Roger's Charity Exho Matches with Rafa (Zurich, Madrid)

ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。

Roger's Charity Exho Matches with Rafa (Zurich, Madrid)

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年12月20日(月) 01:27

12月21日 チューリッヒ Match For Africa
20:00 選手登場  20:20 試合開始

12月22日 マドリッド Roger vs Rafa

ライスト、TTVであるみたいですが、きっと他でもやるに違いない・・・。WOWOWでは1月2日(日) 18:00 より録画放送。


 Rogiはゲラですね~ :lol:

There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Roger's Charity Exho Matches with Rafa (Zurich, Madrid)

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年12月20日(月) 10:35

記事↓ ★追記:到着時のビデオが見れるようになってるヨン。1分25秒 ... -da-163000
一人だそうです。到着後FB2度も更新。今回はFBのチェックが外せませんね :wink:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Roger's Charity Exho Matches with Rafa (Zurich, Madrid)

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年12月21日(火) 12:41

FBまた更新しましたね :lol:
昨晩はCredit Suisse Match for Africaのパーティがありました。
画像タキシード、決まってます :yeah:



チューリッヒでRogi勝利、マドリッドでラファ勝利では、あまりにミエミエでしょうしね~。2連勝がいいけど、それもなさそう :thiking:
・・・連投すみません。一人盛り上がりでカキコ続けてます。。 :oops:

OTですが、上に貼ったyoutubeで思い出したRogiの笑いの発作ビデオあと二つ。皆さん良く御存じと思いますが、あらためて楽しもうかな、と :lol:
もしや、Rogiはスペイン語がツボ? :ウィンク:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Roger's Charity Exho Matches with Rafa (Zurich, Madrid)

未読記事by nocko » 2010年12月21日(火) 14:36

fuyuさん、ありがとうございます :D
Tennis TVでライストやることをすっかり忘れていました。
なるべく楽しんでみることにしてみます。 :lovesign:
(^_-)-☆Good Luck Roger☆画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36

Re: Roger's Charity Exho Matches with Rafa (Zurich, Madrid)

未読記事by Yoppi » 2010年12月23日(木) 14:42


Zurichでの対決はロジャーが4-6, 6-3, 6-3で勝利(^-^)

Madridでの対決は7-6 (7-3), 4-6, 6-1で、お約束どおりナダルの勝利☆








☆You can make anybody loves Tennis☆!/XxoYoppi1221(Twitter アカウント)ブログ)
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Federer fan
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登録日時: 2010年12月14日(火) 18:30

Re: Roger's Charity Exho Matches with Rafa (Zurich, Madrid)

未読記事by プーさん » 2010年12月23日(木) 20:03

お写真で~す。 ... 5a9e8c45a5

画像 正座の仕方が乙女 :lol: かわいい~ :loveaura2:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 104
登録日時: 2010年1月25日(月) 16:17
お住まい: 神奈川県

Re: Roger's Charity Exho Matches with Rafa (Zurich, Madrid)

未読記事by onm » 2010年12月24日(金) 01:03

プーさん さんが書きました:
正座の仕方が乙女 :lol: かわいい~ :loveaura2:

きゃはっ♡ホントだ、正座しちゃってる!かぁいい .: *:・(○´∇`人 …ス・テ・キ♪.: *:・ :loveaura:
しかし、横のラファにかしこまってるようにも見えたり… (; ^ω^)


:heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain:
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Re: Roger's Charity Exho Matches with Rafa (Zurich, Madrid)

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年12月25日(土) 01:16

Schweizer-illustrierte誌掲載インタビュー記事をrf.commerさんが英訳して下さいました。 :bounce:
ざっと読んだところでは、今回のチャリティについて多く語っています。とても良い内容です。 ... si_2010_50
画像 画像←こっちは最新号仏語版

コード: 全て選択
He fights for the poorest in Africa. Roger Federer talks about his mission, he was able to get Rafael Nadal to Switzerland and what is important for him as a father

"I want to be a role-model"

By Nik Niethammer and Stephanie Ringel

Roger Federer, your mother is from South Africa. You have been to Johannesburg very often during your vacations. How is your relationship to Africa?

I have a lot of Africa in me. I feel strongly connected to this continent. In former times we visited out family near Johannesburg at least once a year. Afterwards we travelled through the country. Whenever I see pictures of this incredible beautiful countryside I get really moved. Those who know Africa know what I'm talking about. The people there are so open, friendly and courteous. When you enter a restaurant you get immediately included into a conversation. You get friends in Africa really soon.

How have you perceived the poverty?

I already got in contact with the poverty during my travels as a child. Unfortunately it always was a part of Africa and therefore it was never a shock for me. Other countries, other conditions. But my experience was also that you can be happy even when you are poor. They don't have much, they don't need much and they are creative with the few things they have.

You fund with your Roger Federer Foundation aid projects in Africa.

Africa means a lot to me and therefore I want to support Africa. I don't do it out of pity but because I believe in the potential of the people. I especially want to give the children a chance and to help them to take their life in their own hands and to make more out of it when they want to. It is important for me to give them a positive attitude to life.

The charity event "Match for Africa" against Rafael Nadal on December 21st in Zürich will probably attain a seven-digit sum. Do you already know what you are going to do with it?

The money will go into the foundation first. We plan in the long run and look carefully for the best possible projects. These ones we support several years as part of a relationship. We concentrate on education projects in the poorest countries of Africa. It is important for us to include the people in situ in our activities. They have to assume responsibilty and do their bit in order to prevent a dependence. We don't want to give just money but also to care for the use. After the Swiss Indoors in Basel my parents went to South Africa and Zimbabwe.

They visited three projects there.

When we are on site we check if the organization is trustworthy and professional. Do they have a clear vision and a realistic target? Do they make the right thing in order to help the children? When you want to improve the education at a school it isn't enough to build a nice house, to employ good teachers and to supply books when the children are going to fall asleep during the lessons because they are hungry.

Is your foundation a tribute to your Southafrican mother?

A good question, I have never seen it that way. But yes, somehow it's true. I'm happy to give something back to my second home South Africa. My mother and father are really dedicated members of the foundation board. Without them the Roger Federer Foundation would probably not exist.

The foundation was established in 2003. You have been to Ethiopia in 2010 in order to have a look at one of the projects there yourself. How was this visit for you?

That was a very emotional moment for me. I don't visit our projects every day. We support a school in Kore Roba, 40 kilometres away from Addis Abeba. It was great for me to see that with our support we can really effect something.

How have you been received there?

The school, even the whole village, organized a wonderful, heartfelt welcome. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with the children. To inspire them. I felt: You do something right here, you can cause something positive. That was important for me and that's why I took part in a race over a stubble field, danced and sang with them. I got a many presents like a scarf, a hat or colourful jars. They are now all in my apartment in Dubai.

Back to Zürich. Next week you are going to meet Rafael Nadal in the Hallenstadion. Your big rival in sport, who took the #1 ranking from you. How do you get along privately?

Very good. We nearly have to do with each other every week. I'm president of the ATP Players Council and he is my vice. We already appeared together a few times for charity, for example earlier this year in Australia where we played for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Since years I wanted to do something big for my own foundation but so far it has been to much for me and I didn't felt mature enough. Now I'm 29 years old and it's the right moment to do it. I'm very happy that we could organize the "Match for Africa". The reactions are overwhelmingly positive and I'm really looking forward to it. The proceeds from the match in Zürich will go to the Roger Federer Foundation. One day later I'm going to play against Rafa again in Madrid. The proceeds from that match will go to Rafa's foundation.

Will it be a fun event or a hard fought match?

It is something special for me to play for the first time in Switzerland - at my home - against Rafa, even though it is a friendly match. We want to show the people a good spectacle. We love to play tennis.

Is this match going to take place every year now?

We will see. At least we know meanwhile how to organize it.

In Basel your wife surprisingly brought your twins with her to the final. Will they come now as well?

At the Swiss Indoors Mirka thought: So many people around the world, especially friends, haven't seen the children for a long time. She wanted to surprise them. It was important for me to share this special moment with my whole family. Therefore I was very happy that they were there. If the family is going to be in Zürich will be decided short-term like it is usual with children.

Myla and Charlene are 16 months old. Do they talk meanwhile?

Yes, they slowly starting with it. Mirka and I am talking in Swiss German with them. The nanny and my mother in English, Mirkas mother Slovak. I think that everyone should talk in their language with them. I grew up with Swiss German and English. When I went to the training centre of the tennis association in Ecublens when I was 15 years old I had to learn French in addition. Today I benefit from it. This is something I would like to make possible for my children as well.

How has the father's role changed you?

For me a dream comes true to be a father. It's wonderful to have a family around me. You naturally grow into the father's role. First of the mother is playing the central role with breast-feeding and cuddling. There the man has time to look and learn. I'm someone who wants to help and support Mirka as much as possible. In the future it is going to be interesting because I can start as a father to teach them things. I think what you can give them on their way today they don't have to learn anymore. And then you ask yourself suddenly important educational questions. What do I want the children to learn?

What do you want?

The language thing we decided intuitive. We try to be much outside with the childre and spend time in the nature. Recently we have been to the zoo for example. At the moment the time is very intensive, everything is new and interesting for the kids. They are like two little butterflies who want to discover everything. They are constantly running around. Especially in the evening they aren't that secure anymore on their feets and that's when you are really required.

How do you want to be a role-model?

I don't only want to be a role-model for my kids but also for many other children. As their favourite athlete, favourite person, maybe as their idol. Good behaviour, politeness and honesty are important to me. You shouldn't be focused only on yourself but to see the hardships of others and react to this. That's why I'm active in my foundation. When I got choosen to be a role-model I want to be a help for the children and their parents, a positive role-model. I'm not just the tennisplayer but a normal person with strengths and weaknesses. It's important for me to show them. That's why I go into TV shows like "Sportpanorama". The people should see me live and authentically as I am.

You only missed two weeks out of the first 16 months of your twins. The girls are with you all the time. Just in 2010 you have been travelling around the world three times. Isn't this stress for the children?

Of course we ask ourselves if we overstrain them. We try everything to keep the stress as less as possible for the little ones. We travel with 15 to 20 piece of luggage, that's quite crazy. The children have their favourite toys with them and we try to make a cosy and pleasant environment out of every hotelroom. It is important for me to have much time with them. It is a huge joy to see them daily and how they are growing up. My family, Mirka and the children, are the oasis of energy for me. Beside this the children enjoy it to frolic with me each day.

How does the Federer family celebrate Christmas?

The togetherness with the family is paramount for us, even more now that we are parents. We have a Christmas tree in our living-room since two years which Mirka and I am going to decorate. We like to listen to Christmas songs and enjoy the time we have together. When Charlene and Myla are a bit older I want to bake "Guetsli" with them.

You are able to bake?

I'm going to learn it then - with Mirka's help.

明日ヒマがあったら要約するかも・・・・・です。張り逃げごめん。今夜はこれにて :zzzz:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

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