So, did we expect it? No. Noone did. But he started playing with fire and beat all the best. When you catch the fire at the beginning of the season it can go far. After Dubai, I was certain he was gong be very tough to beat in IW and Miami. In those cases, you don't ask yourself questions, you play, that's it. But, on clay, I thought Rafa would beat him at least once. :mrgreen: :lol:

You've experienced a streak of 35 matches, then 41, like Djoko at the moment (39). What do we feel in those moments?
-Off court it's pretty stressful. On court, it's complete hapiness, you're on a roll...But you play tournement after tournement, you take a break when you can...In fact, you love in a bubble. Unfortunately, you almost forget the rest of the world. You're so entangled in the tunnel of victories that you don't dare take too much breaks: you're afraid if you stop too much, you'll lose that feeling. In retrospect, you think you could have savoured it more...But anyway...One day, the ball stops indefinitely turning, and you end up alone with yourself. What's certain is that the passage from one to another is very quick.

Is not being the favourite easier or harder to experience?
-It doesn't change anything for me in RG. I was never a big favourite here. It's obvious that I prefer not to be in Rafa's half. I prefer the Djoko option. For me, Rafa is still the favourite.

But you were in 2009, when Nadal was eliminated?
-Yes, but it was during the tournement. That I can do, I manage.

Already in 2006 you had told us that you were preparing yourself to live less "pink" years, where success wouldn't systematically be the outcome. Today, now that it is the case, do you accept it and how do you feel about it?
-The most important thing is the mental approach. Qhen I was young, I often lost matches because of my attitude. I was either lazy, or a mourner, or I underestimated my opponent :lol: . After, I was very angry at myself: "What? I underestimated a player because he doesn't have Stefan Edberg's technique, my idol?" Today, I don't have regrets because I know I prepared myself seriously. And I don't want to have any the day I'll stop playing. The truth is, after all the success I've had, the defeats are easier to go through today. It's never fun, but it's part of the game.

Do you have the impression your last GS is part of another period of your life?
-Not at all. It's very fresh in my mind.

Would winning a 17th GS in 2011 seem more powerful than 5 years ago to you?
-No, no. Winning a slam is a performance in itself. When I win "Wimb" one year, I have a huge back problem. It's quite crazy to see how a slam unfolds sometimes. Each GS title is a fantastic effort.

Do the two victories of Djoko against Nadal on clay represent the same as Nadal's victory against you in Wimbledon in 2008? Are we seeing a change of era?
-No. It's incomparable. Here, we're not in best of 5 matches. What's interesting, is to see how Rafa is going to react mentally to this situation. He is afterall on 4 defeats in row in MS against Djoko. It surely has a little effect...Maybe he loses Rome because of the three previous finals? I'm not worried for him, but he's probably living an important phase. Mentally, it can't be easy for him. I don't feel I'm in the same situation towards Djoko. Even if I've lost my last 3 matches against him, I don't have the feeling he's dominating me. Rafa, with Novak, it could probably play more...To continue. It's interesting. :lol:

Is there an advantage in not being #1 in the world?
-Honestly, 1, 2, 3 I don't really see the difference. My life is always as busy! I can still fill up my days! Nothing has changed. For sure, I would prefer being #1 than #3. But who wouldn't say the same?

そりゃー誰だってNo3よりNo1の方が良いよね :wink: フォーラムでも言われているように、モンスター関連の部分が特に面白いです。

もう一つ、これもレキップ。WOWOWもやってたような立ったままのぶら下がりインタビューみたいなの。「Federer choisit Nadal」「僕はナダルだと思う」
ビデオはこちらで↓ Rogiのフランス語 :D ... yROoafz5Lu
Says he's been through a lot in his career, in 12 years it wasn't always him and Nadal. He even had Kuerten, Agassi, it's not a big change for him. They have done sth amazing, Nadal still has 3/4 GS, Novak hasn't lost in almost 40 matches. He follows it closely but he has to concentrate on himself because he doesn't play 1st or 2nd round against them, he has to be serene and strong mentally to be ready if gets to the stage where he needs to face them. For him Nadal is the favourite because of his record in RG..."Without wanting to ad pressure on Nadal or take some away from Novak, it would be weird if I chose Novak because of Nadal's record here though"

金曜の情報から心配するファンに、Rene Stauffer氏やNeil Harman氏がTwitterで「大丈夫、心配しないで」と答えていました。
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年5月22日(日) 23:51

はい、またカキコにきました・・・マニアです :mrgreen:  一人で盛り上げてる :oops:

OOP出てます。シャトリエ・コート第3試合。11時スタートですから、う~ん、日本時間で夜10時~11時頃スタートでしょうか :roll:
Melanie Oudin(USA) vs. Francesca Schiavone(ITA)[5]
Thiemo De Bakker(NED) vs. Novak Djokovic(SRB)[2]
Feliciano Lopez(ESP) vs. Roger Federer(SUI)[3]
Marion Bartoli(FRA)[11] vs. Anna Tatishvili(GEO) ... dule7.html

本日は第4コートで3時~4時(15分遅刻 :wink: )、フェリ戦に備えレフティのAndreas Beckさん相手にしっかりpractice。
写真 ↓ アナコーンとルティがちゃんと付いてる。。
見ていたファンによると、「The practice was great, incredible atmosphere, people going crazy screaming he's name...」だったそうです 8)
Blickの記者、Christian BuergeさんはTwitterで
「Rumours that Federer is injured were wrong. Federer today in practice with lefty Andreas Beck. 1500 spectators thrilled.」1500人も :shock:
シュタウファーさんも 「Practised today at 3 on court 4 with lefty Beck - stands overcrowded」とだけ。

※追記:シュタウファーさんが記事でTwitterにつて語ってる :shock: ... 2F24039746
In no time, dozens of Twitter users logged on as my "followers". They come from all over the world, a striking number from Japan, a striking number are female, and they have a big thing in common: Most are hopeless Federer fans. Hardcore, so to speak.
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by mint » 2011年5月23日(月) 00:59

fuyuさん、いつもありがとうです :D
ほんと、感謝してます :D



私、すご~く心配です :(

今のパリ(23日1時前)すごく風がきついです :shock:
記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫


未読記事by プーさん » 2011年5月23日(月) 01:22

fuyuさん、いつもすてきお写真や動画をありがとうございます~ :アリガトウ:
わたしボーッとしているものですから、アッ見つけた!と思ったときにはだいたい既出でして・・・ごめんなさい~(*_ _)人ゴメンナサイ


5セットですし、なんとかしてくれる、と信じてはおりますが・・・どうかどうか心臓にやさしい試合を :pray: :pray: :pray:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 104
登録日時: 2010年1月25日(月) 16:17
お住まい: 神奈川県


未読記事by onm » 2011年5月23日(月) 02:14


初戦フェリロペって、ボールも例年より速いそうだし、またタイブレになりそうでガタブル :心配: ですね…


:heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain:
Site Admin
Site Admin
記事: 1445
登録日時: 1970年1月01日(木) 09:00
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by mint » 2011年5月23日(月) 07:24

昨夜のwowowで、男子トップ4のインタビューが流れましたね :D


記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫


未読記事by nocko » 2011年5月24日(火) 01:11

皆様、写真や記事、ありがとうございます。無事初戦突破でしたね。5セットマッチならフェリには負けないと思ったけど、最近のロジャは時々およよなのでちょっとだけ心配でした。その割には2セットアップで安心してソファに撃沈してしまい、試合の大事なところはすべて夢の中で応援とあいなりましたが。。。 :oops: まあ、毎日ほとんど5時起き&運動量の多い生活なのでお許しを。。。
坂本氏のいうとおり、ロジャは万全の状態で入ってきました。2週間良い状態が続きますように。 :pray:
(^_-)-☆Good Luck Roger☆画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36


未読記事by mint » 2011年5月25日(水) 00:40



Court Suzanne Lenglen

主婦にとってはいそがしい時間ですが、応援頑張ります :yeah:
記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫


未読記事by Marie » 2011年5月25日(水) 01:30

mintさん、OOPありがとうございます :D

フェリロペ戦、快勝 :拍手:
写真貼り逃げさせてください :lol:

ついでにオンコートインタビューのゆちゅ。(リンクだけですみません!)おフランス語なのでほとんど分からないのに最後まで見いってしまう :oops:
「そんなこと聞くな~」という観客の抗議だったようです(rf.comより) :lol:
:heartrain: :cheers6c: :goroger: :cheers6b: :heartrain:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 282
登録日時: 2007年9月20日(木) 15:51
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年5月25日(水) 12:20

>marieさん、YouTube有難うございます。いつもながら、Rogiがパリの観客に愛されているのが嬉しいです :yeah:

あの・・・rf.comでも云われてますけど、会見スクリプトRG公式にありませんよね :roll:  ASAPにもない・・・ :?
フェリ戦後の会見ビデオはあるんだけど、文字で読まないとなかなか理解できない :| それでも見るけど :oops: ... 000aa.html
部分的ですがスクリプト。 ... f-djokovic

今夜対戦するMaxime Teixeira君「ランキング181位、22歳、右利き、フランス人」以外は情報がありませんが、一応こんな人。 ... e+Teixeira

There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by mint » 2011年5月25日(水) 22:21


いきなりのブレークから始まって、よしよしって思っていたのに、なぜ~~??のブレークバック :(
対に戻っても4-3から再度ブレ~~ク :拍手: 5-3からのSFSもきっちり決めて1セットゲット :banana:


今回は、ここで↓↓↓↓↓↓ 試合の様子をアップしてます。

walk on &set1



記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫


未読記事by fuyu » 2011年5月26日(木) 00:21

mintさん、ありがとうございます。感謝です! :おおきに:

Teixeira君は 一生一度あるかないかの舞台で、思いっきり自分のプレーをやるのみで迷いがありませんでした。
1st set はなかなか良いプレーをしましたが、続きませんでしたね。


マキシム君「スゴイ経験をした。これまでのキャリアの中で最高だよ。Roger Federer と戦った事は決して忘れない。すごく楽しかった。出来ることはやった。ちょっと厳しい結果だったけど最大限の努力をしたし、本当にスゴイ経験だよ」
Rogiはニコニコしていましたが、ちょっと照れているふうであったとか :wink:  ・・・youtube出ないかな。

会見スクリプト。なんで公式サイトに出してくれないんかな~~ :roll:
コード: 全て選択
R. FEDERER/M. Teixeira

6‑3, 6‑0, 6‑2

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions in French, please.

Q. What did you think of this young French?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, you know, he fought hard, and afterwards he was trying to get the best score. Then if you do this, you'll play differently and mentally might be somewhere else compared to the beginning of the match, so the score was balanced for one‑and‑a‑half sets, but even then he fought hard, and then I think it was a good match. I was happy the way I played at the beginning.
As I said the other day, I think the first set was important for me to see what the match would look like, and then during the second and third sets, it was easier.

Q. Now, what about Teixeira? Try and think about him and try and remember your match against Agassi in Basel. What was your mindset at the time?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, it was the first round. I couldn't believe the draw and then just like him, you know, playing at home with all the friends, the family being present. After the match I thought I did my best. You know, on the one hand, you can't win. If you win, it's like a miracle, a crazy miracle.
I thought I had played a good match against Agassi, and I hope that Teixeira thinks the same today.

Q. What about this match at that moment at 20 minutes past 1:00 in three sets? Is it a good thing for you or would you have liked a longer match, more complicated, to test your abilities?
ROGER FEDERER: No. I had to keep my focus to start with, because you never know what might happen and what he does, his abilities, his talent, his skills. And to start with, you're not 100% certain of what's going to happen.
Therefore, during one‑and‑a‑half sets you're really well focused, and after this you can relax a little at the end of the match. And it was a bit simpler as well at the end.
Now I'm very happy with these types of matches. I can practice more and so on, but now I'm really in the tournament, which is a good thing.

Q. We know that ‑‑ you know, everything about the tournament. You probably followed Rafa's match and it was a five‑setter for him. What do you think about this in Roland?
ROGER FEDERER: Yes, I saw, I watched a little, and no surprise that Isner has managed to keep his serve. He's done his best.
Then he won two tiebreakers. It was a bit tough for Rafa, but he was stronger. I knew that in the fifth set ‑‑ it was his first five‑setter here, so I think that many have followed this very carefully, and this is it. He's still there.

Q. What about Tipsarevic, your next opponent?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, we played together two or three times, I think, no more, and then there was a major match in Australia and then in Basel last year. I don't know if I played against him elsewhere, perhaps in Geneva.
I think he's a dangerous player on the big courts against the big players. He played really well against these players, so let's be careful. Let's be ready in advance, because he can vary his game on hard courts, on clay as well. He can do all sorts of things.
It's going to be an interesting match, I think.

Q. Is it true that one day you said you wanted to have a replica of the Coupe Des Mousquetaires Cup? Because at home you'll only be able to get a smaller version and you'll have to leave it for the next winner. Did you really want to do that?
ROGER FEDERER: Yes, that's true. I should have done that before, but I didn't have time, or who knows. You know, I was not well organized. And I'm going to do it, yeah. No matter the price. Because I fought for so many years to have the Coupe Des Mousquetaires Cup, and I only got this tiny one.
So, no, this wouldn't do. It's always very nice to win Roland Garros, but I wanted to have the big one at home. It's the same as well with Wimbledon and all the other tournaments.

Q. What do you think about the fact that there are three Grand Slams where there is no tiebreaker in the fifth set and it's only the US Open where there is a tiebreaker? Now, yesterday Nadal said, When I win the fourth set or when I was winning the fourth set, because I was up, I was feeling better because I know that here in the five sets there is no tiebreaker, and against Isner it's better for me. Do you think this is correct to have three Grand Slams that would do one thing and one that would do something different? Don't you think we should align them all? What do you think about this? What's your opinion?
ROGER FEDERER: My opinion is that I was rarely in these types of situations, and in Wimbledon, in Roland, in Australia, and I think I have never had a tiebreak during the fifth set in a Grand Slam. It's the way it is in tennis. People do what they want in all sorts of ways.
Even the ITF with Grand Slams, they can't do the same, so it really shows that it's very much individual, the players, the tournaments, so on and so forth. It's the way it is. We'll have to take it the way it is. Take it, accept it. What else can you do?
Frankly, I don't know which is better. Maybe a longer set because that's better for the ones who are in better physical condition. But is it good, you know, when you play football to have penalty kicks? Well, people like it. I don't know. At the end of the day, do what the fans like, as well.

Q. Are there things you didn't like in your game today?
ROGER FEDERER: That I didn't like?

Q. Yes, that you didn't like.
ROGER FEDERER: No, I think it was okay. I could vary my shots. I had the choice. I could play in different ways today. I had the choice, and that was the difficulty, to choose the best game today.
Then sometimes I was fast, sometimes I was more aggressive, and he would play better. If I gave more spin into the balls, then it was more difficult for him. Then I decided to play in order to win the match. That was good for me.
THE MODERATOR: English questions, please.

Q. A little bit of a different question. Your success is obviously based on tens of thousands of hours of hard work, fabulous technique, incredible skill sets. But I'd like you to take a minute and talk about the role of luck in tennis in terms of draws or let cords, injury, and even the luck of your heritage and family. What is the role of that? Do you think there's an element there or not?
ROGER FEDERER: I mean, sure, you can get lucky at times on big occasions, you know, big points and so forth. You get the let cord at, I don't know, break point, you know, that has a huge momentum swing. But it's rare. If that happens against you, probably down the road you've also had it for you.
Then I don't think luck comes into the equation to use that to your advantage, you know. Let's say you got a little lucky, to use that and go on and win the match. It's one thing getting lucky, but then not using that.
So I think you can push luck on your side by playing tough, by believing in what you're doing is the right thing. So it's also very mental.
And then being able to put, you know, things behind, like today I thought I got a bad call at 30‑All, instead of 40‑30, 30‑40. Okay. Maybe I was unlucky. Maybe I saw a difference in mark than she did or we see it differently. But is that unlucky? Maybe. But at the end, I didn't lose a match because of it.
So I think in tennis, you do get a second chance sometimes, you know. And if then you get it, you should take it.
I don't really think ‑‑ thank God the umpires don't have that much of a say like they do have in soccer and so forth. At least if feels like it's in your racquet. That's a good thing.

Q. In the end, do you think Roger Federer is a lucky man?
ROGER FEDERER: Lucky to play the sport. I'm very fortunate, and I never predicted my career to be as good as it has been. I don't know how much luck was involved. I think I'm lucky not to be injured.
I guess so, you know, not to be badly injured at 18 or 20 years old when I was still just learning and being unprofessional at times as well.
So maybe there, yes, but then down the road probably not so much. I just did my thing, even though when I joke around with many players and they say, You always get lucky, and so forth.
I guess there's reasons behind that.

Q. I think this was already asked in French, but did you watch all of Nadal's game? What did you think of it? What did you make of it?
ROGER FEDERER: I saw some of it. Look, I mean, we all know Isner's capabilities. And he can play well on clay. I thought he played a good match, especially off his own serve.
Like Rafa said himself, I think he didn't play the two best breakers in his life. That's how it goes sometimes. All of a sudden you're down two sets to one, and it's a huge struggle and huge danger if he makes one more mistake. That could be it. Because the other guy just could be serving with the momentum and so forth.
I think Rafa did really well to come back, and was interesting to obviously see Rafa, his first five‑setter here in Paris. It's something special, something that's never happened before. So it's huge attention on that obviously to see how he was going to come out of it.

Q. Juan Del Potro and Djokovic, maybe they face each other in the third round. How do you see that match?
ROGER FEDERER: With Novak, I guess, without disrespecting their opponents now, obviously we just talk about how is the situation right now if they were to play, but I think Novak's playing well. Obviously physically seems fine and everything.
With Juan Martin, I'm not sure, I haven't spoken to him enough and he's obviously coming off that hip thing he's had.
But let's say both are 100% fit, Juan Martin definitely has his chance to play him. If he wouldn't have been injured with his wrist, maybe he would have won the French Open last year. I thought he played that well in 2009 against me in the semis already where I thought it was a real close match.
So he's definitely got his chance, and it will be a good match. I hope it's going to happen, too, so we see a really good match in the third round.

There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by onm » 2011年5月26日(木) 01:43


Rogi 快勝でしたね :拍手:

fuyu さんが書きました:勝利の後カメラにサインしただけで、ニッコリお手振りなしにそそくさと消えたのがTwitterで話題になっていましたが、

にゃるほど。。トイレ行きたかったんじゃなかったのねん。 :lol:
よけた後地面に落ちて跳ねたボールがRogiのオケツに当たっていたようですね。 (^_^;A


いい休養と準備が出来、試合後笑顔のお手振りが見れますように! :pray:
:heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain:
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未読記事by shimarisu » 2011年5月26日(木) 12:34

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