Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

ロジャー・フェデラーにハートを射抜かれた :ハート: 、Rogiオタsのみなさ〜ん、日本語でRogiについて語り合いませんか?
この「We love Roger!フォーラム」はRogerをこよなく愛するRogiオタ達が集いワイワイがやがやきゃーきゃー・・と騒がしく楽しく意見交換する場です。

Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by わいたろう » 2009年4月21日(火) 12:35

Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 716
登録日時: 2007年5月20日(日) 00:26

Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by fuyu » 2009年4月21日(火) 13:41

わいたろう さんが書きました:票が多くても入荷可能になるかどうかわかりませんが、是非とも清き一票を。

「上の投稿に共感! 1票!」をクリックすればいいんですか? クリックしてもなんか実感が伴わないですけど???

wedding 関連追加情報
Rogi はトム・フォードのスーツを着ていました。お馴染みのプラダじゃありません :lol:
(あらまぁ、ピッタリ 8)
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by Marie » 2009年4月21日(火) 15:03

fuyu さんが書きました:「上の投稿に共感! 1票!」をクリックすればいいんですか? クリックしてもなんか実感が伴わないですけど???

それで大丈夫と思います :)
さきほど一票投じて、ついでに「発売日は4月20日」と書き込んでまいりました。 :wink:
さっき見たら10票入ってました。皆様もどうぞよろしく~ :yeah:
どれくらい票が入れば検討してくれるのかなぁ???一応私会員なんですが、よくわからない。。。 :thiking:
Rogi&Mirka, Happy Wedding!!! :heartrain:
:スイスフラッグ: :lovesign: :スイスフラッグ: :lovesign: :スイスフラッグ: :lovesign:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 282
登録日時: 2007年9月20日(木) 15:51
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Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by ちーこ » 2009年4月21日(火) 18:18

わいたろう さんが書きました:


今一票投票しようとしたら、「入手困難」とのお知らせがありました。 :(
しかし4月27日にはSchweizer Illustrierteのサイトで全部読めるようです。 :D
記事: 347
登録日時: 2007年5月18日(金) 13:18
お住まい: ウイーン

Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by yuuka » 2009年4月22日(水) 01:52


二人が本当に幸せそうで、と〜っても嬉しくなっちゃいます :D

早く記事全部読みたいです〜 :ハート:
Roger fan
Roger fan
記事: 122
登録日時: 2008年8月23日(土) 21:24

Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by mint » 2009年4月23日(木) 07:41



ちーこ さんが書きました:4月27日にはSchweizer Illustrierteのサイトで全部読めるようです。

早く見たーい :ハート:

私、最近の試合は、liveで見ることが出来ません :(
記事: 361
登録日時: 2007年10月31日(水) 09:38
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Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by Lisa » 2009年4月24日(金) 19:01

記事: 497
登録日時: 2007年8月10日(金) 10:30

Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by fuyu » 2009年4月27日(月) 13:03

Schweizer Illustrierte誌のE-Paper出てます。4月20日発行#17、12ページからです。 ... 4c42eb7d20

ziggyddxさんのお友達が全文英訳してくださいましたので貼っておきます。長くて苦戦しますが、なかなか面白いです。 ... icID=27517
41 words, one exclamation mark.
“Dear Fans
Earlier today, in my hometown of Basel, surrounded by a small group of close friends and family, Mirka and I got married. It was a beautiful spring day and an incredibly joyous occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Federer wish all of you a Happy Easter weekend.

When was the last time it happened? A world star marries. Quietly and silently. And we only found out the good news, because a few hours after the ceremony, the wedding couple themselves announced it on the website in a few lines. Typical Roger Federer. The tennis superstar likes it discreetly. So we are more curious than ever to see the photos and look at the faces of the happy groom and bride. And we are fascinated. Roger and Mirka are glowing, both look in love and are smiling broadly. See how they cuddle each other: “You are my wife. I am your man”. These are moments full of tenderness and intimacy. The photos were taken by a friendly photographer, on Easter Saturday, on 11th April 2009. On this day, Roger Federer, 27 and Mirka Vavriniec, 31 said yes to each other and become husband and wife.

Mirka Vavriniec spent the evening before the wedding, in five-star Dolder Grand Hotel in Zurich, where she rented the Carezza Suite for herself and her friends. It is The Top-suite, inspired by the Swiss artist Alberto Giacometti and is 230 square meters in size. Special extras: a bath made from white marble and gold-plated toilet brush. Price: 8000 francs, but Mirka didn't stay overnight. While his girlfriend celebrated in the stylish hotel in Zurich, Roger Federer chose Spreitenbach in the canton of Aargau for his wedding-eve party. The four time sportsman of the year, his father Robert and a handful of friends did some rounds on go-karts (motto: “There's always something going on").

The friends of Mirka and Roger are now back, when shortly before 2 p.m., the door of the registry office in Basel opens, and the bride and groom appear, hand in hand, in gleaming sun. The love makes them look beautiful. Enchanting really. The flowers are raining. People are clapping, tears are flowing. Mirka is wearing a dress in broken white, with immaculately puristic A-line and empire waist, which ends just above the knees. It was designed by Oscar de la Renta, 76 (dressed Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Reagan and Hillary Clinton) who is the friend of the couple. The shoulders of the bride are covered with bolero jacket made of silk chiffon. Not only the waist shines with the diamond optics. They also sparkle in the earrings, bracelet and wedding ring.

On the way to limousine, highly-pregnant Mirka has little balance. She is wearing eight-centimetre delicate stilettos made by Manolo Blahnik. The Spaniard is the global famous shoe-maker since Hollywood star Sarah Jessica Parker tripped as Carrie in “Sex and the City” wearing his high heels.

Roger Federer also proves style. The tennis ace (he is friends with "Vogue” editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour) is wearing a black, figure-hugging, three-piece suit and a vest from Tom Ford, currently the trendiest men’s tailor in the World. The blazer of the U.S. designer, with the two pockets on the upper right side reminds suit from the sixties. Maybe in the smaller pocket, Roger put Mirka’s wedding ring. We don’t know. Fittingly to the suit, Roger wears a shirt with prominent shark collar. The necktie is tied with the Windsor knot. Sweet detail: eggshell-coloured tie and pocket handkerchief, matched to Mirka’s dress, were also designed by Oscar de la Renta. Roger on the most beautiful moment of his life: “I thought it would more relaxed, because we've been together for so long. Once you get married, there's not a whole lot that changes. Yet it definitely does changes your mindset, your life. It is great. From the registry office in Basel, the couple goes, in a white Rolls Royce Phantom, to Riehen BS. They head to the magnificent Wenkenpark, which was started in the 20s. On the terrace of Villa Wenkenhof, the parents of Roger and Mirka – Robert and Lynette Federer and Drahomíra and Miro Vavrinec as well as 35 invited guests, wait for the bride and groom.

Roger Federer also proves style. The tennis ace (he is friends with "Vogue” editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour) is wearing a black, figure-hugging, three-piece suit and a vest from Tom Ford, currently the trendiest men’s tailor in the World. The blazer of the U.S. designer, with the two pockets on the upper right side reminds suit from the sixties. Maybe in the smaller pocket, Roger put Mirka’s wedding ring. We don’t know. Fittingly to the suit, Roger wears a shirt with prominent shark collar. The necktie is tied with the Windsor knot. Sweet detail: eggshell-coloured tie and pocket handkerchief, matched to Mirka’s dress, were also designed by Oscar de la Renta. Roger on the most beautiful moment of his life: “I thought it would more relaxed, because we've been together for so long. Once you get married, there's not a whole lot that changes. Yet it definitely does changes your mindset, your life. It is great. From the registry office in Basel, the couple goes, in a white Rolls Royce Phantom, to Riehen BS. They head to the magnificent Wenkenpark, which was started in the 20s. On the terrace of Villa Wenkenhof, the parents of Roger and Mirka – Robert and Lynette Federer and Drahomíra and Miro Vavrinec as well as 35 invited guests, wait for the bride and groom.

At 3 p.m. o caterer Peter Gamma and his team (Gamma Catering) serve a glass of champagne (Veuve Cliquot). Mirka takes only a few sips. That’s out of consideration for the baby she carries under her heart. It will be a boy, betrays Roger: “We don’t have a name yet, but Thanks God we have some time to choose”.

A marriage. A first child together. It is a coronation of love which began more than 10 years ago. Roger met Mirka for the first time in a training session in Biel. “I was calm and concentrated, but Roger made a lot of noise” recalls Mirka. “He sung Backstreet Boys songs at the top of his voice. I liked him even then. But the coaches were upset and kicked him out.” The two becames close at the Summer Olympic Games 2000 in Sydney. Federer lives in the Olympic Village in an apartment. The 19 year old leads the Swiss tennis delegation, to which Mirka also belongs. Later in an interview Mirka said that she didn’t notice that Roger was interested in her. On the last day of the Olympic Games, on 1st October, Roger kisses his Mirka for the first time. The successful tennis player, is a newcomer to the conquest of which he is proud. Roger and Mirka kept the love secret for many months. The pair spends the first vacation together in November, 2001 on the Maldives. The love lasts. When Roger wins his first big title in 2003 at Wimbledon, Mirka is still on his side. “She is the most important person in my life, along my parents of course” Roger reveals during one of his rare personal interviews. And let us look into his soul: "I am very happy about everything she does for me." He tries to return a little bit to her: "Especially when we are on holiday, I do everything for her. If Mirka wants to go shopping for ten hours, I go with her. She waits for me ten hours during every tournament."

Now the wedding guests wait. On the terrace of Villa Wenkenhof Mirka throws her bridal of with white peonies over her shoulder.

Around 5 p.m. the team of Reto Gamma serves the first dish of the wedding menu: lobster soup with lobster ragout, Gemüsewürfeli and Favebohnen or asparagus foam soup with Spargelcroustillant and Bärlauchpistou. Then: spring salad with french dressing, Taglialini with black truffles and truffle sauce. Finally, a lemon sorbet. Roger Federer has personally selected the dishes. The wedding guests sit around the tables in a hall decorated beautifully with pink flowers. The walls are decorated with a silk wallpaper.

What Roger doesn’t know: on the terrace the band Säntis Yodeller is preparing for their performance. The tree Appenzellers from Teufen are the surprise of the evening. Roger’s grandmother from father side was born in Weissbad AI. The world’s best tennis player is in one fourth an Appenzeller.

Üeli Koller, head of the trio, says: “At the beginning of the year there was a question whether we were interested in a special appearance in Zurich, we would certainly not forget.” Colleague Ed Tanner: “We accepted." A week before Easter, Tanner’s phone rings again. It is Federer’s father. The appearance is in Basel, at the wedding of his son. Tanner, farmer by profession: “When I found out where we should play, I almost dropped a power saw from my hand!. Roger's father wished that we only performed traditional Appenzeller songs. I said, we also had "Ewigi Liebi” in the program, but he didn’t want it. He wished that at the wedding we performed only typical Appenzeller Jodel. He especially wanted to show his daughter-in-law Mirka where the Federers originally come from. "

At 6 p.m., after the first course, Ueli Koller, Edi Tanner and Ivo Streule appear in their Appenzeller costume for the first time to swing thalers. They intone a Zauerli, Roger, Mirka and their friends come to the terrace, listening to the sounds cozy. Later, Roger goes to his father and thanks. Koller: “Then he came with his wife to shook our hands. He said he was very touched and had immense joy. Then Roger and Mirka pose for photos with the Yodel Group. - I stood next to Roger. He laid his arm around my shoulder, and we smiled at the camera. This was a very special moment, I was quite nervous”, says Koller. He has not even dared to ask for an autograph.

The Säntis Yodeller finish their second appearance before the main course: Züri-Gschnätzlets with hash browns, Erbsli and Rüebli, in addition a Castello Luigi Rosso del Ticino (wine) from 2005. After three songs, Robert, asks for an encore. "Roger thanked him again. He liked our performance very much" For dessert, there is a three-sorey wedding cake with hazelnut filling, in the colors of white and pink. And a French Cheese Buffet. The Yodeller leave around half past nine, the guests celebrate until well after midnight. There ends a day which will remains unforgettable for all who took part. Roger Federer has arrived. With Mirka, the woman of his life.

Down-to-earth and extravagant at the same time: So nicely Mirka and Roger celebrated.

Traditionally, the wedding party was entertained by the band Säntis Yodeller from Teufen AR. On the terrace of the Villa Riehen Wenkenhof (from the left): Ueli Koller, 37, Edi Tanner, 34, Ivo Streule, 37. Koller: "Roger had enormous pleasure in our performance. He is a very nice man."

Roger and Mirka exchanged vows in the civil registry office in Basel.

The newly married couple celebrated with 39 guests on the ground floor of Villa Wenkenhof in Riehen BS. Roger selected the dishes himself: Züri-Gschnätzlets, Rösti, Erbsli and Ruebli.

In Villa Wenkenhof the wedding party lasted until well after midnight.

Noble shoemaker:
Mirka appeared in Stilettos made by the Spanish shoe-god, Manolo Blahnik, 66 ("Sex and the City") before the registry office.
The pink nail polish had some feather applications!

US style king:
The bride said “yes” in a dress of Oscar de la Renta, 76. The US-star designer (he already dressed Jackie Kennedy and Hillary Clinton) is a friend of the pair and designed a dress in A form with empire waist, the bolero jacket of silk chiffon complemented the impeccably elegant look.

Family jewels:
Was the wedding ring made by Miro Vavrinec? The rumour circulates that Mirka’s dad, who owns a goldsmith studio in Kreuzlingen TG, designed wedding rings.
High class diamonds:
The earrings and the bracelet (is it from Tiffany?) of the bride.

Mister Perfect:
Roger Federer’s black, three-piece suit with the two pockets on the upper right side reminding suit from the sixties comes from Tom Ford, 47 (007 Daniel Craig also wears suits from “King of Cool”). Fits: shark collar shirt and tie from Oscar de la Renta with the Widsor knot.

Heart for Children
Roger Federer Foundation donates around 500.000 francs every year.
Roger Federer does not only play unusual tennis. He also has a huge heart for children. At 22 on Christmas Eve in 2003, he created the Roger Federer Foundation which works primarily in Africa and supports educational projects for poor children.

The foundation board, consisting of Roger, Mirka, his parents and three other close people, decides on the assignment of the means. Currently the RFF supports projects in South Africa, Tanzania, Mali, Malawi and Ethiopia. Every year the foundation donates around 500.000 francs. Also the Swiss sports younger generation is at Roger’s heart: Since 2007 RFF donates 35,000 francs to the sponsorship program of the Swiss Sport Foundation. With it, 13 young, talented athletes, who need financial help are supported.

Account for donations:
Raiffeisenbank Allschwil-Schönenbuch
IBAN: CH 53 8077 5000 0080 3657 1

元気のある方、訳してくださいな :感謝感激: :wink:     画像 by ethan13さん またまた可愛い!!! :D
There Is NO Finish Line. Far From Done.画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1108
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 03:25
お住まい: 関西

Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by nocko » 2009年5月10日(日) 20:57

:ハグ: :ハグ2: :heartrain:
(^_-)-☆Good Luck Roger☆画像
Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 1119
登録日時: 2007年5月14日(月) 00:36

Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by わいたろう » 2009年5月14日(木) 13:17


Masters of Rogiオタ
Masters of Rogiオタ
記事: 716
登録日時: 2007年5月20日(日) 00:26

Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by Lisa » 2009年5月14日(木) 16:47

わ~い! 男の子なんだ :yeah:  ロジャーJr.はどんな顔してるんだろう。楽しみ :ハート:

デュランデュランの歌がドンピシャですね :拍手:
記事: 497
登録日時: 2007年8月10日(金) 10:30

Re: Congratulations!!!! MR. AND MRS. FEDERER

未読記事by onm » 2009年11月04日(水) 09:57

ミルカが最近Schweizer Illustrierteでインタビューを受けたらしく
rf.comでFedfan_4_ever さんが書きました:Posted by eve83 in another thread :

QuoteIn the Schweizer Illustrierte is an interview with Mirka. They are also on the cover, a pic
From the laureus. The boss of the mag who writes the intro tells about roger, how he first
Met him (he was a former pro), describes how he changed from this shy boy into that popular man. There's a gorgeous pic of roger, yummy.

I translate the interview for you.

They met her at the laureus. She was waiting for rog in the press conference room and was
Taking pics with her digi-cam, how sweet.
Woww, this interview really got me. It's unbelievable what she does for him and what she's
Giving up!! What a stunning lady, respect!!!!

Q: Mirka, it's impressive with wich calmness Roger everything does. And he looks great.
A: I like it a lot, when he's dressed like that. When I see him like that - healthy, relaxed, Beautiful - then I feel very good.

Q: Are you responsible for his outfit?
A: I'm part of it, yes…

Q: Where do you shop?
A: In the whole world. But we are a lot in zurich (my hometwon, yeyyy), we have many
Friends there. And the city is a shopping-paradise (it is indeed, yeyyy).

Q: But not very cheap…
A: Right. But I also like cheap-things. I like to mix it. Also because we travel a lot and have
To take care that our laguage is not too heavy.

Q: You're wearing a beautiful ring on your finger…
A: It was a gift. I don't want to say more about it (hmm, sounds intresting)

Q: You have your mobile/cellphone, blackberry, always ready…
A: I get over 50 emails every day.

Q: And you answer them all?
A: If possible - but sometimes, I just can't do it.

Q: You are something like Roger's Chief-Assistant…
A: …sometimes I realise that I almost don't have time for myself. And I also can't do
Much sport anymore - that's why I have a few pounds too much. I'm fully aware of that!

Q: Is that disturbing you?
A: It's about Rogi now. He's the number 1 in the world. You are that only once in your
Life. My time is still coming. After the tennis. We have discussed this like that.

Q: How important is it for your relationship that you were a pro yourself once?
A: Very important. I'd even say, that's why we get along so perfectly. No other woman could
Deal with so much tennis. It's all about tennis, every day, every minute.

Q: You know what Roger feels and you understand, what an athlete needs…
A: …absolutely. If he wants to sleep long, I definitely won't wake him up by getting
Up early. That's why I wait, till he awakes. Or when he wants to play cards with his friends
Or watch a football-match, then I let him do that. His days are always so busy…

Q: Roger looses very rarely. But when, does he need comfort/support?
A: Roger is a very good loser!

Q: You protect him wherever you can, sometimes you make yourself unpopular with that.
A: I don't care, if every now and then someone thinks I'm a devil. Who critises me, should
See, what we have to deal with.

Q: You give so much and you gave up so many things. What is Roger giving you back?
A: Much, very much… Roger profs me everyday his love! He tells me everyday very nicely
Thank you. He's a very attentive man. He gives back a lot. He spoils me.

Q: He takes you to the most wonderful playes on earth.
A: Well yes, but there's not much time for a privatlife. We have 4 weeks holidays, as
Everyone else.

Q: You were raving about Zurich. Are you planning to move?
A: Our base is Basel. But who knows, maybe one day.

Oh btw, Rogers Style-'adviser' is a lady calles Trudi Götz who owns a a boutique in zurich.

:heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain: :heartrain:
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