Mutua Madrid Open 2011

ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。

Re: Mutua Madrid Open 2011

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年5月06日(金) 09:43

mintさん、OOPありがと~ :D  しかし、また2時かい・・・キツイ。GAORAはどうなる? :?

画像シュテキ :lovestruck:

on court のSky Sport インタビュー ... 39,00.html ... derer.aspx
Q. Was it tough to come back on the court such few hours after last night’s match and concentrate on a new one?
A. I thought mentally it was fine, it was more physical, just a quick turnaround. Had a quick dinner and go to bed, treatment and stuff stretch again, eat again and go out on the courts, not much in between. Just ready to play a different type of game, right handed during the day so mentally you have to shift a little bit so my expectations weren’t extremely high I just wanted to put in a good performance and try to play a good match which I was able to do so I'm very happy with today’s performance and like you said it was a quick turnaround.

Q. You don't know your opponent yet for the next round, whether Robin or Jo. A few words about those 2 players and their form now please.
A. On their form? I'm not sure how Soderling has been playing lately, he didn’t play Monaco and I don't know how he played. He didn’t win a tournament otherwise I would know. The same for Tsonga, I font think he's played that many matches lately so it’s going to be the same situation but the guy whose going to get to the court, I'm sure his going to be in decent form and both have a big game which on a quick court like here is clearly dangerous. Regardless any court you play them on, the match is also a little bit in their hands because they got a big serve and a big first shot. They are quite similar in regard, I would probably give a slight edge to Soderling just because the history on clay in the French Open and do so forth. Maybe I’ll try to get watch a bit of the match and get an idea of how things are going because I haven’t seen Soderling play in a while actually so I have to maybe watch a bit of that.

Q. For you personally what is the best clay court condition, obviously you don’t like it really, really slow although you did well earlier. What would you say...
A. I don’t know honestly if its super slow, the wet, the dry, the quick, the altitude. I always say you have to play on all conditions on clay and then like you saw last night it probably was better to play López in yesterday’s conditions when it’s maybe a bit slower, it felt nothing like it was slow. I think it depends who you play against and under what circumstances like I feel it was a bit unfortunate to play Soderling last year in the rain at the French for instance just because I thought it gave him the perfect ball to belt the whole time, that kind of thing and the ball wasn't flying so he didn’t have to think much. But then against someone else it would have been the perfect conditions so it always depends a bit who you play and what the situation is. I
don’t know maybe nobody likes to play in the rain but it’s part of clay. Also there I can use my slice well and my drop shots and so forth, I just have to be in the right mind set I think more than anything.

・・・あの、MadridのHPめちゃ使い勝手悪いと思いません? :|

しかし、美形のお方が苦しまれる姿は、それはそれで目に麗しいものでした :oops: :silenced:
ああ、あんなRogiがまた見たい・・・見れますように :pray:・・・見れますよね :yeah:
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Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Mutua Madrid Open 2011

未読記事by mint » 2011年5月07日(土) 07:42

ソダーリングに勝ちました :banana: :banana:

ロペス戦ほどではないですが、なかなか競った試合でしたね :D

fuyuさん、ワンダフル&キュートなお写真ありがとうです :ハート:



一昨年は見事勝利してますので、是非ここはナダルの連勝をストップしていただきましょう :yeah:

もちろんガオラのLIVEもありますよね :拍手:

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Re: Mutua Madrid Open 2011

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年5月07日(土) 14:21

そして「かわいいお写真」、お顔を見て「可愛い~♪」→→スクロールして現れた足元に思わず笑う、となりました :キス: :lol:
ハンサムでもある、Wonderful Rogi!!!! :ハート:

on court interview ユチュ
TTVユチュ ... er&list=UL

Q. You must be pretty pleased with that performance, just that one slight problem at 15 – 40 midway through the second set. Other than that pretty smooth.
A. Yeah I thought I was pretty much in control throughout the match except obviously in those couple break points downs in the second set, that was the close call. But I felt I was playing well, serving well when I had to and I thought Robin played a good at least one and a half sets in my opinion. Especially when he got important he played some of his best tennis which maybe at times is frustrating because I think mayeb I was doing all the right things and couldn’t get the set to break then that I was hoping for so maybe I was in a batten and had to save a couple break points myself but I overall I thought it was a good match against a good player and obviously pleased to be through to the next round.

Q. Roger, how does that set you up for what you are going to have to do tomorrow against Nadal, especially in this ambiance?
A. Well I mean we have played here a couple times so its not like we are playing for the first time in this stadium. This is the third time in one year, we played also the charity match here, obviously doesn’t count as much but still we have had the experience and the atmosphere and everything so its not like it use to be two years ago or last year where I felt like we hadn't hardly played each other very much. I feel like we have played a bit more now we played in the finals of London, we played the Exo in Abu Dhabi, we played those two in Switzerland, we have played in Miami and here we go again so you kind of know what to expect a bit more this time around. Depends also a bit on the conditions because today was very windy actually for Madrid standards and I was quite surprised to find so much wind out on the center court because usually it is quite a protected court and in the warmup I didn’t feel that much wind coming our way so that was a bit of an adjustment we had to make, both of us I think. I'm excited to see what conditions will be like tomorrow because that will play a role a little bit on how we are going to play tomorrow for both of us.

Q. Roger, I wonder how much your rivalry between Rafa has helped in attracting people that weren’t interested in the sport at all before?
A. I mean I hope a lot but I don’t know. We will find out in magnitude when we both retire, you know, how great the rivalry really was. In the moment itself I think we really enjoy it, we obviously like to play each other in finals so this is a bit unusual even though we have played each other on two occasions already in semi finals, twice in Shanghai at the Master's Cup. This remains different but regardless I think this is a match that many fans a media want to see especially here in his home country. Its obviously special and nice and on clay, its obviously his territory a bit more but I’ve enjoyed my time with Rafa on the court, even though I have a lot more time left on the court with more victories. Still I think we have both learned a lot form each other and its been good for the game and a lot of good juniors will come through because of it.

Q. Roger how did you later analyze the match against Rafa in Miami?
A. I didn't really analyze it much, my reaction was not really impressed, just because I kind of felt like I completely missed a match like I missed a match in let's say the Dubai finals against Djokovic and unfortunately those things an happen. You hope they don't happen against top players bu they did so you just have to live with it and there was a change in surface anyway that I actually never spoke about because there was not much reason to, it was more about organizing the whole clay court trip, how we feel, how we see because I was coming through Miami pretty roasted and I was playing a lot of tennis, almost too much tennis and I just felt I was lacking practice. And I just felt in the match that I just couldn’t come up with the shots so I hope that this time around is going to be different and we will definitely look back now tonight or tomorrow at that nights match. It was good that Seved and Paul were both there to see that match and hopefully I will take the right decisions for tomorrows match before.

Q: Rafa said today that the Davis Cup is not really working, the fact that many of the best players are not really playing the tournament. I want to know what you’re opinions are considering that you also have your issues with the Davis Cup? Are there some changes that need to be made in the format, to play every two years, the best of three sets?
A: Well it’s a never ending debate isn't it? Whatever I’m going to say is going to be taken out of context in any shape or form from the ITF. It’s disappointing they don’t listen to us enough. It’s all I can say. They ITF seems to know best, what the players want and need and we all disagree with it so it’s just somewhat frustrating for us and then they shouldn’t be surprised when the best players don’t play. Obviously we’re in a tough position, a tough spot; some players cannot afford at all not to play Davis Cup because of where they come from and the pressure they get from fans and from media and so forth. They use that at times. I’m not saying in a bad way but they could just rely on those players to play anyway and other players like me have more of a choice because I can’t chases down world no.1, Grand Slams, Davis Cup, Olympics and Masters 1000’s and all the tournaments I’d like to play so you have to cut in somewhere. It’s a tough situation, we all know that and we got live with it unless the ITF is willing to talk and I don’t think that doesn’t seem to be the case so we’ll see.

Q: We have in the semi-finals a no.36, Thomaz Bellucci; can you tell us what you know about him?
A: I don’t know that much about him. I’ve practiced with him I think once at that US Open. He’s a good player. Clay is definitely his favourite surface – his results show. He always plays the South American circuit early in February when usually all the players are playing on hard court so it’s obviously his number one surface and it’s nice to see another Brazilian player since Guga who I obviously had the pleasure to play against and who has unfortunately retired now. It’ll be interesting to see how he plays his first semis of a Master 1000. It’s a big occasion for him. I think he can play well at altitude. If I’m not mistaken, I think he also won the Gstaad title in Switzerland. He’s been improving as the years have gone by. Still a bit up and down that’s why is ranking is where it is but at that ranking you also have some big results like he just showed this week. Hopefully for him it continues.

きょうのMadridのお天気、だいたい曇り、湿度77%、昨日より気温は低い・・・ :(
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Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


未読記事by つるるん5 » 2011年5月08日(日) 19:41

次のローマでは去年よりポイントを上回ってますように。 :pray:
Federer fan
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Re: Mutua Madrid Open 2011

未読記事by fuyu » 2011年5月08日(日) 21:12

会見ビデオ とスクリプト
Q. Was your right shoulder bothering you at one point? ←心配される肩の状態について↓
A. Not enough to lose the match because of it. I’ve had muscle pain since the first game, not only in my chest. It’s actually better than yesterday but I just feel that when I keep on serving and then the match extends and I haven’t served in maybe 5 to 10 minutes sometimes it’s just stuff. It’s good to warm up. I was serving okay, I was still able to hit full speed which is most important and I didn’t double fault much so it was fine.

Q. During the week we saw some bad bounces; do you think the court was okay?
A. Clay courts always have bad bounces. They try to do a good job and try to even it out every change of ends which I think is a good thing. I don’t think this court is a clay court all year long – I doubt it. So they put it in and try to do their best. It’s a court that has definitely gotten better over the years which is positive for the year to come.

Q. Given that you’d come from behind to win that first set, how big was that dispute at the start of the second set?
A. Not that important. If it goes my way it’s obviously huge, if it goes his way it’s huge. At the end of the day I don’t know how it was. At this point I don’t care anymore, it’s in the past. It looked like it was two marks. The one he showed me seemed very small, for me to small for the type of spin and pace the ball came at but maybe it was the type of court it is and these line, maybe. It wasn’t a dispute, it was just disbelief really. I don’t know how tennis you play but they are really hard to see when the line is here and the ball comes across the line. Sometimes it could be just this much out and you just don’t see it because of the line and the ball all kind of blend into one so that’s why it was a tough call obviously. Yesterday I got lucky I guess at 15-40 against Robin when I got a good call, today I didn’t. That’s the way it goes sometimes. I thought Rafa played well and me too at times so it was a good match.

Q. Your reaction in the first set was quite amazing, why did you start playing much better than in previous games?
A. I made some easy mistakes on the volley and on the forehand it wasn’t just quite happening yet. Just trying to get a feel for how aggressive I was trying to play and then at the same time getting use to the incredible bounce and spin that Rafa gives you. In the beginning I was missing quite a few forehands from the forehand corner which I really shouldn’t be missing. I ended up being able to iron those mistakes out and then I started to play good tennis. I got into a good return spell and then obviously if I’m able to return him, naturally my service games would be won easier too and that’s what happened so it was it a good first set and even the second set at 6-1 doesn’t tell the truth and the third as well. It was a close match, if I could get a bit lucky – I wouldn’t say take the better decisions because I think I did – I felt it was very close. Maybe the result doesn’t show as much but I thought I was right here.

Q. Compared to Paris, Rome, Monte Carlo; how high is Rafa’s top spin bouncing here in Madrid and how do you feel your backhand did against it?
A. I thought I played well. I’m always going to make mistakes with my backhand and from my forehand because that’s what I have to do. I’m not just going to push it into play and hope I play good for the stats and lose two and two. So that’s not the idea behind playing Rafa. I have to take the ball early, I have to create things. Obviously he stands way beyond the baseline, I’m taking it on the rise, he’s also taking it on the rise but on the way back so he has time to react whereas obviously I’m taking the chances really because I’m trying to create the game and he’s playing with more spin and I’m playing more flat and that generates more mistakes. I think overall I played okay, I played the right way and at times it all worked and sometimes it didn’t just because of Rafa’s high level of play. He plays from start to finish on clay really solid on clay and that was to be expected.

Q. You had a chance to break back on the third; do you think it was one of the key points of the match?
A. I had more chances. I don’t know what happened at the beginning of the third right now. Clearly it would’ve been nice to get back to 5-4 maybe it was, and you never know. Clearly it was a long way back and yeah, messed up the return – that´s what happened.

ただの筋肉痛でありますように :pray:  早く回復しますように :pray:

見出しは「"I'll do what I want" 」 ちょっぴりなごむ内容です。
Interview: Roger Federer over the tabloids, father, happiness and defeats

Madrid: Locker is on it, "the Roger", as he imagines. And extremely personable. On the edge of the Madrid Open, the tennis player Roger Federer (29) spoken in the luxury Hotel Villa Magna with Ariane Mönikes on his luck as a young father, the four-way battle at the top of world rankings and the Gerry Weber Open in Halle.

Q: Mr. Federer, you have been almost two years father of twins. Now enter the pedal to the games to quickly get home?
A: (laughing): No, not at the matches. But I'll know that I was not so long in the locker room hang out and talk with everyone. I will then quickly away.

Q: Deflects the family for you on the tour did not cover?
A: It is distraction, but a very good one. Papa to be is a great dream come true. The kids are really sweet.

Q: Do they both know who their father actually is?
A: They see me in pictures and on television. That's madness. This time I will not miss. So I take them as often as possible to the tournaments.

Q: Do you have a nanny here?
A: We always have a nanny here, otherwise my wife Mirka not watch my games.

Q: Are you an international star to be recognized on the street. Would you rather have more freedoms?
A: I have to isolate myself, can not make what I want. I have to be taken only to the fact that I'm recognized. But I do not feel restricted.

Q: You lead a normal family life. Your wife goes unchallenged in Madrid with the children on the street.
A: I'm glad that we were not besieged by photographers and journalists. My private life is respected and I am not so often in the tabloids.

Q: If you want your children for even one play tennis?
A: We travel not with small rackets, with which the two walls to cut down broken. We would find it good when they play sports: You learn to lose and win. You need not be super start in tennis.

Q: Do you play less tournaments than years ago. Tennis tired you will not anyway.
A: Not at the moment. I find it important to have a good balance between the matches, training, holidays, family life and all the trimmings. I'm up to my ears, I have to get everything under one roof.

Q: Do you feel as No. 3 in the world rankings unlike before when you were the point man for?
A: Honestly, no. I have played well lately. Sure, some tournaments such as Paris and Wimbledon last year were not brilliant. But I'm on the right track. Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic are deservedly in front of me. I will also not presented as the number three in the tournament, but as Roger Federer.

Q: Could you come to terms on a permanent order to play only the third fiddle to two?
A: As long as I know I can win the big tournaments and have fun at tennis would be no problem. But of course I'd rather be number one than number three. That's my goal, I am not satisfied with the number three.

Q: Do you find it difficult to deal with defeat?
A: It is now easier than before. As a young player who should make the breakthrough, it is much more in terms of victory and defeat. Every defeat is a step back. Today I can better come to terms with defeat.

Q: What are your expectations coming in June for the tournament in Halle?
A: The field is good, this is for me first. Not the points that we can get. The tournament is a good preparation for Wimbledon. I have fond memories of true hall, the atmosphere and I have a special relationship with the Weber family.

Q: This year you are safe ....
A: In the run no nerves are strained, whether I come or not. If you know me now: I'm coming.

Q: Do you have a series defeats against Djokovic. Did you previously have believed him that he can engage this eternal battle Federer / Nadal?
A: The stuff he had to all along. Andy Murray also had very good times. We all played well in the past nine months.

Q: If you look at the four-fight, when to turn again and win another Grand Slam?
A: The best chance of course, Paris and Wimbledon. In Paris I have already won. But there it is not easy, the Nadal-castle that he built to crack. It is because of the exceptional players. But I must not focus too much on Nadal.

Q: Have you kept your level over the years or are the others become better?
A: We have improved all of us. If my form now compare with that of 2005, I am sure that I play better today. The margins have become smaller front.

Q: What do you expect in the coming years?
A: I again want to be number one.

Tagesanzeiger誌にも記事ありますが、あまりたいした内容でもない気がします。一応google訳アドレス貼っておきます。 ... 2F13840511

ところでロジャ伝記「Quest For Perfection」の著者、レネ・シュタウファーさんがTwitter始めましたね。@staffsky です。
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Mutua Madrid Open 2011

未読記事by 俄フェレリスタ » 2011年5月09日(月) 23:15

標高が高いので、ソダーリング君のサーブに苦戦するのでは? と思ったら、PK戦で切り抜け、2セットで勝利。決勝に行けるんとちゃうか、との期待が浮上する中、Semisでナダル君との試合に元帥が臨みました。
「バジェステロスさん、天国で見とって下さい!!! 」
「標高が高いし、これはいけるのでは?? 」
fuyuさんが言及されている試合ですが、私は見られませんでした。何せ、家にPCもWOWOWもなしでしたから。今もWOWOWは無いけど、いやぁ、PCって本当に便利ですねぇ。おかげで、あの熱戦を見られましたから。ですが、今週は、Giro d’ItaliaとMasters@永遠の都の二本立てで、タフな1週間になりそうです(泣笑)。
Roger fan
Roger fan
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登録日時: 2007年5月15日(火) 20:51
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