Davidoff Swiss Indoors Basel 2010

ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。

Re: Davidoff Swiss Indoors Basel 2010

未読記事by fuyu » 2010年11月09日(火) 13:04


http://www.videoportal.sf.tv/video?id=d ... f97bed6c96
Roger says that it felt a bit like when he was serving for his first Wimbledon. At 5-1 he knew that there was no way that he could lose, even though it's still possible, but he played great and he knew that he was so close. He felt in a similar way also in Paris when he was serving for the match. This was for sure his most emotional win for this year since the AO.

The woman says that he again wrote history because he won the title for the 4th record time. Is it possible to get used to writing the history? Roger says that it's always been happening lately. He tied Sampras's number of titles at Stockholm.. Now he won his 65th title. It's great that it happened at his home tournament. You can't get used to it but it's always nice to be in the history books ahead of your main competitors Nadal, Murray, Djokovic...

Next he speaks about the girls. They weren't all the time on the venue. Roger and Mirka took them with them on the finals in Stockholm and on the final in Basel. It looks like they really bring him luck. He knew that they were there but he didn't know that Mirka would take them in the stadium this time... How do they react when they see him win? He says that they are still too young to know what's going... But they find the trophies very interesting because they shine so nice.

最後は'03WBや'09RG並みにこみ上げるものがあったんですね。それで涙ぐんでいた・・・ :ハグ:
双子ちゃんはストックホルム決勝でも会場に来ていた。ラッキーガールズなんだ :D  しかし姿を見せるとは知らなかった、と。全てMirka様の判断 :wink:
girlsはピカピカで綺麗な優勝トロフィーに関心を示している :lol:

http://www.blick.ch/sport/tennis/federe ... ors-160175
Roger says that the win was very emotional for him almost like the RG final when he was serving for the title... When he was 5-1, so close and playing so well and thinking "Now I can do it".. He says that these strong emotions show how much the tournament means to him and that he still enjoys playing so much....

It's a long term goal to get back the number 1 but even if he can never do it, he still has the record of being #1 for the longes period of time without interruption which is a record that won't be broken soon.

these strong emotions show how much the tournament means to him and that he still enjoys playing so much....に注目しました。
当分は連続No1記録は破られないだろうと・・・誰にも破って欲しくない、絶対に :non:

bazonlineのインタビュー記事の英訳。 FCBasel試合の時のテニスボールの件、やはり全然気にしてません。
http://bazonline.ch/sport/tennis/Ich-fi ... y/21854199
BaZ: Roger Federer, was it the perfect day?
RF: Not quite. The weather could be better. FCB (FC Basel) could have won (laughs). But otherwise it was a very nice day. When the score was 5-1 in the third set I almost had tears in my eyes because the victory was so close. But then I told myself: pull yourself together because against Djokovic you shouldn't rejoice too soon. He is a very dangerous player.

BaZ: He has proven this many times.
RF: Yes, like he did last year. I didn't want to experience this again: it's not so funny to leave the court just as a finalist and not as a winner. All the more I was happy about this victory and I also showed it. It's really nice that at 29 I still have such emotions.

Baz: Can winning of the home tournament be compared to winning a GS title?
RF: Of course not in terms of points and prize money. But I don't play tennis in the first place because of this, I rather do it because it gives me great pleasure. This includes also matches like the one against Djokovic. The DSI tournaments are very important and very emotional for me.

BaZ: By the end of the match there were two very special and honourable guests in the crowd...
RF: You mean my daughters. I didn't know that they would be in the stadium. But then they couldn't make it right up to me. The hurdles were too high for them. Of course I was extremely happy because of them being there.

BaZ: A couple of months ago you were criticized because of your QF losses at the FO and Wimbledon. Now everything seems right again, you've been playing great tennis lately.
RF: It was part of the media who exaggerated it back then. It's not like I lost ten times in the first round. The other players are also able to play. I knew that I had to prepare well for the hard court season when I was in Switzerland in the summer and then everything would be well again.

BaZ: You already surpassed Sampras with your 65 titles. How much does it bother you that you needed just one more week as number 1 to surpass him also in that?
RF: I don't play tennis in order to break each one of Sampras's records (laughs). We are friends after all. Of course it would be nice to break this record as well and of course I will do everything I can to achieve it. But I was the longest running number 1 which is also something.

BaZ: On Wednesday you play in Paris against Richard Gasquet or Nicolas Mahut in a tournament that you could never win.
RF: I don't know why either. Maybe I already had the Masters on my mind which take place shortly after. Now I want to see what will happen this year.

BaZ: The fans of FCB threw tennis balls on the field in Luzern to protest that because of the DSI final their match had to start at 12:45.
RF: I saw highlights of the match earlier and saw the protest actions. I find this very funny and original.

BaZ: In fact it's unusual that a top match from the Swiss football championship has less priority than a tennis final.
RF: Yes, but that's just an exception. This is the case only with the DSI. Moreover in tennis we can't choose when our matches start either. Sometimes we start at 1 in the afternoon, then again at 8 in the evening.

貼り逃げ~。。ちなみに、Basel公式サイトでは既に来年の大会に向けてカウントダウンが始まっています・・・いくらなんでも気が早い :笑:
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
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