Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

投稿記事by 越前hiromi » 2010年11月29日(月) 04:59

   ロジャー  優勝おめでとう。 :bounce:
   素晴らしい  1週間をありがとう。 :スイスフラッグ:
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 22
登録日時: 2009年3月01日(日) 19:57

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

投稿記事by fuyu » 2010年11月29日(月) 05:00

6-3、3-6、6-1  :holdingtrophy: :occasion:
赤花火 :青花火: 赤花火 :青花火: 赤花火
画像 :lovestruck:
画像 :hugpc: :blinkheart:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

投稿記事by 北海のかめ » 2010年11月29日(月) 06:25

ロジャー優勝おめでとー!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

それからmintさんいつもいつもビデオアップ、本当にありがとうm(_ _)m ございます。散々ダウンロードしておきながらお礼が遅くなってしまいました。
本当にうれしいー!! 試合前家の鍵がなくて探してたけど、途中からライスコに貼りついて、そんなことどうでもよくなった(笑)
どっかにあるさっ明日見つかるでしょう。そんなことよりこの優勝ゆっくり味わってシーズンのエンドといたしましょう :D

Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 66
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 21:02
お住まい: オランダ

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

投稿記事by プーさん » 2010年11月29日(月) 06:27


コーフンしすぎて眠れません :oops:



:ミニ花火: :キラキラ: :花火s: :パステル花火: 赤花火 :青花火:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 104
登録日時: 2010年1月25日(月) 16:17
お住まい: 神奈川県

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

投稿記事by onm » 2010年11月29日(月) 07:56

:パステル花火: :キラキラ: :パステル花火: :キラキラ: :パステル花火:

なんていい朝! ♪♪♪♪Happy (ノ^^)乂(^^ )ノHappy♪♪♪♪
:heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain:
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Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

投稿記事by たか » 2010年11月29日(月) 12:54

やったー!! :スイスフラッグ:

やっぱりロジャーですね :lol:
マレー戦見たときに優勝するのでは!?と思いましたが :wink:

調子もよかったし、集中しやすいインドア :yeah:

いいのかもしれませんね :lol:

来年が激楽しみなので継続することに決定しました :mrgreen:

来年もよろしくーがんばれロジャー :スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ: :スイスフラッグ:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 109
登録日時: 2007年5月15日(火) 10:28

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

投稿記事by fuyu » 2010年11月29日(月) 15:25

会見スクリプト、大会HPより先にこちらに出ました。 ... nd-fondue/
コード: 全て選択
Q. Fifth time you’ve picked up this particular trophy. How satisfying is it at the end of this week to have come through in the circumstances you have?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, obviously it’s fantastic. I’m really thrilled the way I played all week. To win a fifth time is obviously amazing, for the third time in a different place. Like I told you, it would be great to win in Houston, Shanghai, and also now here in London.
Yeah, I’m just really happy the way I was able to finish the season in style, playing some of my best tennis, really saving the best for last. Really playing a lot of, lot of tennis at the end of the stretch here, trying to really get myself geared up and ready for this particular tournament. Then obviously beating Rafa in the finals makes it extra special because of the year he had.

Q. At the end of the second set when he came back at you, what were your emotions then? Did you feel it was going to be a tough, tight third set?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, I think the game I got broken, I hardly made any first serves, if any. I don’t want to say I gave it to him. But obviously Rafa is good enough off second serves he’s going to win at least 50% off them usually unless you’re on a roll and he doesn’t kind of figure out your second serve.
But at that point, he was into the match. He knew the importance of it. He was able to find a way to break me in that game. So I just really tried to focus harder on my first serves to make sure I make them. You know, just focus even more of doing the right things. Then I knew that I could come through.
It was interesting the way he played. But I stayed offensive. I knew in the long run that could be vital, which it was at the end, so I’m very happy.

Q. What do you think of the way you started the match, were playing really fast, not giving him any time, any rhythm? Was that part of your plan?

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, obviously I tried to be aggressive. I hoped sometimes I was going to make less mistakes.
Look, as long as I wasn’t down in the score, there was no need to panic. I was serving real well, hitting my spots well, hitting my backhand well, which is obviously key against Rafa, because obviously with him being a left‑hander, he finds my backhand a bit easier than other players.
I always knew it was going to be an interesting match. I think we obviously have a huge amount of respect for each other. I admire his game. I think he admires my game. That always makes up for a good fight.
Today was another great match, I thought, with some fantastic rallies. I know it doesn’t take anything away from his great season, because it was magnificent. For me, obviously this was a huge tournament. You know, winning the last one against top‑10 players is extra special.

Q. How have you changed or have you changed the way you prepare tactically for the matches and the tournaments since Paul joined your team?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, first of all, I guess I had to regain some confidence. That only comes through winning matches. After having somewhat of a disappointing clay, Halle, Wimbledon stretch, where I wasn’t able to win any tournaments, maybe didn’t play some of my best tennis, played a bit passive, it was important, once the hard court season came around, that I was able to pick up my game, start moving better, start feeling well physically and mentally.
I’m sure Paul has helped in this regard. So has Severin. He’s helped, as well, over the last few years. That’s why I’m very happy with my team at this stage of the season. I can obviously thank them for great work. It’s through their hard work and my condition trainer, my physio, my wife and kids and everybody, it’s been wonderful traveling with them.
It’s been intense at times obviously, a lot of sacrifices. But, look, it seems like we made many right decisions towards the end of the season. My body was able to, you know, cope with a lot of playing I did. I played five tournaments in seven weeks now. So it’s been real intense. Obviously, I feel quite tired and exhausted at this point. But who cares in 20 years, you know. So very happy how I feel right now.

Q. Rafael Nadal was 11 months without winning a title. You had ups and downs last year. Many people thought it was an end of the domination of Nadal/Federer. This year you won all the four slams, you and Nadal. Is this going on now? Do you think the domination, Nadal/Federer, will go on also next year?
ROGER FEDERER: Who is ‘they’?

Q. Many, many, many journalists.
ROGER FEDERER: I’m not sure it’s that many. After all, sometimes you just stir up stuff and there’s nothing really there.
Look, obviously with Rafa having won three Grand Slams in a row, seems like not many people stopping him. And now that I’ve found back to my best form as well, when I’m on, that’s a hard thing to do, as well.
Look, Murray, Djokovic had another great year, maybe lacking some of the bigger titles. Murray won two against me in the finals, too. That is a positive sign next year for him. Then you have other guys like Berdych and Soderling that had another excellent season and were able to beat me a few times. I don’t know if they beat Rafa this year.
Look, I think tennis, the men’s game, is at an absolute high right now, with a lot of exciting games being played, with a lot of respect. Also I think having had me and Rafa both made the career Grand Slam already at a young age I think is great for the game.
We’re obviously playing not only for ourselves and beating the other guys, but also for history. I think there’s a lot at stake always in all our matches we play in the future. I think it’s wonderful.

Q. I know money is not important, but you’ve won £1 million in eight days. Got your eye on anything particularly special?
ROGER FEDERER: I need holidays. Time is money these days. It’s nice to get money. Sure helps. But this is not why I’m here. Look, the memories I take away from this are much greater than all the money I won.

Q. A question about the semifinal match with Novak. How would you compare this semifinal to the US Open semifinal? Was Novak really playing much better then or did you start playing better in Basel and here?

ROGER FEDERER: Possibly. Maybe I learned my mistakes in New York. But as I mentioned once before, I thought it was quite tricky mentally to prepare for that kind of a tough match knowing it was best‑of‑five sets and Rafa had an easy run through to the finals, that he was going to be completely fresh on Sunday. I didn’t know rain was going to come on Sunday. I didn’t plan with that. Maybe that’s why the second and fourth sets kind of were over in a hurry. That’s one thing that’s never going to happen to me again. You live and you learn.
I thought Novak played a great match. I could have won, should have won. I ended up losing because Novak played great. That’s the way I lost some matches this season. It’s been unfortunate at times. But I always believed that I still had a good season, which I did. I proved it again today, so I’m very happy.

Q. For some people you open a dictionary and your picture would be under the entry for gentleman. (HA!! – f.f.)
ROGER FEDERER: Your call. I don’t know.

Q. In a certain way, do you think this tournament is also a message sent to people sometimes who question your form, your mental status, et cetera? As far as I’m concerned, you showed some flawless displays, saying 2011, watch it, I might be back?
ROGER FEDERER: Depends on how you see it, how negative you watch tennis. I think the fans I have, they believe in me regardless if I’m winning or losing. Obviously winning helps.
Look, I’ve had a good season. I don’t see how someone can say it’s been a bad season. I had some tough losses, sure. You’re not going to win every tournament you play. Obviously I can’t play every season, make 16 out of 17 finals like I did back in 2005. It’s just not realistic.
I’m happy I made another I think it’s been my ninth final this season. I’ve won five titles, won a slam. Everything was there. I think physically I was better than the last two seasons I’ve had. That obviously makes me be very positive for next year, that I believe I can have another great season in 2011, which is important to feel.

Q. On that point, how important was this title for you as you look ahead to defending the Australian Open in a couple of months?
ROGER FEDERER: Ask me after my first‑round loss in Australia how important it was (smiling).
I don’t know. Look, the goal is obviously not to lose first round, but trying to win it again. I like the pressure of being defending champion. The memories for me back in Australia are very emotional, very nice. I love playing there.
I’m excited starting in Abu Dhabi and Qatar, gearing up for the new season. Looking forward to some rest and practice, too.
I’m sure I’m going to play well. That never guarantees success. But I’m sure that the confidence I took away from this tournament could help down the stretch. And beating fellow top‑10 players could always have some mental play at some stage of the season. So there’s many positives to take out of this tournament.

Q. Most of us in December have to watch what we eat and drink because or waistlines get bigger. Do you have to watch what you do over the Christmas period? Can you indulge yourself a little bit, get crazy, have a couple nights out?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I can eat biscuits and everything, have fondue and everything, no problems, deserts 10 days in a row. I don’t know how it is with you. It’s a good thing to work out and to eat healthy. That’s what I do.
I never have to be too careful. I think when it gets dangerous is when you get injured and you can’t practice as much and all that stuff and you keep on eating the same amount, which you usually eat, because that’s what you kind of need to be able to perform well.
No, I eat very healthy to start off with. That helps to cause from not getting any bigger and heavier, even though heavier means stronger, but not all the time.

7週間で5大会 :shock: 本人も言っているとおり、本当に疲れたと思います。お疲れさまでした。そしてありがとう。 :すげぇ〜:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西


投稿記事by つるるん5 » 2010年11月29日(月) 19:34

Mr.胸板 :oops: 選出もおめでとう。
Federer fan
Federer fan
記事: 57
登録日時: 2009年8月03日(月) 19:37
お住まい: 大阪

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

投稿記事by Marie » 2010年11月29日(月) 22:16

:holdingtrophy: :holdingtrophy: :holdingtrophy: :holdingtrophy: :holdingtrophy:

全米終ってから2敗しかしてない。。。 :shock:

すいません、あんまり嬉しいのでさらに写真貼らせてくださいませ :lovesign:

いろいろしんどいこともありましたが、終わりよければ。。。になりましたね :yeah:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 282
登録日時: 2007年9月20日(木) 15:51
お住まい: 関西

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

投稿記事by 俄フェレリスタ » 2010年11月30日(火) 00:47

 フェデラー元帥が、最終戦で優勝なさいましたね!! 元帥閣下、おめでとうございます!!!! 土&芝の両GSの後は、元帥に何が起きているのやら、今後どうなるのか、不安でしたが、シーズン終盤に来て、調子をあげ、ATP World Tour Finalsで見事に優勝。
 対ルパン戦を 拝見した時、
 で元帥は、SEMISで会場の空気を全く読まずにH.M.S. A. Murray号を座礁、沈没させたナダル号と、決勝で対戦なさる事に。…実は、私は試合を録画し、睡眠応援と化してました。ごめんなさい。
 そうそう、EL MUNDO紙のウェブに、こんな記事が出てました。
 “ラケットを持った、BARCELONA VS REAL MADRID”…テニス版クラシコと言いたいのか…
ですが、大会期間中、パシリ&線審の黒メインのユニと水色のコートに何か既視感がありました。で、録画しておいたGIRO D’ITALIA 2010を観戦していた私は、黒メインで水色をあしらったTEAM SKYのユニに、ハッと気づきました。
「もしかして、TEAM SKYと同様、SKY SPORTSがスポンサーだから、黒メインのユニに水色コートなのか。でも、テニスの方では1スポンサーでしかないのに、コートとユ二の色を決められるのかな。」
と、混乱してきました。当初の直感に従い、海がモチーフのコートカラーリングだ、と思う事にします。因みに、TEAM SKYのウェブはこちらです、参考までに。
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 158
登録日時: 2007年5月15日(火) 20:51
お住まい: 三重県

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

投稿記事by fuyu » 2010年12月01日(水) 23:07

中継ではイマイチよく分からなかったMP。きっちりIN :yeah:

決勝後のロッカールーム。20秒くらいにMirkaのハグ :ハグ2:  sweetですね~ :ハート: 8)

終わり良ければすべて良し。この記事のハイライトはここかも↓↓↓↓↓↓  相変わらずおおっぴらにのろけてます :lol:

同様の内容の記事はスイスのSFSPORTSが簡潔にまとめてくれています。Google英訳 「Federer: A perfect start, perfect finish」 ... -Abschluss
適当に要約すると・・・ :oops:

(このあたりが良く分からない・・・ :?


①「Rafael Nadal doesn't need ・・・・・・」 ようやく私が思っている事を言ってくれた人がいる。 ... cuses.html

この記事の元ネタ「The Federer-Nadal Rivalry, Rekindled」↓↓↓ 対戦成績などを細かく分析 ... rekindled/

スイスへはクリスマス直前、エキシビ頃に帰国するのでしょうか・・・。 ... onsor_work
良い休暇を!!!!! :wevey:  今度はパパラッチに見つからないように。 :ウィンク:

There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2010

投稿記事by プーさん » 2010年12月03日(金) 10:06

ここにお写真がたーっくさんあります~ :ハート: :ハート:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 104
登録日時: 2010年1月25日(月) 16:17
お住まい: 神奈川県


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