Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。

Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by mint » 2010年11月17日(水) 07:27

いよいよ始まります :拍手: :拍手:



:?: :?: :?: あの敗戦を思い出すベルディヒが別のグループなのは、私にとっては嬉しいですが、ノリノリのソダリンが同じグループだ :shock:

5位に落ちちゃったマレーがどんなプレーをするか、チョイ不気味です :?

日曜日からの1週間、グランドスラムで、毎日QF・SF・Fを見られるのと同じレベルの試合が続くのは、超興奮ですわよ :bounce:


記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年11月19日(金) 21:31

mint様、トピたてありがとうございます。 :感謝感激:

ハイ、もちろんRogiが一番素敵です!!! :ハート:

会見あったのかどうかは不明。スクリプトも見つからない。しかし言葉はもれ聞こえてきてます。 ... 37952.html ... treak.html
マッチポイントを握りながら敗れた試合について反省 :lol:
マイアミでベルディヒ、IWでバグダティス、ローマでグルビス、USOでジョコ、更にハレでヒューイットに敗れた(MPではなく、4-4 and 0-40 で)。
2008年のmono、2009年の腰痛(背中かも)、2010年の肺感染症はトレーニングプログラムに重大な影響を与えた。←←← :!: 追記しました
今年はWB後、USO後にたっぷり練習出来たので、今その成果が出ていると感じている。 ←←←←← :!: 追記しました
(ナダルとマレーについて語っていますが・・・ばっさり省略 :wink:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年11月20日(土) 22:11

連投すみませぬ。niceなインタビュー :D  原文ドイツ語。rf.comのLaRubiaさんの英訳。

Federer : „I proved the prophets wrong“
19th November ... ympia.aspx
コード: 全て選択
The Swiss talks about his rivalry with Nadal, his big aim Olympic Gold and new tasks – like changing diapers

By Jörg Allmeroth

Roger Federer (29) is the present most successful tennisplayer. The Swiss surpassed the records of his sport in the past years at will, meanwhile won 16 Grand Slam Titel and won all 4 Grand Slam Titles at least once. In 2009 Federer married his longstanding girlfriend Mirka Vavrinec and became the father of twin girls Charlene and Myla at the end of July last year.
From Sunday Federer is going to play as one of the favourites at the ATP Masters Cup in London (World Tour Final).

Mr. Federer, a normal day at a tennis tournament: You are surrounded by autograph hunters and a huge crowd. You get photographed and pose with the fans.
Does this leave you cold or does this attention still means something for you?

If you are going to ask me if it is a burden to be Roger Federer in these moments the answer is: No. Not at all.
I enjoy it when the people are interested in me and when they show this interest.
And there is nothing better than to write autographs for kids because they are always really happy about it.
I like to do it even more now as I have children myself.

Your life has changed since you became a father.
Does travelling and the life on tour got more difficult for you with the kids?

Fortunately not. Both girls are real champions in travelling and seem to like it to be on the road.
Not even the change of time zones and climate seems to trouble them.
That has made everything much more uncomplicated as I thought it would be.
Mirka is a huge help for me. She takes a lot of work from me.

Were you afraid of the new responsibility and the difficulties which could arise in this exceptional job when it was sure that your wife was pregnant?

First of all my wife asked herself: Will I be able to accompany my husband now as much as I did? Will we be separated more often?
But these fears are all gone meanwhile. We are both grateful that we can enjoy the travels together with the kids.
I would have had massive problems to leave Mirka behind and to leave the whole childcare to her.
I see myself as a modern father who knows his tasks, who takes care of the children because he likes to do it wholeheartedly and not because someone says him that he has to do it.

So that’s how you then became an expert in changing diapers.

Well, that has been the most asked question in all those months:
Mr. Federer, do you also change the diapers?
It was never missing. And to actually answer it: Yes, I have become an expert.
Meanwhile it has gotten a bit more difficult and takes more time because they are moving much quicker.

Your big winning streak last year, your triumphs in Paris and Wimbledon:
Have you got spurred by the prospect of becoming a father?

I was running over the court with tailwind.
I got extremely spurred, also because I saw how good Mirka was feeling during the pregnancy.
That has calmed me down and highly motivated me.
It was really difficult to beat me in that time.
And I proved the prophets wrong who thought that Federer wouldn’t win anything anymore once he has become a father.
In Melbourne I won the first Grand Slam title as a father and I hope it wasn’t my last one.

Do you plan your schedule now more sensible in order to keep away exertions from your family?

I don’t really have to do this because I was already before never really a friend to rush from continent to continent.
I found the optimal way to schedule a season with 16 to 20 tournaments and with travels which are comfortable.

Do you feel that your body doesn’t take the strains as good as during your teenager years?

No. Quite the contrary. I’m feeling better than ever.
Probably because I practice more sensible and therefore better. I also get better care.
At the moment I don’t have any doubts that I will be able to play even after 2012.
Not only to play but also being able to win.

After the title at the Australian Open at the beginning of the year the season was rather average for you.
What separated you from the big titles?

The pneumonia in February threw me off track. I took it a little too lightly, went from Dubai to California even though I felt weak.
There have been a few close losses but not really disasters. I have never felt really bad.
Rafael Nadal played the best tennis in the deciding moments at the big tournaments and therefore he is the rightly #1.
But there is not really an overwhelming dominance from one player.
Amongst the top 4 players everyone can beat everyone permanently.

One got often the impression in the last years that you started to play good tennis when the whole world was writing you off.

I don’t look every day in the newspapers or surf the internet in order to read how bad I’m supposed to be. I have to blind out a lot of things.
Even in the last months I was always firmly convinced that I’m on a good way and do the right things.

What are the right things?

To practice well. To stay mentally strong and not to get broken in the head when things aren’t working as you would like to.
Fortunately I didn’t had to go through crisis that often but when there were disappointments I was always able to overcome them.
This mentally strength is important and gives you the needed courage when you have problems.
You know that there will always be a way for you.

How difficult is it to motivate yourself when you have won all titles and broke nearly all records? You could have retired already.

I want to prove myself that I’m still able to get these victories on the highest level continually.
The desire to win has never decreased.
And then you have this: You practice many hours, many days, many weeks just for yourself. 2, 3 people are watching, the coach, the physio.
But then comes the moment when you go on the court in Paris or Wimbledon.
15 000, 20 000 people are there and you want to show everything, to give everything.
And you want to win. Like an actor wants to play perfect on the stage and enjoy all the applause after all the rehearses.
When these atmosphere and moments don’t motivate you anymore it’s surely time to question everything.

You once said that your drive would be still to become better with every match you play.

Of course. I’m a perfectionist, someone who wants to produce beautiful, pure shots.
You are looking for the perfect moment and know deep down that it is an eternal search because there are always new opponents, new challenges, new styles, which you have to adjust to.

Is there something which especially annoys you at the life on the tennis tour?

Not really.
This life out of one’s suitcase, being on the road the whole time is sometimes a strain.
You are feeling homeless, like a nomad.
But I’m like many of the people on the professional tour: When you are on the road you complain about travelling. But when you are at the same place for a longer time you have itchy feet.
It isn’t a job which you are going to do until pension.
I’m indeed happy and pleased with my life. How could it be otherwise?
I know it is a privilege to live and to work like I do. So there’s no need to complain.

Do you have more fun on the tour now because you know how things work?
Or do you sometimes miss the adventure?

No, it’s much nicer to have gone all the ways already once.
To meet people again who have become friends. Familiar faces, familiar places – that’s great.
And I have good memories on all those places.

You nearly only play at the big events like the Grand Slams or Masters.
You hardly appear at the smaller tournaments which are a steppingstone for many players.

Yes, that’s true and I really regret it.
The small tournaments have their own charm. The spectators are more enthusiastic and closer to the stars.
And as a player you feel the euphoria much more intensive, this natural pleasure that the topplayers have come to the tournament.
Just like in Halle or Estoril or at home in Basel..

You could just play more of the small tournaments.

At the moment I’m committed to play the top events. But this can change quickly when I get older. Then it can happen that I take all the liberties and play where I enjoy it the most.

Is Nadal the biggest rival of your tennis life?
The man who you have to fear the most and who you respect the most?

He is, without a doubt.
We have played so many big matches and good ones. That’s a fascinating rivalry for sure.
I’m happy that he came back that strong.
Our matches always brought up the best of both players.
I never doubted him unlike as many journalists and experts.

In the world of tennis the known topstars decrease.
A lot happens between Federer, Nadal, Djokovic or Murray.
Where are the new faces, the young sky riders?

I don’t know a new superstar and think that’s as much a pity as it is a surprise.
During my teenager time there have been 2 or 3 new strong players with each season – Hewitt, Safin, Ferrero or Roddick.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the game has become more physically and the way to the top is more difficult.
It seems as the times are over were a 17 years Boris Becker could win Wimbledon.

Is it your last big aim to win the Olympic Gold medal?

It is still missing in my collection. 2012 is indeed an important goal.
Hopefully I won’t have any big injuries before it.
Olympic Games in Wimbledon are really a big opportunity for me as I have always the chance to win in Wimbledon.

And the real Grand Slam, the triumph at all Majors in a year?

You can’t run behind all these records or plan them.
I take the tournaments as they come and am very relaxed.
You can’t really prepare for Wimbledon for example. It’s more like a balancing act.
First you have this big hurdle, the French Open. It’s like a concrete wall.
And then suddenly you have Wimbledon.
At the end it’s very simple: When it happens with the Grand Slam it would be great. If not it’s not a tragedy.
You can’t handle these aims like a task.

Let’s get away from the Centre Court: How does an ideal day without tennis look like for you?

I’m spending as much time as possible with the children.
But it is also important to have time for Mirka.
Sometimes you are busy a few days only to look after the kids together and to solve this or that problem. And then you suddenly notice: What have we both done alone? How have we talked to each other?
I’m trying to watch out.
I was lucky enough as a father to see my children growing up until now. Day by day, even though when I was at a tournament.
That’s the most wonderful in this current phase: To have time for the twins and for Mirka.
That’s enough for me to be happy

How do you talk with the children?

95% in Swiss German and sometimes in English.
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by ハルカ » 2010年11月21日(日) 16:40


(コートではキリっ`・ω・)b、スーツでは可愛いロジャ :oops: に期待・・・って変かしらん?)
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 253
登録日時: 2007年5月15日(火) 00:06

Round Robin vs.David Ferrer

未読記事by hiroco » 2010年11月22日(月) 12:14


def. David Ferrer:6-1 6-4






Go! Roger!!! :スイスフラッグ:
最後に編集したユーザー hiroco [ 2010年11月24日(水) 01:59 ], 累計 2 回
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 27
登録日時: 2010年7月12日(月) 15:48
お住まい: 兵庫県

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by hiroco » 2010年11月22日(月) 14:26

フェレール戦のあとに行われた2010 ATP WORLD TOUR AWARDSの



来年もファン投票で1位に選ばれますように :D
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 27
登録日時: 2010年7月12日(月) 15:48
お住まい: 兵庫県

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by minacle » 2010年11月22日(月) 14:30

みなさま、トピ、お写真などなどありがとうございます。 :感謝感激:

あぁなんてロジャーステキなのでしょうか :oops: :oops: :oops:
赤ロジャ(いえ、青でも黒でも白でも裸でも :mrgreen: もうなんでも!)はより一層映えて
ロジャーの静かでいて激しい闘志を感じ思わずドキっとしてしまいます :ハート: :ハート: :ハート:

ロジャーは絶対かちます :yeah:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 101
登録日時: 2008年7月17日(木) 00:42

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by nocko » 2010年11月22日(月) 21:37

mintさん、皆様、ありがとうございます。もっぱらロムってました。ロジャーの初戦はちょっと雑なところもありましたが、ストレート勝ちでよかったです。今回の赤は映えますね。さて、マレーも調子良さそうで怖いけど、ここを勝って、ソダ戦に余裕が欲しいです。頑張れロジャー! :lovesign:
(^_-)-☆Good Luck Roger☆画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by marinmama3510 » 2010年11月24日(水) 09:13

昨晩のマレー戦快勝でしたね :D
隙の無いrogiのプレーに魅了されました :oops:

朱色のrogiの素敵なこと :ハート: 画像

: :lovesign: :lovesign: :lovesign:
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 50
登録日時: 2008年8月29日(金) 20:08

Round Robin vs.Andy Murray

未読記事by hiroco » 2010年11月24日(水) 10:46


def. Andy Murray:6-4 6-2



バンダナを投げるRogi、なんてカッコイイんでしょう・・・ :ハート: :ハート:



:スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ: GO! ROGER!!! :スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ:
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 27
登録日時: 2010年7月12日(月) 15:48
お住まい: 兵庫県

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by Riko » 2010年11月24日(水) 23:37

みなさまスクリプト、フォトなどなど大変ありがとうございます。 hiroco様、はじめまして。Rikoと申します :感謝感激:
ほかにもうっかり私のご挨拶が抜けていた方がいらしたら誠にすみません :ゴメン:
みなさま、今後とも宜しくお願いします :-D


1. ロジャー自身による自己紹介(好きなショットはフォアハンド、など 8)
2. テニスとの出会い
3. テニスへのmotivationの源は?
4. 今年の自分を評価すると?
5. ロンドンの抱負

といったことを答えており、とっても素敵に作られているビデオですね。 とりわけテニスへのmotivationを話すロジャーは生き生きしてます。
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 42
登録日時: 2010年6月03日(木) 13:12

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by mint » 2010年11月25日(木) 21:05


てなわけで、もう一回じっくり見たくて、切り取りました :D
記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by marinmama3510 » 2010年11月25日(木) 23:15

mint さん、そこおもしろかったので、私も二度見直しました :D

ネットが「rogiまだ行かないでー!」って事かな :oops:

ソダ戦始まりましたね。今日も魅惑のプレーで酔わせてね :スイスフラッグ:
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 50
登録日時: 2008年8月29日(金) 20:08

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by mint » 2010年11月26日(金) 10:57

やった~~全勝 :拍手: :拍手: :拍手:
1位通過~~ :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

ファーストセット、ブレークバックされたときは、ああああ :(  だったけど・・

このショットがすべてだったような :yeah:

今日は高みの見物といきましょう :D
記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
お住まい: 兵庫

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

未読記事by mito » 2010年11月28日(日) 09:02


さっそくインタビュー映像が来てました :ハート:
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 41
登録日時: 2009年8月22日(土) 08:08
お住まい: kanagawa


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